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S2 licensed
Well they dont act like they know about damage when u see them trying to drive a damaged car.
But yes they do reset once they are immobile (happens when stuck against a wall too ,so it's not directly related to damage)

S2 licensed
AI will more then likely pit in S2 final.
They dont know about fuel, tirestate or damage because these things werent in S1 and the AI hasent been updated since then.
S2 licensed
Illusion, I think what u are talking about happens when your cars body gets damaged ,but not the suspension itself. This can result in the body(mostly the front wing) dragging over the ground and consequently making it impossible to steer.
If it's actually your suspension that gets damaged, making your wheels point in the strangest directions..but without visible damage in F10. Then it could be related to this bug and u should post the replay here next time it happens.
S2 licensed
I ran into a similar bug today.
Damaged my car twice on a 35lap SO Long race. Both times i could see significant damage with F10 and also expected the car to drive worse, but it still drove like new.
Then when i watched the replay the car scraped over the ground and bounced off bumps, as it probably should have done while i was driving. (forcing me to pit and changing the whole race)

It is almost as if LFS "forgets" to update the damage in rare occasions and people end up with an invincible car.

I would attach the replay, but its over 2Mb.
S2 licensed
I am getting one from a Dutch shop for 230€ including shipping.
If digital Kingdom could ship one to Belgium for less i would consider ordering one from u.

edit : fat fingers
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
Almost no programs use dualcore yet, but u should notice a difference when multitasking (unzipping/encoding and playing a game at the same time)
The X2 4800+ has 2cores each running at 2400Mhz and the 3500+ has one core running at 2200Mhz, so that is a tiny difference when using programs that only utilize 1core.
U could try overclocking the X2 4800+ as it should easily reach 2700Mhz/core, which should give a noticeable performance increase
(overclocking is safe and u would have to be a real nitwit to kill any part while doing it.. so dont listen to people who know nothing about it and say that OC'ing will reduce your processor's life. Unless u plan to run the X2 4800 for over 10years the overclocking wont have any effect whatsoever on CPU life. And unless u have the money to buy a Fx-60...overclocking is a excellent way to get FX-60 performance for 1/4th of the price)

Also ..return the 7300gs if u still can.
It is 50% slower then the 6600Gt in most cases, as proven by toms VGA-chart ... ;model2=540&chart=212
(check any reso u want and all the games..a 7300gs will be about 50% slower then a 6600gt)
S2 licensed
Just have an admin end the race.
This brings u to the trackselection screen where u can set up the starting order (either by players clicking "switch position") or by an admin dragging playaer to the right place on the startinggrid.
Note that the players will have to join the race manually, so an admin cant drag a spectator into a gridslot but he can switch cars positions
S2 licensed
No problem, if the reset code can't be drastically improved ,starting from the pits is the next best thing. (at the expense of leaving the dangerous resets untouched)
And as u say it might be more realistic. Since we can pretend a DC is similar to a technical problem.

At least we agree fuel ,tires and damage would need to be saved serverside (which will still require more coding from Scawen)
S2 licensed
Quote from Vain :
- No cars suddenly appear in the middle of the track. (LFS can't properly find a "safe" spot to place the car. You can often see this when resetting a car in LFS. It sometimes places the car in a bloody dangerous spot.)

LFS shouldnt have to find those safe spots..they should be hardcoded, and every reset or reconnect would automatically be placed at the closest pre-coded safe spot, thus also eliminating those silly resets (just about every track has intersections or runoff areas where no car ever comes and where it would be safe to reset to.)

Starting in the pits with a new car could be used as a temporary bandaid solution as coding this will probably take quite some time..but starting near to where u lost connection with your previous fuel,tires and damage can't be a bad thing.

edit : instead of coding resetspots..just marking where a car can NOT be reset (basically the track itself) would probably be easier and quicker
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
getting disconnected is extremely easy though
so even if LFS detects it ..u will still have idiots pulling the plug and rejoining after 10seconds ,just to get their car repaired,tire fixed or to get out of a graveltrap.

It doesnt matter for leagues as they will DQ such drivers anyway ,but it might pose a problem on publics.
Plus that its more attractive to start at a runoff-zone close to where u lost connection ,compared to starting in the pits and losing almost a whole lap
S2 licensed
Sounds like a good idea, IF it's possible to assure the car has the same damage and tires from before the disconnect.
Else it will be abused on publics by fools who crash badly; disconnect and continue the race (as opposed to crash and have to start on lap 1 again), same with cars that get stuck in the gravel ,or people who get a flat tire.

Best thing would be to return the car offroad nearest to where it disconnected ,with same damage and tires
S2 licensed
True ,u arent duty-bound to answer me.
But i dont think it is an example of politeness to quote someone, give another opinion and then ignore that same person when he asks if u could elaborate on that.

