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Quote from SamH :There have been some cases recently in the UK where politicians have been caught taking bribes to influence policy,

I'm sure every country has seen its share of scandals, but the roman church has almost certainly no need to resort to that, they have plenty of more or less subtle means to influence the decisionmakers.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I realise it's a bit different in Italy, but it's also different again in different countries. Religious freedom is fairly common around the rest of Europe, both legally and culturally

I never said there's no religious freedom in Italy, we have a laicist state you know?

Despite that, if you have enough money you can affect politics and this is true of every state, including the mighty US of A (remember GW Bush right?)
S2 licensed
Quote from :Religion isn't really about the governing body of the church, but what YOUR faith is in.

Like it or not, it's the guys who I was talking about that decide if YOU can be a catholic or not.

As a matter of fact, you cannot reject the pope's teachings as his words are infallible (this is a dogma) and he is the mouth of god on earth.

So you HAVE to believe whatever he says if you want to call yourself a catholic. Otherwise you're outside the catholic religion and you'll need to start your own christian sect.

If you wanna give it a try, I warn you, they are not kind with people who do that. It's basic marketing, they don't want to have another competitor, there enough christian flavors already. Ensure you have enough money and power to cover your ass.
S2 licensed
Quote from :To NightShift: you wouldn't understand, I don't too actually, but there's just something in scriptures that say something about contraception.

On the contrary I think I understand too well, I have to live with the funny beliefs the catholics want to impose onto others basically every day, enjoying the privilege to live in the state that financially feeds the Vatican and its luxurious style of living using the hard-earned money of tax payers.

Want an example of that? Pope and his cronies have raised a fuss over the case of Luana Englaro, a girl that has been cerebrally dead as a result of an accident that happened over SEVENTEEN years ago.

Despite the girl having expressed the will to have the plug pulled should such a situation arise, pressures from Vatican were exerted in basically every possible way, starting with the hospital where the girl was kept in (which was managed by catholic nuns), and then through legal actions towards the family, without ignoring the pro-life lunatics making their life difficult in several ways.

The religious authorities had an easy game with the politicians, as the government through the action of the Prime Minister and the Welfare Minister tried every trick in their hats to stop the plug being pulled.

You understand, with the forthcoming elections for the European Parliament, politicians are especially quick to comply with whatever request come from those guys (as Giulio Andreotti once said: God doesn't vote, but priests do)

It's so hard to say if the robed ones held any interest in the life or death of the already dead girl. They say so but what we see is they fought to impose their beliefs onto someone else.

Doesn't matter if the girl wanted to have it another way. They have The Truth, The Money and The Hospitals. And the politicians too. So they have both the heavenly blessing and the means to make the rules.

Quote from :Plus, being a 'temporary' Catholic is not Catholic at all. If you've got a religion, you ought to follow it everytime, not during times of hardship.

Agree with you, my point being that when the most important figure of your faith makes such a sorry statement there's little to be proud about.

Quote from :Seems I've caused quite a stirrup here..

I can't talk for others but I'm surely taking this conversation in a relaxed way. We're just talking, and I know my words won't change my mind of any fervent catholic, and I know no catholic can change my mind with just words.

There are good people inside the catholic church, but I fear most of the power is outside the grasp of those hands. Things won't change for the better any time soon.
S2 licensed
Quote from whitey6272 :Is it worth it?

Since they now have a sort of free demo (which is the Radical 1 month offer), you can find out about that yourself.
S2 licensed
Not sure it's quite a good time to be a proud catholic, when the pope has been almost unanimously criticized for his statements about condoms not being a solution to the AIDS problem.

It's just a small episode to show what happens when an arbitrary system of beliefs (i.e. with no meaningful relationship to real practical life) is applied in an inflexible way.

To say it all, I'm quite skeptical of all organized religions as they tend to develop in a system of power with its own agenda, which at the same time dodges the limitations that are usually imposed to such organizations when they have a non-religious nature.

Quote from Dajmin :I have been tempted by Space Bat, but I remain a faithful Pastafarian.
It helps fight global warming, what with all the pirates.

Very well spoken
S2 licensed
Quote from John Hilton :i'ver sorted to car thing.... but still only displays on s1 ??

As long as you make available combos which are S1 (e.g. XFG+XRG on BL1 but more than 15 slots*) the server will still be S1. Don't be too concerned about it, that only means that S1 licensed players can join.

If you forced the server to S2 those players could not join anymore, it does not make sense. That's why Scawen changed the way the server mode works.

PS: [*] if the server was set for XFG+XRG @BL1 but <=15 slots the mode would be automatically changed to "Demo"
S2 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :I don't understand why people can't accept that Scawen already said that there are only coming the Scirocco and some minor graphic improves.

You may have missed some of Scawen's latest post where he implies there may be something else in the next patch.

Quote from Scawen :As usual we are working on some things you know about and some things you don't know about.

Quote from Scawen :Don't think we are here working full time on the Scirocco and somehow taking months to release it. We are quite happy working on various things and will release the Scirocco when it is ready. That's just how it goes...

He didn't say those things will be in the next patch for sure. He didn't say those things WON'T be in the next patch...

So the idea the VWS is being delayed by something that he feels ought to be implemented/improved/fixed before releasing it, as you see, is not so far fetched.
S2 licensed
The server selects the mode automagically depending on: what cars/tracks are available and the number of slots.

