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S2 licensed
Mat, make sure u have patch U, as all the S2 servers are running it.
Or maybe u filtered out most servers?

edit : bah, beaten twice in less then 1 minute
S2 licensed
Now that u have decided to buy new tires it might be usefull to look up some Opel forums and try and find out which brands seem to be good for your car.
Whatever u do ,dont go for 15£ tires or stick on summertires because their grip will be utter shite in the wet.
Best are probably all season tires whith an emphasis on wet grip, as almost all cars have plenty of grip in the dry but u can use all the grip u can get in the wet
S2 licensed
Wahey, i learnt how to spell noticeable correct.
S2 licensed
Doh sorry,
I was searching for "Anaconda" , and the other guy is [GWG]Anaconda.
Both are dutch and i never noticed..just thought [gwg] was his racernick. illepall

edit : now that i think of it its probably the same guy ,who registered again when he bought S2 ; thus no stats on the demo account :d
Small bug in LFS-World online stats
S2 licensed
There is a way to get acces to someones online stats even if they choose the option to "Hide your online statistics from public".

I discovered this by chance after a race. 1 of my friends always hides his online stats, so his stats page always shows as blank. But when i go into my own online stats page, click on "Last race information" i get a list of which server and who was on it.
If i then go to that server click on that friends name i get acces to all his online stats ;milage; Pb's; fuel burnt ;amount of laps ;etc etc.

So even with "the hide oline stats" option on there is a way to see all this info .By simply knowing 1other person who he raced with ,then looking up the date they raced on and clicking on the serverinfo. From that page u can click on their name and "XXX online stats" , which will show all his stats.

It migt be a known bug ,but i couldnt find any thread about it so i figured i might aswell post incase Victor isnt aware of this
S2 licensed
It happens regularly the soldiers get used to it..but imo its far from a normall situation that israeli's still enter Lebanon whenever they want and ignore any UN presence.
It's a disgrace that the UN lets it's soldiers be pushed around like that and that nothing like this ever makes the news.
S2 licensed
Here is a nice clip showing how friendly the israeli army is towards UN-peacekeepers.(wonder how they act when there are no camera's or Un-troops ,only angry civilians...)

Israeli tanks entered Lebanon ,against all UN-treaties ofc. So some finns in Pasi's got sent out to remove them from their AO. (after a 1hour deadline to pull back voluntarily had passed )
The israeli tanks simply ignore the orders and ram the UN APC's off the road.
I must say i respect the finns for doing this..most UN countries/troops would simply keep a safe distance and wait till the israeli's were finished with whatever they were doing there (even if their mandate clearly states that no israeli should be on Lebanse territory)

Now imagine these guys comming into YOUR land and killing your family ,friends ,neighbours together with destroying all infrastructure. Then watching 90% of the world media call u a terrorist when u throw a stone at one of these tanks. (same goes for afghanistan; iraq or the gaza-strip)
TBH i would'nt doubt 1second what to do if i found an unexploded bomb and had some of these idiots rampaging in my country.
I would almost wish UN-forces had a mandate to shoot israeli's who entered Libanon ,but ofc they are only there to stop the hezbollah "terrorists".
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
F12 ; only works online though
S2 licensed
try rerolling to catalyst 5.11 drivers, newer Ati drivers have caused problems before with LFS.
S2 licensed
Most servers (both public and league ones) probably run no wind, which makes the FZR stick out as the faster car.
But with high wind i think the cars get evened out alot.
Raced a 50lap race on BL gp last friday, and every FZR driver lost about 2seconds per lap while the FXR drivers seemed to have verry little trouble with the wind.
I even tried driving the FXR after the race and was faster then with the FZR,i hate how the FXR handles and never drive it ; yet i was instantly faster driving it over a few laps compared to my FZR times.
Now i dont know if thats purely due to my shoddy driving ,but the FZR seems to have alot more problems with high wind.

Now imagine high wind AND rain (s3) and i can see the FXR having no competition whatsoever. Then your nicely balanced cars in the dry would end up being even more unbalanced. (if u handicap the FZR today so that its slower)
U wil get all the XRR and FZR drivers whning and making threads about how unbalanced the GTR class is and how its totally unfair ,blablabla

In short i dont think balancing the cars right now would be beneficial to LFS ,as it will unbalance them again as soon as we get new features.
Maybe they can tweak the classes a bit in S2 beta; just before S2 final, but even that isnt going to balance them 100% (unless u want 3 exactly the same cars with different shells?)
S2 licensed
No problems at all over here.
connecting from Belgium i get 30ms pings to UK servers, same as always.
S2 licensed
i dont think i told him any values to use? just a general ,rough guide on how he could OC

And yes i set my multi from 11 to 10; have a 3500,not 3200
I would have used 295 x 9,5 as my ram clocked all the way up to 302Mhz without throwing errors. But my lousy asus board locks the ram divider to 333mhz each time i use half 280x10 will have to do
S2 licensed
disclaimer : if u kill your CPU or any part of your pc by trying anything described below U are the only one responsible and dont have the right to get mad at me :P
This is also just a guideline as u might be using an older core 3500+ or even a motherboard that wont allow u to change every setting.
There are also faster ways to oc from windows ,but they dont allow u to adjust the multiplier,ram timings or ram divider ,so i prefer to Oc straight from the bios.

