That's basically what I'm doing too, but I'm not looking for a realistic value. I found out it's much better to use FFB just for its purpose: having feedback. I tend to choose the value that gives me the most detailed feeling for the given car.
Keeping the driver set at 105% I use 35% for the XFG and 25% for the XRG. The XRG weighs more so it will always feel heavier on the steer, also in the XFG the steering gets very light under hard acceleration.
I don't think it's even to do that - different weight distribution, suspension geometry, tyres, etc will always make a car feel different from another.
If all the cars felt the same, then there would be something really wrong with LFS.
Everything has been said, everything has been done... and apparently that thought didn't stop you from posting 5k times
Ok seriously now - as long as the same problematic situations pop up, there's a chance for pointing out the underlying issue in a moderate way. The moment I'm not interested in LFS anymore, I'll stop bothering.
Save for the didascalic irony in the story about broadband issues, I can hardly see anything amusing in this thread. Nothing really new has been posted so far, more or less the same things and situations resurfacing from the Postponement announce thread.
Then we faced, and today still are facing, a very typical case of mis-communication. This time it's because Scawen has implicitly set some expectations (i.e. that he would be back working after the holidays) despite he already knew he was going to be away from LFS for some more time.
And it's typical in that it could be avoided altogether with very little effort, i.e. just by saying, I might stop working LFS for more than just the christmas holidays, rather than just now I'm going to enjoy my holidays full stop.
Really, there's no point in arguing forever that Scawen can do whatever he wants, he has no legal obligation bla bla bla - FWIW he could even post 'F-word you all! I'm not going to talk to you until S3' or stop working altogether on LFS, and yet we couldn't complain on a strict factual/legal/whatever basis.
But looking at the big picture I fail to see how both the community and the development team can benefit from the onset of situations like this one. From one perspective it is certainly a very minor issue, but as it happens minor things tend to pile up in huge stacks until they turn into big issues.
Then it's easy to see how this apparent carelessness, when put in a certain context, could be interpreted by some as a sign of a slow, painful death of LFS.
ScaViEr should really be able to work the way they feel like, AND at the same time provide just a minimum amount of clear information so that faithful users are not needlessly disappointed.
I've never heard of 288W PSUs, they used to come rated at 250 or 300W. Is that the 12V line rating maybe? Even better post your PSU maker/model.
That said there are a lot of misconceptions about PSUs, you can run a 90nm A64 system off a decent 300-330W PSU, but unless the system has been optimized for low consumption it's better to opt for a 425W unit because of reduced noise levels.
Some early PCI-E 2 cards had troubles running on PCI-E 1.1 motherboards but I think those issues have been solved already.
Problem is intelligent design is really a pseudoscience whose only purpose is to justify teaching creationism as a science in schools in US.
As far as I'm concerned they could start teaching nouvelle cuisine as a science in schools and it would be more useful and mind-opening than creationism.
One should also point out that relying on the concept of creation opens the door to a boatload of logical issues, last but not least, the problem of explaining how one thing could exist without having been created simply moves up a level, and in a land where everything and its opposite can be held as true simply because there is no reality check.
I laugh at these attempts of making science pass as just another type of religion. When I'm done laughing I start worrying
I think he's suggesting LFS should enforce soft stops instead of relying on the driver to do so.
That way, you would set your G25 to 900 and inform LFS about this, so you would have the correct amount of lock regardless of the car you're in.
IMO it would be waaay better if LFS was able to tell to the Logitech driver 'set the wheel for x degs lock' so we could have scripts set up the correct lock whenever a car is placed on track (much like it happens for the shifter set up now)
Judging from the tone of his previous posts, I guess the Scawen was just a tiny wee bit fed up of the forum, otherwise he could have told that himself around Christmas instead of let people guess for over a month.
TBH Rushmore is the one that I liked the most. It has something very personal in it that's more diluted in his other films, but Tenenbaums is quite nice and gets a +1 from me.
Zissou reminds me a little of Tarantino's Jackie Brown, I can see both the directors have put considerable time, effort and a part of their passion for cinema in those works but they just don't make my heart beat. Well at least Zissou has some fun moments in it
Fahrenheit got great atmosphere especially in the first half, feels very much like a good movie, but subsequently the story ups the paces and take an awkward development. All in all I liked it anyway.
I should really check if the guy behind it did something else
I don't think you've been insulted though I agree some remarks were somewhat judgemental... that may happen to the best ones among us.
Problem is you're beating a dead horse, one that has beaten every other day since the Scirocco announcements. And I suppose accounts having 1 post per year may look suspicious to some eyes...
IIRC it's already been confirmed the Scirocco in LFS is the faster one with the 2 liters turbo engine
Can you please link the post where Scawen has said that? or otherwise give me a pointer to dig it up?
All the posts I've found have been written long after S2 was first released, and all confirm that LFS works with an internal 2D representation.
Nope, this topic is about what we think LFS may have in store for us in the next future - Why be so negative anyway? You sound like LFS has only given you disappointments
Judging from the replies, many appear to have interpreted it more so rather than a forecast (some replies even go beyond about the mechanical bit), but the results are very interesting nonetheless.
I'm wondering whether the damage model has got so many votes because it's long due (if so it would have been interesting to throw the Rally Pack in the list ) or rather because it's a very desirable improvement. My guesstimate is roughly half and half
Many are betting on Multilink Suspensions, but I guess a number still thinks a single plane representation of Multilink isn't going to be much different from the double wishbone approximation that was to be included in 0.6A originally.
It's a bit manieristic and overpolished, nonetheless gets a +1 from me. Marc Forster is an interesting director and I definitely recommend his excellent Stranger than fiction.
I've seen Death Race 2000 with Carradine some months ago. Considering the director and the protagonist track records, I don't think I'll get to see the remake. I've got enough Statham in Crank (massively crappy film produly displaying a phony we're-smart-and-only-playing-dumb-for-fun attitude)
And now my recommendation, albeit it's far from new and very different from the ones I quoted: Rushmore, a strangely compelling piece of film with a quirky sense of humor.
Last edited by NightShift, .
Reason : Added bit about FOrster