You're totally off track! those are only a small part of the trials that God imposes on His humble beleviers to give them the opportunity to exercise their free will.
Every man has to face evil and choose with his own soul whether to accept the lure of Ultimate Evil or rather embrace the Light. But only the true believer will be able to cast your own evaluations aside, and submit your intellect to the will and power of God which are infinitely greater than any single men fallacious intellect.
Honest faith only can sprout off the ditching one's selfishness, and by accepting God with your entire being.
Judging by the font and detail in the I.M.A. logo, I suppose you expect to be rather big relative to the car? otherwise I wonder how will people be able to read it without high-res skins
Maybe somebody can post an example for the inexperienced among us? TYIA
Don't take it personally, you're just receiving standard forum treatment.
It's not what you say that is wrong, is the fact you dare express an opinion which is not aligned with that of the fanboys and their end-all cure-all solution of 'nothing is owed' and the rest of the propaganda, which of course doesn't solve anything and just results in a number of people who pat each other backs and say to themselves, 'look how right, smart and wise we are'
Is there a legitimate place for overdamping in real life racing and thus in a simulator?
I see it used in a remarkably high number of WR sets and as a consequence in a lot of sets that float around the community. I have the feeling it alters the handling in unrealistic ways and allows for other weirdnesses, e.g. brake balance can be moved more rearwards than it is possible in other sets, which in turn allows for shorter stopping distances.
I've been thinking about this for some time, and I also believe overdamping might be one of the reasons why some people think some other sims (most notably iRacing) are more lively and realistic, and overall have better force feedback (of course iR also has improved surface but that's not the point)
Your thoughts?
PS: for those who have fiddled with sets in iR, can you confirm or deny the assumption it does not allow overcritical damping? thanks
You could replace the '+' char (and get rid of all the associated color changes) with a blank in MgsPointWin, and we'd end up with 4-8 more characters for multi-car classes. I have it fixed anyway, just a thought.
Look at this speedtrap I'm getting:
Best speed #1 (km/h) - NightShift 0.03 (Car@473)
it's AS3 on the starting grid and the car is still
Yep quite funny. If I may suggest another french comedy, Two Day in Paris by Julie Delpy is very well made, funny and thought provoking to a degree too
One way or the other I have no problem with it: he is free to ask as much as everybody else is free to post a reply or read the others'. I'm just curious
I got bored with FPS about the time Quake was released. The endless stream of em reminds me a little of the Tetris frenzy of the 90s, when 2 games out of 3 were variations of the original, incorporated principles of it somehow, or extended it. I wonder when and how it will end
If I may ask, why are you trying to profile LFS players?
Do you think an error in the TrksList directive could lead to such an error? I spotted one yesterday and fixed it, but I still have to check whether it works as expected or not.
BTW during translation I encountered a problem with several strings which are followed by a variable. E.g.
To be in server stats you need a lap time of: x:yy:zz
As soon as this string is translated, x:yy:zz disappears. Restoring the original string fixes the problem. Is there a length limit for such strings?
It appears that if you go anywhere near RL value, you'll start seeing some crazy looking stuff. E.g. if you take a car with such a set, up the straight before T1 on BL1, the front suspensions are so heavily extended that it looks more a monster truck than a car
Incidentally I took a peek and inspected a certain set made by a popular person, you will notice he used springs that are supposedly much stiffer than the real thing, I mean like 1.4 times more so. Would be interesting to check his other sets against RL specs.
I wonder if that's just the consequence of LFS lacking some important bits in simulation of suspensions, I certainly hope so
That is something which should be reminded to all people who think that science is just another religion (no matter the fact that work based on scientific principles doesn't stop producing predictable real world effects despite you believe in it or not)
Yes, science only tries to explain how things work, religion is (should be) interested (only) in what things really are and why they're there in the first place.
Problem is science is guilty of having overthrown some 'facts' that religions have sold as 'absolute truths' over centuries and millennia. That's why many religious people tend to be interested in science only when it works to their benefit and not when it challenges their beliefs. That's a very hypocritical attitude, but then again many religions (especially catholicism I have to say) have so much hypocrisy in them, it's often hard to tell what good things are left in them.
Science and technology however, are not faiths and so people have it easy to pick what they like (e.g. medical treatments) and ditch the rest (e.g. evolution). What I find disgusting are those bad scientists who try to corrupt the method to prove their own beliefs are scientifically proved (which is useless BTW you don't have any need for a scientific prove if you have a true faith), and the ones who purposely try to lead others into thinking the scientific method is nothing more than another religion.
PS: with all the talking about Petri dishes I'm a bit surprised nobody has compared religions to viruses of the mind yet
IMO they will have to tone down the price down along the road. You see they are doing this already with the Radical free trial. The pricing model as of now, is simply insane, but they are using price as a marketing tool, which is quite a common practice for innovative products in their inception period.
(Now I'm sure someone will stand out and say it's a gift from Radical, that iRacing has nothing to do with it etc, but seriously if you think about it for a net time of 2 seconds you'll realize who's getting the most benefit out of the trial - there are likely more simmers online on LFS on average than Radical badged cars out there.)
It will also have more rubber and better suspensions, which will offset the increased mass somewhat in corners. R_S would give it an even bigger edge over both the XFG and the XRG.
Would be interesting to play a little with tweak to get a first taste of how fast the VWS will be.