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Quote from the_angry_angel : from a gent who clearly has great taste!

There is not one belgian beercan in that chair which is unmistakable proof of BAD beertaste!
We brew almost 1500 different kinds of beer and most Brits who visit us drink themselves KO. Thinking these small glasses can't get u drunk..until someone tells them most beers are 5° and many of the good ones are 8-12°. Try and drink 5pints of bush beer or delerium tremens in the same time u drink that brit yellow water and see how u feel afterwards.

And Bob, I would like to see a short movie of your next drunken friendsmeeting where u sit on your throne and four friends kick a leg at the same time. Should become a truly famous clip
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
Highest value site i seem to visit is

The estimated value of is: $20,349,000

Not bad for a swedish site that started out as a hobby and now has almost 1million registered users.

edit : mm or not, The estimated value of is: $442,488,000
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
Since it such a small file i down- and uploaded it for u.

S2 licensed
most trusthworthy pricecomparison sites i know claims this
Panel: TN+Film (durch den Hersteller bestätigt)

and for that price + a viewingangle of H : 180°, V : 180° i would be 99% sure it is TN
S2 licensed
ignore this..swapped the colours so my statement didn't make any sense
Last edited by Noccy, . Reason : error
S2 licensed
Give patch Y14 a try , it's in testing right now and has full screen AA and AF added to the gfx options (together with other improvements)

If that still doesn't get your AA to work ,downgrade your Nvidia GPU drivers to a version that's known to work.
S2 licensed
Unmountable_boot_volume points to a harddisk crash, might be possible to repair the bootsector (chkdsk / fixboot / fixmbr ). But if u are unlucky u lost all your data and the hdd is dead.

help here : ;

Good luck
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Noccy :
Joined early this week as Noccy, managing the "flashpointers".
  1. The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 1 characters.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Next we'll have push-to-pass,etc.

Isn't this already planned for 2009? Only disguised as a system that recovers brake energy and said energy can then be used for a maximum of 5seconds per lap by pushing a button. Something like that, would have to dig the net to find the exact wording/specs.

edit : ... generation-in-f1-by-2009/
The KERS is basically an efficient CVT gearbox joined to a flywheel that rotates when the cars undergo braking. The stored energy can then be used to boost acceleration for overtaking and cornering, and will work like the power-boost button seen in the A1GP. ... c-energy-recovery-system/
Under the new rules, which go into effect in 2009, the driver can only use the boost provided by the KERS system for a predetermined amount of time and at an established rate, much like the ‘Push to Pass’ technology in Champ Car World Series racing.

A few more changes like that and Fairly Intelligent Apes can be turned into Fairly Idiotic Apes imho
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
**rant warning**

I personally don't care about school uniforms.
But people who don't understand that schools are trying to make kids ready for WORK clearly (well imho ..) miss the point of education in general.
The kid wouldn't get any decent job if he looks like that by the time he finishes school. Talk of fascism and whatnot is ridiculous when u know the school just wants to give their pupils the best chance to succeed in their future adult life.
Sure his life aim can be to become a fulltime support-receiving jobless guy who does nothing much except get drunk and shout obscenities at footballmatches..but if that is the case he isn't in the right school. There are plenty of technical schools or schools for the learning impaired with looser rules where he wouldn't even stand out that much and noone would really care how he looked. (like his parents seemingly)

A school is a place where u educate kids and learn them some base-values of society (sadly many parents can't do this anymore), not let them do whatever they please. Thus it has RULES..rules which are written and need to be followed. Don't like it ,then go to another school. Just like a lawyers company will ask u to come to work in a suit. Don't like it, go work somewhere else. Heck not even a footballclub would hire a guy who looks like that to mow and paint their pitch.

Standards are already being lowered enough/too much (like Tristan says) to "help" less smart kids ,because u can't have a class where 90% fails maths or sceince ..nooo that's bad for the image of the school. Sadly dragging the whole standard downwards and causing problems to the smart or well trained kids..and consequently society as a whole once said kids become adults and have to work/rule the country.
This is from someone who has a mum (and sister, but her experience is only 5years up till now) who teaches maths to the first 3 years of high school for 40years now. Instead of kicking kids who don't comply out or simply failing kids who don't reach a set standard, they just keep lowering the bar so enough kids pass and the school keeps it's numbers and subsidies. Year after year after year..perfect recipe for a future full of barely educated adults.

U can call me a fascist if u want..but i will definitely send my kids to a school where there are rules about extreme looks/clothing, and one that hopefully prepares their brains for a normal adult life instead of letting them run amok and turn into little streetthugs with no knowledge about maths ,language, science or other basic things kids should learn at school.
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
Love seeing just about every driver make mistakes, bodes well for when it actually rains.

Coulthard just went off by himself, with the front falling apart over a curb. Definitely Newey's skills from mclaren showing through!

And kimi who again stops on the track, engine just loses power and that's it. He might be hoping for rain just to have cooler temperatures on qualy and racedays?
His year, and everyone using a ferrari engine, might be a disaster if this is going to happen at every warmish race.
S2 licensed
It doesnt look like massa would have ran wide (imho), he had it tucked on the inside and turning. If u watch that clip he seems to be almost halfway past coulth by the time they start turning(pauze at second 5). Don't see any sliding or indication that he would run wide.