U will need a few software tools before u start;
First and foremost get Speedfan ( so u can monitor your temps and voltages.
Aslo get CPU-Z ( so u can easily see at what speed your processor and memory runs
and Finally u should get Prime95 and use its torture test to check for stability issues ; let it run for about 15minutes and if it throws an error u should lower the OC(if u see no errors and temps stay low u can go higher), once u think u have a stable OC let it run a few hours and see it it stays errorfree.

Then on to the overclocking itself (and i hope u know how to do a CMOS-reset because u might well need it )

Start by lowering your CPU multiplier from 11 to 7 orso. (do this so u can test the higest FSB your ram can handle without actually overclocking the CPU at first)
Then relax your ram timings (3-4-4-8 should work) plus set the Ram voltage to 2.8 and start upping your FSB in steps of 10mhz, do this untill Windows wont boot or till u get errors in prime95. once u get errors or it wont boot, lower the FSB by 5. If it's stable then up it by 2 till u find the higest FSB that still runs prime stable.

Once u have found the limits of your ram u can start on the CPU.
Set the Ram divider to 200 or 333mhz (instead of 400, this time so u only OC the processor and not the ram) and the CPU-multiplier to 11, then start at 220FSB orso and boot.
U SHOULD get into windows and see in CPU-Z that the CPU runs at 2420mhz
Run prime95 for 15minutes and see if its stable (and monitor your temps! ,i would aim to keep your CPU temp below 55°celcius under load)
if its totally stable AND doesnt run hot u can up the FSb by 10mhz ,if its unstable but not overheating u can try upping the voltage by 0.05v.
Do this untill u get prime errors or untill the temp under load ges too high. Then lower the FSB by 5mhz and try again (same as with the ram ,if it works go 2higher ,if it doesnt go 2 lower)

Once u know both the higest ram speeds and higest CPU speeds u can start matching them up.
Say your ram goes up to 260mhz and your CPU goes up to 2500mhz without overheating. Then try to boot at 260(fsb) x 9.5(multiplier) which will give a cpu speed of 2470mhz. (note that the ram divider would be back at 400mhz here)
If your ram only goes up to 220mhz and your cpu up to 2600 u wil have to set the ramdivider to 333mhz and run the CPU at 260 x 10. this will have your CPU running at 2596 mhz and the ram somewhere near 220.

Once u have found a stable final overclock u can try tightening the Ram latencies, lowering the RAM voltage and cpu voltage in small steps (all 1 by 1) till u get a stable CPU running at the lowest voltages and u get a tiny bit of extra performance out of the ram with tighter latencies.

Note that some boards wont like half multipliers (they might not boot ,or underclock your ram by themselves) ; some ram might not like booting in anything but their rated specs (so a CL2 stick might refuse to boot in cl3) and some procs clock better then others. So u will have to test yourself what the highest speeds u can reach are.

As an example my 3500+(venice core)with TCCD ram runs at 2800mhz (280x10) rockstable for 24/7 at 1.45v and ram timings of 3-4-4-7 under a Tunic tower 120. (whee FX-57 speeds for 95€ instead of 850€ ) and temps are 35°idle ,42° load
Dont expect to reach 2800 mhz on a stock cooler ,but u should be able to reach +-2500mhz without much problems which is almost a 15% OC for free, which should be noticable in any benchmark and in LFS too

Hope this gets u started and u dont kill any hardware
S2 licensed
did u delete the card.cfg?
Else LFS will think u still use the same GPU and load wrong hardwaresettings.
I had the same when switching from a 9800pro to a 6600gt and deleteing the card.cfg did the trick.
S2 licensed
delete the "card_cfg" and edit the "screen info"-line in the "cfg"-file. Set it to a hertz and resolution your laptop can manage and i think it should work.

U can also delete the cfg-file itself ,but then u lose all your ingame settings
S2 licensed

Reet ,try downloading this tool and manually set the 3D options.
Such as adaptive AA; mipmap and texture quality to high; high quality AF; both the AA and AF filtering optimizations,etc.
And see if it changes something, if it doesnt or u get much lower FPS u can always revert back to standard settings.
Also dont forget to play with the ingame sliders because highest values dont always give the nicest image.
S2 licensed
The big question is : Did u pay 24£ to get that S2 licensed or did u DL a modified LFS.exe?

