Which is fine as long as it's funny, which it simply was not to me. Admittedly I wasn't familiar with the ginger stereotype to its full extent, to me it just meant a person with orange/red hair. Now that I've done a bit of research and "educated" *cough* myself per urban dictionary, I've found that gingers are actually said not to have souls, making it a common myth your joke relates to. Still don't think it's particularly funny, but it helps understand the gist of your pun.
Anyway, to finally get back to topic:
Still haven't had a chance to pick up those tools and spare parts, but I did hack me a nice little gadget to fix the tailpipe on the new exhaust:
My observation is that funnies normally get a "lol" (or something to that effect) on the side by those who were going to post anyway.
I already said I was referring to that one particular statement, any implication of you doing so all the time was unintentional.
Well I didn't mean to pick a fight, nor to offend you personally, but that's what I've apparently done. The point was to bring your attention to the fact that your remark wasn't funny (to me) and mildly offensive in a political-correctness kind of way.
Anyway, this has gone on long enough so if you don't mind, let's agree to disagree.
I apologise for any misplaced stabs I took at you. Truth is, reading the 500servers support thread I've always thought you to be a decent guy, not someone I would expect to say something as cold as "cars have no souls"
I don't generally assume myself to be superior to anyone, I was merely referring to that particular remark as being low, respectively you for making it.
If you scroll through the last few posts you will find that none of your posts provoked a positive response. Four people explicitly disagreed with your statement, none explicitly agreed. Your "joke" failed to provoke any response at all aside from mine.
That doesn't make anyone better or worse than you, nor does it mean you're wrong, because just as everyone else you're obviously entitled to your own opinion, but it's just that. Your opinion.
Where in that sentence are you defining "soul"? You state what does have or doesn't have it, but not what it is. You do not define it.
I was just standing normally while you were playing with mud, no horses (of any height) involved.
Your intent was well understood, but it wasn't funny. Making fun of gingers seems to be predominantly a British thing, so maybe it's amusing to them, but it simply wasn't funny to me.
There's plenty of comedy here and I don't know why you keep bringing "the" planet into play.
I voiced my definition of "soul" and I didn't see you disagree with it, so why is this still continuing?
My argument? I temporarily descended to your level with a short, supposedly witty remark, not an argument at all. You made a pretty stupid statement involving gingers and shoes, surely you couldn't expect much of an argument in response.
Really now? Is there any form of tube to be grown in that you'd consider natural? Or for that matter, is anything that happens in a laboratory natural?
I said "some demand" and if you go on the big wide world of the internetz and watch a few talk show vids and whatnot, you'll find that that's accurate. Some people demand that a developing human being be called a baby from day one, to dilute the distinction between embryo/foetus/baby or something, don't care.
"We" as in mankind, but not all of us, just some. Mostly doctors and scientists, although the latter are generally prohibited from growing human life for scientific purposes.
You said nothing man-made, except shoes, possesses a soul, in response to which I pointed out that it takes a man (I figured you know how reproduction works, so that it additionally requires a woman was implied) to make a baby. Obviously you failed to understand the subtlety of the literal as opposed to the metaphorical meaning.
Besides, we grow babies (embryos really, but some demand we call them babies from the start) in tubes now, is that "natural" by your definition?
You know, some people actually mean "literally" when they say it. Your daddy had some fun with your mum and that's how you came into existence, man-made.
"Soul" is an arbitrary value everyone assigns individually, commonly based on effort that went into its creation or a certain sensation associated with it. If it's something else to you, so be it, you're entitled to your own definition.
Seriously dadge, what are you doing here? You say cars are made for going from A to B, then you say they don't have souls... clearly you don't Live for Speed, at least not such as achieved by cars
Yeah I thought as much, so the turbos are out of the race as well, what a relief
Yes of course, but since I'm assuming the seals are worn, a sticking valve would allow pretty substantial amounts of oil to enter, depending on oil pressure. And of course, there's the cracked valve guide theory.
The throttle body is clean inside aside from the very thin film at the bottom, but the manifold is pitch black, which suggests to me that the oil gets inside the manifold when the throttle valve is closed, thus preventing it from getting into the throttle body as well. That, in turn, lead me to the conclusion that an inlet valve is sticking open, because that's really they only way I see for oil to enter the inlet manifold from the engine. The trace amount of oil/petrol in the throttle body would be explained by residual fluid in the the manifold trickling down in low-rev conditions where there's no boost and barely any vacuum.
Compression test is next on my to-do list, need to get some tools first though and they don't seem to be available locally.
€: Blocking the EGR is illegal I'm afraid, although virtually undetectable, unlike de-cating which leaves the distinct de-cat smell. I won't do either of those though, I want the car to be road legal in reality, not just on paper.
I know but they're about 3k new (the whole assembly), going single is much cheaper but I can't afford the taxes and insurance for more than stock power and I wouldn't want the same power from a single turbo.
Anyway, checked IC piping on both ends, there was a thin film of what smelled like a petrol/oil solution at the throttle body, virtually none at the turbo side, so I don't think that's where the oil is coming from. The Inlet manifold is pitch black though, beginning to think I have a sticking inlet valve or a cracked valve guide, makes sense?
@BigPeBe, the breather hoses were hard and brittle, but intact. Before I ripped them out that is.
As for the Butt-Dyno, you could be right. My butt-dyno was subject to constant miscalibration due to driving low-powered fwd shitboxes most of the time, so even a fairly worn 2JZ which would probably still put out more than 200hp would be a big difference compared to 70 or 100hp.
I sure hope not, because that would point back at the turbos, except to the compression side rather than the exhaust side. I'll go check the inlet manifold and IC piping, but I really hope I won't find any oil there.
It's the combination that does it, what I meant is if the rings were that worn it would definitely result in a significant loss of compression, thus performance, as Klutch correctly states.
Anyway, small update: Took the coil packs out, 1/2 and 3/4 had a few splashes of oil on them, but the plugs underneath were clean. 5/6 however:
Edit: In case it isn't clearly visible on the photo, the plugs are swimming in oil!
Incidentally that's also the corner where the loose nut sits:
But after checking the service manual and finding that those are only supposed to be fastened to 5.5Nm, I doubt it's the cause. Anyway, this shows the cylinder head cover gaskets aren't sealing properly, or at least one of them anyway (they're actually completely separated). However, I'll admit that that's still no explanation as to how oil enters the cylinder(s) or exhaust system.
Head gasket is pretty much out of the race though since it sits below and couldn't really cause oil to get up there, unless I'm missing something?
Anyway, getting to the valve stem seals means taking the cams out, which is really more than I want to do atm, particularly without a replacement gasket kit and proper tools. Already broke the two breather tubes, they were completely vulcanised and brittle beyond what I'd imagined was possible for rubber
I checked, coolant is fine but oil is very low, about 1/4 of the dipstick. Weird cause the last oil change was in June '10, 8 litres capacity so about 6 litres in 7 months. I didn't drive that much, couldn't have been more than 2500km, so approx 2.4L/1000km. That's a bit excessive, but it can't be the piston rings, I definitely would have noticed the difference in performance... or would I?
Crap, perhaps there's more wrong with it than I'm willing to admit.