Inside Airio you can change the cars with the command !cars, e.g. !cars XFG+XRG, if you want to make that change permanent you'll have to edit, there you can select both the default cars or on a per-track basis, so they are automatically changed as soon as the track changes (e.g. because of rotation, or because the players have voted End Race)
S2 licensed
Quote from Wilko868 :so the races will now start at 6.30pm GMT (that is 7.30pm uk time).

I joined just because I expected the races to be at a comfortable time for me after DST.

I guess I have no choice other than to drop out of the league, sorry.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :the cruise filter (i.e. filtering them away to hide them) wasn't really the acknowledgement you were looking for?

If it was just a filter I could agree with you, but he also removed the WRONG WAY message, so after all it IS an acknowledgement
S2 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :Dumb people who don't know what to buy?

Looks like a troll factory has exploded in Lithuania, the wind had them scattered all over lfsforum
S2 licensed
Quote from amsterdeen :So all that we can see here are a small selection of bitter forum racers who have no real server community

I don't believe at all in a clear cut distinction between cruisers and racers, most cruisers also race and certainly a good number of racers have cruised at least once.

This thread IMO is not about bitter racers, it's mostly 'people of a young age' quarreling my server is better than yours, my racing is better than your cruising, my eAppendage is longer and blahblahblah
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Put it in lfs/data/setups

If there's a correct association set in Windows Explorer, double clicking on the file should move it to the appropriate folder automagically
S2 licensed
Quote from Chrisuu01 :I saw this mythbuster video and I was like what they didnt die!?

Most species have developed evolutionary responses to their environments. So if that kind of cockroach comes from an environment subject to periodic floodings, that is not particularly surprising.

I could provide at least two examples of aquatic beings which are able to survive for extended periods (days to weeks/months) outside water with little or no harm, and both are higher placed in the evolutionary ladder than the cockroach
S2 licensed
That feature is planned for inclusion in Airio. There's also Becky Rose's Blue project. No release date has been set for any of those two, though I think BR has planned to have it out for early 2010?

And finally there's the surprise factor, i.e. people working on a CTRA lookalike without telling us...
S2 licensed
You mean like having traffic analysis/stats as you would do for a web server?

I don't think there's anything like that for dedi... you'll have to do your own guesstimates.
S2 licensed
Quote from hyntty :Doesn't it say they're not free when setting the ... setting?

Yes it does.
S2 licensed
Quote from swingkid :just run the dedicated server an have it connected to the interned

Basically the main issue with self-hosted servers is the upstream bandwidth, at least in our country.

The fastest ADSL connection which is still reasonably affordable offers about 100 kB/s, and that only provides for 15-16 slots IIRC. If you had to upgrade your connection just for LFS, it's probably cheaper to rent an LFS server.

OTOH most LFS servers are empty so this is only a problem if/when your server becomes popular
S2 licensed
Quote from MijnWraak :We're just seeing the effects of the loss of CTRA. I honestly have not properly raced since they closed.

But you still cruise? is that your point?

The only thing CTRA and cruising had in common was the 'career mode' i.e. accumulating points/money to access more cars.

So you're saying the demise of CTRA made people turn to cruise servers because they missed the progression?
S2 licensed
Well if the devs wanted to support DIY handbrakes they could add an option to change the behavior, I don't think that would be too hard

I would certainly like to see the button handbrake improved, as of now it's certainly a bit simplistic!

PS: after this thread I'm going to try and see how analog handbrakes work in LFS, I've never tried that and I love doing uphill starts IRL.
S2 licensed
Quote from wartek :maybe they have a problem with people from VW?

I suppose they have signed a contract? that is legally binding, if the VW folks changed their minds Scavier could sue them and have the terms of the contract enforced. And why should VW change their minds anyway?

As far as we are concerned, both the parts have honored their obligations, it's now up to Scavier to release the car whenever they feel is ready, we have no reason to think Scawen has concealed info about it (and why would he?), and we all know he takes his time before releasing something.

Quote from GothaR_SVK :I was still thinking, that VW is going to pay to developers for this as a part of advertisement campaign. Am I wrong?

I sincerely hope they got paid, but IMO it was only for having the virtual Scirocco delivered in time for the GC in Leipzig.

I don't think VW would see having the car included in LFS as 'advertising', the car is only for licensed users and thus will be enjoyed by a limited number of people, who are not necessarily part of the target segment which could be lured into buying the real car.

BTW car licensing usually works the other way round, it's the game developer who pays for the car, meaning manufacturers don't generally see sims as an advertising media.

As the license is something the manufacturer can sell, VW likely threw it in the deal as to save some pounds.
S2 licensed
There are only a couple problems you can run into, one I've already said, the other is if the PSU has 'separate 12V rails' with overcurrent protection.

IF the latter is true, you could have the system shut down for too high a draw on a single rail. That happens not because rails are really separated, but rather on many PSUs the overcurrent protection is applied to every single rail (=branch of the main +12V line), as there's some kind of rule dictating that.
S2 licensed
Quote from SparkyDave :Is it written that the VWS will not be available within the demo content, or is it just speculation?

Yes it has been written although I don't remember if it's on the site or the boards. BTW the VWS is supposed to be available to all S1 licensed users.
Last edited by NightShift, . Reason : Clarified
S2 licensed
If LFS had a basic/advanced setup switch, with a limited selection of settings in basic mode, e.g. tyre pressure, camber, ARBs, diff settings, brakes.

Then it would make sense to have short help text that explains what every change will turn out to.

In advanced mode (as it is now) many parameters are too intertwined for a brief text to be of any help. IMO obviously.