But everyone has other standards i guess, so i wont go on about it. :Handshake
S2 licensed
Anyway...why ignore the rest of the post where i ask u why every F1 driver should think they are the best in the world?
Especially new guys who have no experience in these cars ,and who know they cant beat Alsonso,Schumi,Kimi if they were in equal cars.

It's easy to quote parts of posts and ignore parts that are inconvenient to u. But explaining why u think that every F1 driver would think he is the best driver in the world seems to be alot harder.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Noccy: I didn't miss that part of your post, I just didn't reply to it.

I don't want to get drawn into fighting Alonso's corner because I don't really care about him. I don't like Michael - I think he's a complete tosser and I think his team cheats and I think the FIA grants them unfair advantages whenever it sees fit - but I still don't really want to be on Alonso's "side".

Okay so u just wanted to make a cheap quote; quoting one third of a sentence; to look good?

I can do that too
Quote : What would be the point in being on the starting grid for a formula 1 race

What would be the point of not starting in F1 if u can earn lots of money and drive the most advanced cars in the world?

And to continue on the best driver thing..
So u think Yamamoto, Albers, Rosberg, De La Rossa, Doornbos, Speed, etc all consider themselves to be the best drivers in F1. Even if it's their first year in a F1 raceseat and they still need alot of experience.

I think they know they still have alot to learn and that the top guys in F1 would beat them in the same car.
Sure they need alot of confidence in their own ability, but that is not the same as thinking u are the best driver in the world ,or is it?
S2 licensed
Seems u missed the important part of my post Kev.

namely this part :

" Alonso seems to think he is the best driver in the world, and every decision or mistake that doesnt help him must be part of some conspiracy.
I'd be ok with it if he thought like that..but it is a clear sign of immaturity and arrogance to spew accusations in the press every time something goes wrong

And isnt Ralf Schumacher still in F1, i dont imagine he still thinks he is better then Michael after all those years. Yet he still is a driver thats valued by quite a few teams and does a better job then some other drivers.
S2 licensed
I find it hilarious that Alonso now tries to blame his team.
If they only wanted the cunstructors title...wouldnt it have made sense to give no teamorders, let Fischi pass Alonso when he was having his tire problems. And have Alonso hold up MSC for a few laps.
That would probably have resulted in a 1st(fischi) and 3rd(Alonso) place ,thus netting more points then 2nd and 3rd.
Fischi lost alot of time driving behind alonso, which imo was the cause of schumacher passing him later on after his pitstop.

Alonso seems to think he is the best driver in the world, and every decision or mistake that doesnt help him must be part of some conspiracy.
I'd be ok with it if he thought like that..but it is a clear sign of immaturity and arrogance to spew accusations in the press every time something goes wrong.

edit : tbh i now hope Renault is so offended by his comments that they actually do as he says from now on. And forget to refuel his car after Q2 or "mistakenly" reduce his front wingangle by 3extra clicks when he comes in for a pitstop. =)
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
Been advertising LFS in the Operation Flashpoint community for a while now.
Firstly only under friends and befriended clans.
But it really exploded after someone posted on the main BIS-forums , resulting in 12 pages in just 7days and about 10licenses sold in that time too.

So if there are any other OFP fans here, feel free to post in the thread and try lure more players into LFS ... ;act=ST;f=11;t=53814;st=0
S2 licensed
I managed to get a black screen last night while racing online.
Pressed shift-F4 just as the race was restarting and the game switched to windowed mode ,but the window was completely black, sound kept playing though. When i repressed shift-F4 the whole screen went black.
The only way to solve this was clicking "X" while in windowed mode and restarting lfs.

Pc-specs : A64 3500+ ; AtiX1800XL ; 2gb ram

edit : using U20 patch when that happened
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
So i imagined the quote saying that u dont want to be beaten by someone who doesnt do the extra work (clearly implying that someone using autoclutch should not be able to beat u ,even if he is a faster driver)
or the quote saying that someone who invests extra money should get a performance advantage.

I know the general consensus is that both systems should be equal and i agree with this. But u cant say that no autoclutcher should be able to beat a manualclutcher..then say that autoclutchers wont be punished.

I'll shut up now and let u pro-clutch users have your say as i'm clearly to dumb to read a thread and the words written in it.
S2 licensed
I think most people fully accept that u need a wheel to get the most out of this game
(yes its a game. It tries to be realistic but there are clearly many things in LFS to improve sales, which would never ever be implemeted in a true sim that was developped purely for realism and didnt aim for sales)

just like u need a Joystick to fully enjoy a flight"sim". But do u see many flightsimmers arguing that everyone should use pedals to controll the rudder because it is more realistic. Or asking to reduce onstick rudder efficiency so the ones with rudder pedals get an advantage?

