Quick inventory of some of the stuff in the immediate area of my tower, monitor and keyboard:
folding pocket knife
stop watch
2 watches
a computer fan and various connectors/leads/adapters/wires
a pile of Chinese fortune cookie fortunes
a roll of tape
big Swiss army knife
rubber bands and assorted twisty ties
10-15 assorted SCCA stickers/decals
SCCA rulebook
tape measure
2 instruction manuals for things I don't recognize
a coffee mug with pens, pencils, a pair of scissors, a screw driver, and a cap gun revolver (orange)
various timing sheets and race results sheets from sessions and races of varying dates
a job application I never got around to filling out
an Altoids can containing a manual pencil sharpener and shavings
cards from various holidays and family members and friends
1 physics book
2 books on the armed forces
my cell phone
2 Skip Barber racing school folders containing paperwork
1 folder marked SCCA Licensing containing race license paperwork and records
a blue squishy ball that I assume is for squeezing
a small reminder card from my dentist about an appointment a year ago
a half-dollar coin
a can of silicone oil spray
and a MadCat mech statue that sits on top of my computer case