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S2 licensed
Does anyone else see this as an opportunity to fine tune low speed tire behavior and suspension modelling?
S2 licensed
not working for me... I'll keep trying things though
S2 licensed
Oh here we go again
S2 licensed
n the case of a Drag race they should be green already, Danowat
S2 licensed
Deffinitely +1 for this, tire warming according to both compound and situation.
S2 licensed
+1 for formula Vee and may i suggest Formula Super Vee?
S2 licensed
Love the prototype Ramtech.

The rest of you, with few exceptions..... i thought we weren't allowed to do production cars?
LFS Haiku Contest
S2 licensed
As some may know a Haiku is a Japanese poem. Haiku use 3 lines, the first with 5 syllables, the second with 7 syllables, and the third with 5 as well.

There is no prize other than enjoyment, but your Haiku must be about racing. Your inspiration could be anything from starting grid jitters, to pit-lane mishaps. Tone could be comical or down right depressing.

Submissions need not be in english, but a translation into english should be provided for the international community

I'll kick it off with an example:

Petrol like perfume
Dueling screams from the Engines
Driver's heart flutters

I know, it's corny but it's an example.
Last edited by KeiichiRX7, .
S2 licensed
Grats guys. Just now saw the thread.
I guess it would have been about a year... you guys formed just a bit after ZWR did.

3 cheers for our brothers on track!
S2 licensed
As Team principal of ZWR, I would like to personally welcome Stuart aboard. I haven't had the opportunity to meet you personally yet due to both my habit of only running the latest test patch, and my work schedule, but I look forward to meeting you this weekend, fate willing.

Your addition brings new depth to our team and new insights to our drivers. For that you have my thanks. You also have my thanks for choosing us as your team. For a relatively new team like ours, bringing in new and talented drivers is a great way forward.

Thank you and Welcome Aboard,
Owen Atkin
S2 licensed
I have a proposal or two on this.

1) Bring it back as a homolugation version of the FXR, it's street legal cousin. Throw it with appropriate figures into the LRF class. HP would be lower than the FXR by a great deal but still conciderably faster than the TBO's. Non adjustable wings. Not much lighter than the standard FXO

2) Give it slicks, strip it out and match it up against the XFR and UFR as a 4wd companion to the class. This would bring teh C-GTR class more competition, and flesh it out, also creating a complete second GTR class. One might also want to see an XR and RB variant in this class as well.
S2 licensed
+1 on DP's and LMP's
+1 for a GT1 class
S2 licensed
+1, but becky's right, the fans would have to either moe to thier seats and leave when thier favorites arent around anymore, OR change each race and slowly mix out the old drivers/number of drivers
S2 licensed
Quote from srdsprinter :weakest.... excuse... ever...

And with that, I am done here.

Whiniest post ever. It's best to say "The rules for this even have not changed even though the patch has changed"

the governing body of the event you've signed up for has made a decision, get the hell over it
S2 licensed
they mean the autocross object.
S2 licensed
If there were to be a "Toyko Ring", I would love to see it based on the Shoutokou, or the highway system that runs thru Tokyo. Relatively un known, but it's quite on par with the Nordeschleife. Only problem is that you people woud get quite bored with the Wangang expressway (if you have the horsepower you can reach speeds of more than 270 MPH) because it is quite long and quite straight.
S2 licensed
+1 for the magic tourbus. A big heavy, lumbering vehicle souds like somethign good for teacig driving basics.
S2 licensed
The weather should definitely be optional/global (global with the option to not use ther weather server).

The time cycle issue has the potential to very much ruin LFS for some, and make it great for others, this one should be treadupon with care.

server location might not be the best time option. but it's an option.
Track location would make several track unusable to large portions of the community.
setting the server time manually might just be the key.

and really the hourly time cycle isnt that bad an idea, so +1 for setting cycle length and time of year, since that affects the day/night ratios
S2 licensed
Quote from neglouseight :Oops, sorry for the typo.

to be honest, it's right both ways.

Costume parts would be like costume jewelry, trashy trashy trashy with no substance.
S2 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :While a global system adhering to real world weather and time of day could be restrictive for players in some senses ('raining at BL, hmm... I think I'll skip that'), the flipside is that the tracks themselves would most likely gain an incredible amount of added atmosphere and believability. If it's night-time and raining softly at BL for everybody everywhere, it helps cement the notion that Blackwood's a real location somewhere, naturally operating under it's own laws of environmental and temporal variability.

I thought at the beginning of this thread that it should be optional to toggle real world weather/time data- but what if it weren't? It means you'd have to adapt- take on the track and the weather on their own terms... a thrilling proposition! And sure their would be restrictions, but hey, that's life. If for example, you didn't enjoy night driving, you'd have to choose another track that was in the day cycle. That would shake people out of their preferences, and encourage them to seek out new combos. A few more tracks added from different parts of the world, and I'm pretty sure it could work. But maybe I'm being optimistic.

At present, LFS is defined as the online simulator where 'you' do the driving. Imagine the possibility of an LFS where you do the driving, but 'nature' does the weather!

Shake them out of thier preferences or cement them to the "only track that has aceptable light conditions?"
S2 licensed

Suggest it here, If he updates to teh new insim protocol you might be abel to get him to toss your guage in. Frankly i'd love a guage like that
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :Big +1 to the setting of the server location. I'd hate to want to run somewhere and it be raining all the time because of where the track is "said" to be at. This way, those of us who frequent US servers will get weather more to what we are accustomed do and those on the UK servers will get what they are accustomed to, for example.

When I fly online with FS9, I always have real time weather running.


must have the option to use server selected weather though. letsw face it most of us just dont have the time for league races to be getting postponed by rain
S2 licensed
because if MAKES you think about the weight transfer. theres a reason that the first thing you learn to drift at the Skip Barber drift school is a dodge dakota
S2 licensed
^^^Or for people tired of being embarassed by thier countrymen, or taking flack for where they are from
S2 licensed
Formula V6 lights is a formula some friends an i used to run with Mekanik. was an absolute blast to race, even on some courses putting down times on par with the FO8. Lower Power Less weight. took some reall grande huevos to hit the braking points, because they were so late