If u paid for it ,i would contact Victor. Else u are out of luck and u wont get to see what LFS is all about ,aka online racing fun
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
ehm kiss me
u do know that u can get a DFP for those 80€ ,right?
The Formula vibration should only cost 30€ orso, and its a horrible wheel that u really dont want =)

I would order it from germany since your dad's friend clearly doesnt have the best prices. (i would even call that ripoff prices ,but thats me)
Sure u will have to pay some shipping ,but u will still be alot cheaper off ordering it in germany.

Cancel the order ,and if he ever recieves it he can put it in the shopwindow and try to rip someone else off :d
S2 licensed
My vote goes to Elektrik Car, purely because all his posts are well worded and friendly. :up:
S2 licensed
Look up the 3 demoaccounts with the earliest registerdate on this forum ,who are still active (browsing ,no need to post) and have a poll who deserves it most.
The poll would serve to make sure if there was an ancient crasher that he wouldnt get a license.
S2 licensed
No hard feeling here Sam, i just used that name so a cop would chase me and wont use it again if it bothers u.

For the rest lets ignore the flamebaiters and forget about this
S2 licensed
Harlen ..noone but spsamsp said a word about it..not even u, so i wonder where u get that? (so maybe u can provide the chatlog and point out where those "many people" where that i didnt see) IF 3 orso people had complained i would have changed the nick..but not when 1 guy who was wrecking shouts 'change your name now or i will have u banned".
I still dont see why hezbollah is any worse then an armsdealer..they both kill people ,only hezbollah also helps palestinians by rebuilding and supplying humanitarian help (something a armsdealer wont ever do)

And blackout..what would u call a server where some people put COP in their names, use a policeskin and pretend to patroll the roads. While others call themselves 'drug addict ,drunk,armsdealer,whatnot " and try to get away from the "cops ".
I think the name roleplaying suits that kind of server fine, it sure isnt a racingserver now is it?

Anyway ,this thread is pretty useless, unless everyone wants to see all names someone finds offensive reported could turn into a nice thread which provides daily smiles and giggles
S2 licensed
I find this thread rather amusing.
Mr. sam came to a CopsandRobbers server with the name "SP" and didnt care one bit about the rules..ramming everyone and almost getting himself banned.

While i was driving around with the name "Drug lord and his wife"..just roleplaying a bad guy and hoping some cop would chase me around.
So after a while i checked the nameslist and saw someone called "1x Arms Dealer 2x Guns"..thus i changed my name to "hezbollahrockettransport" and drove up to his car asking for 2crates of AK's and some explosives. After al we are roleplaying right?

At this point Mr.arms dealer(didnt know it was sam up till then) goes a bit mental and speaks to me, like he pointed out above "u bastard change your name right now or i will report u and have u banned!!"
I pointed out his name was Arms dealer and that armsdealers are the cause of many deaths too, but Sammy didnt listen ,he just kept shouting about banning and that i had to change my name right away.
So i explain this is a cops and robbers server..where people roleplay a cop or a bad guy,and that his nick (armsdealer) even made me change my name. No use..more namecalling and threathning to ban me. From there on i ignored him and just kept driving . Sam will even confirm i didnt start any slagfest or argued with him any further

So sam disconnects and makes this thread..which i find quite illogical and hypocrite since his own nick was armsdealer at that time, which inspired me to go for the hezbollah name.

And to Dejavu and Kurent ..yes im a attention craving kid who was abused by everyone in my family, nice of u guys to make such a striking analysis on the basis of a nick in a roleplaying server. (sam has proved here that he loves calling people names and likes a bit of drama around him, maybe u can analyse him too)

Here's some cake and a flower for anyone who was offended :cake: [etals:]
S2 licensed
I gave birth to an Aston National fanboy because the voices told me to.

Hmm , i guess that relates to my driving on AS nat when learning the XRR and FZR early in S2
S2 licensed
Sadly i have to agree with most posters here.
When i was new i raced on the FM oval server a bit and boy was that fun.
Got kicked for not clearing the track after a slide..even though i had no damage and simply continued driving. Saw lots and lots of ugly spam by admins (which included way too many ugly words to repeat here)

Then one day an admin is following me round the track in about 4th position ,trying to get close enough to draft..but funnily enough he spinned in T4 when he came too close and lost downforce. OFcourse this was my fault and i got some abuse thrown at me followed by a lifelong ban.
That was enough for me to class FM as badmannered kids and never go to their servers again..that kind of behaviour might be "cool" in CS..but its definately not appreciated in LFS.

And yes i have seen 2 decent FM guys who behave and do drive other tracks, but they are a clear minority im afraid. So maybe this thread should be a cue to consider how your members behave and who u give adminrights to, just dont slagg off people giving their opinion after they were asked to give it.