U should buy a clutch pedal if u like using it, not to get an advantage over others..or soon we will all need a forcedynamics system because it is more realistic and LFS will have a built in handicap for everyone who doesnt use it.
Does that sound like a good idea ?

And for the record..i might buy a G25 in oktober as my birthday is the 20th. But that doesnt mean that everyone without a clutchpedal should be punished because i like realism.
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
In fact I did read the whole thread..some posts seemed to be reasonable but ill quote a few who clearly want an advantage because they plan to buy a clutchpedal.

Quote :
and serious simmers who buy a full pedal set are not looking for 100% entertainment, they want to have the edge over other drivers. Shouldn't they be entitled to it?

I agree (mainly because I'm getting a G25 and don't want to be beaten by people without the extra work).

I've felt the same way for ages now Tweaker!
Using the most "realistic" control setup possible should give max performance possible
I've already ordered my G25

i know i'm going to be flamed now, but i'll say it anyway!
why should the button-clutch option be removed, just because a few people are going to buy a steeringwheel with manual clutch? or the autoclutch for that matter..
why ruin the game for all those who don't have the option of buying such equipment?
reply : It is not about ruining the game. It is about unfair adventage. (so giving clutchusers an advantage is fair?)

seeing as i just bought a 3 pedal set - sounds good!

These are the posts i wanted to provide a counterweight to, and until u can deliver LFS with a G25 included in the price it will hurt future LFS sales.

So ill repeat that im not against slightly slowing autoclutch to realistic values, but i sure as hell dont support giving manual clutchers a sizable advantage. All that will accomplish is that every autoclutch user will start using macros and then u are back at square one.

edit : But im pretty sure Scawen isnt that fixed on ultimate realism or he would have prevented mouseusers from driving WR's long ago, just like he would have removed keyboard stabilized and external view together with virtual mirros and the like.
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
I am all for more realistic clutches with stalling, and the removal of button-clutch/macro clutching (if thats even possible ,as some will always find ways to cheat the system)

But on one hand u "complain" about buttonshifters being quicker and in the same post u say u would like manual clutches to have a clear advantage? doesnt make sense to me.
Dont forget that the majority will still be using a setup without a clutch pedal, so i dont think giving people with a clutch an advantage would be beneficial for LFS.
Imagine all the new players who come into the demo and find out that u not only need a wheel, but also a clutch to be competative. 0.5second a lap is quite alot on a 60lap race. They will be verry reluctant to buy LFS if they need a 300€ device to properly play it.
Like someone said in an earlier post, anyone with a manual clutch still has the possibility to use autoclutch ,but all the others who havent got one would be doomed to be 0.5seconds slower unless they buy a expensive wheel setup.

U also say atm the autoclutch shifts as fast as an average joe with a wouldnt that mean if u practise alot u could be faster with your manual clutch then the autoclutch?
And what with the cars who have a sequential box (singleseaters and the racecars), if using a manual clutch in these cars was faster it wouldnt be fair either.

I wonder how all the "give manual clutchers an advantage" people would feel if they didnt have the money for a G25 and come next patch they suddenly are 0.5 seconds slower then all their friends who did buy one.
S2 licensed
delete your card.cfg in the LFS rootfolder.
Lfs still thinks u are using your old card ,which could cause these problems
S2 licensed
I once had a problem like that when i plugged in too many USB devices at once.(headphone,wheel,mouse,keyb) Unplugging the headphones solved the problem ..looks like the pc cant handle alot of usb-traffic and starts to stutter.
So try unplugging any extra usb-devices, though if it doesnt help im afraid i don't know what could cause it.
S2 licensed
Quote from keiran :They banned it under a rule ruling that an aerodynamic device should not move. They have twisted the ruling to say that this influences the aerodynamics of the car and moves therefore is illegal, so on that logic ban the steering wheel, brake pedal and throttle pedal which all have a larger influence on the aerodynamics.

Im afraid that reasoning is a bit wrong.
The whole front wing is labeled as an aerodynamic device ,so it or parts of it cant move independently.
A steering wheel or pedals are not considered aerodynamic devices so they arent affected by this rule.

Quote from keiran :Ferrari used flexi wings for ages and there was clear evidence of the wing pulling apart from the car under stress, how long did it take for that to be banned? A life time.

Well Renault and many other teams used flexi wings too.. they simply got scared that Ferrari (ab)used the principle in a more efficient way, so they filed a complaint.

The FIA might rule in favour of Ferrari now and then (just like they helped other teams to victory in the past) ,but i dont think u should see it as if everything is done to stop Renault. Every team tries to find loopholes in the rules and they all use them. The FIA just tries to stop the most blatant ones or if they are appealed.

About the wheel-rims , why doesnt renault install something similar..either that or appeal it with the FIA (which they havent done as far as i know?)