Another thing that i find pleads against coulthard is what he says in the BBC 5live report.
reporter : "so did u know he was there, did u see him?"
Coulth "ofcourse i knew he was there"
Non literal excerpt, but if u know someone is down on your inside and allready braking at his maximum.. u are the only one who can avoid an accident by turning in a bit later or taking a wider line. If u turn in regardless while knowing someone is there..well then u caused the crash imo.
S2 licensed
Kid has always been "Special"
S2 licensed
Enjoyed the race yesterday, but i fear one thing..and fear it allot.

The manufacturers wont be happy if every race has half of their pampered drivers spin out. Too bad for their precious image.
So they will hold a few anal meetings and go talk to Max and Bernie.
Midway through the season Max or Bernie suggest it's much too dangerous without TC and propose a rulechange for 2009.
Before we know it all teams agree to use TC again and we are back to the boredom of the last few years.

Really hope the (good) drivers disagree loudly enough and the fans riot too so it doesn't happen..but if the manufacturers agree on it and get support from the FIA it will be hard to stop them.
S2 licensed
Rather ironic that Coulthard said something like "Always like talking to u, but hopefully u wont see me till after the race"
Then he closes the door too late and starts swearing on TV for something that was his own fault. :bananadea
S2 licensed
broadcasting again ,this time without stutters. guess most normall people are all asleep by now :sleep2:
S2 licensed
41 members right now ..looks like it will be a nice competition.
Joined early this week as Noccy, managing the "flashpointers".
Anyone know when the bonusquestion will be available ,or do we only get one between races? (aka not till after the first one)

Good luck everyone and let's win those silly caps as best subleague. :jester:
S2 licensed
Don't see it as a usefull enough feature to have Scawen spend half a day or even one hour on.

It takes about 0.5 seconds to click spectate.
S2 licensed
The rumourmill can be stopped for now. Dennis confirmed to his employees that he will still lead their team this year, and the team oficially confirmed it. ... -as-mclaren-f1-team-boss/
S2 licensed
Sorry hiroshima ,but that is not really personal, u never had any problems with a malaysian if i'm correct? U base your opinion of a whole country on a few thugs who bothered someone (one at that..not even 3or more) of your relatives. I know it can be hard to seperate an event from the country/place it happened..but u should blame the persons who did it, not everyone they live near.

Should I claim all Singaporeans are mean greedy bastards because i once had a problem with a cabby who refused to open his trunk and let me get my luggage till i paid him over double the price i ever paid before for the same ride. (called the police ofc and it was quickly solved)
Or maybe call u all aggressive bastards because there was one bartender who got violent early in the morning when he was too drunk and we had no interest at all in being taken home by him and 3 of his girls...
I'm sure u wouldn't have been happy if that was the image i painted of Singapore in my above posts.

But I will leave it at that..u are free to dislike all of Malaysia, just like they are free to dislike the whole of Singapore and refuse to sell u drinkable water or sand for your landreclamation projects. It's not helpful or constructive in any way..but so what, right?

Blade: I wasn't born yet in '74 so I can't say how different it looks, but my guess is u would hardly recognize it. Their whole skyline is now filled with highrise buildings and some very modern architecture, their airport is one of the most efficient and well kept i have ever seen, many of their smaller islands have been linked with bridges or simply joined together into one bigger island and so forth.
It probably still has some of the same feel ,but my guess is that visually it's very different from how u knew it in '74.
S2 licensed
Quote from hyntty :Is Singapore the country where virgin women aren't allowed to be in a same room with a man they are't related to?

That would surprise me to no end, i'm even 99.9% sure i can outright say no. U are probably thinking of Saudi Arabia or another super strict islamic country where women aren't allowed to see unrelated men in public. But they don't have gov. officials deflower young girls so they can publicly meet strangers...pretty sure that's a fable being told in Finland by the self-loving rightwingers. In case i am wrong..please say which country does this together with a trusthworthy source.

Singapore does use flogging as a capital punishment though, but i think it's mainly(only?) for things like raping ,drugpossesion/sale or other severe crimes..again not public afaik. Relatives to the victims and supervizers might be allowed to watch it...but if u call that public then America does public exectutions.

Quote from hiroshima guy :

Malaysia is too dangerous for meh. SO many robbers and thugs. They might cut my throat and leave me dead on the streets... I won't want that.

Please DO travel to Malaysia and every other country u ever get the chance to travel to. If u don't put yourself at risk by going into the sleaziest bar in the worst neighbourhood u can find, drink too much and insult a few locals before u waggle home at night... the chance that u get robbed or worse is minimal. The image hung up by many richer and stricter countries about their neighbours/poor countries is often alot more negative then reality.
Heck we even have quite a few people in Belgium who claim Brussels is way way too dangerous and never set a foot in the capital if they can avoid it. Insane ,but thats what proper rightwing propaganda will put into some people's minds.
Go everywhere u can and form an opinion funded on your own experience. Live among the inhabitants too and be open to their way of life and u will see all people are/want the same ..don't lock yourselves away in some hotel with a private beach and gardens and then come back home telling how awful the people there are.

Ofcourse u are free to believe everything the media/politicians tell u, but don't expect it to be the outright truth. And yes I've lived in a few "dangerous countries" and never ran into problems that dont exist elsewhere. If u look after yourselves(fe dont go into the slums in Rio at night,etc) and are friendly to people just about everyone will be friendly in return.
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
Lived in Singapore for a short while as a kid when we had to leave Australia after living there for too long. (something about automatically becoming a citizen after X years so they could tax us) Spent 6 months there, but all i remember from then is that the hotel was next to a park with flying squirrels (cute animals) and we loved swimming early in the morning while it rained, then eating the best croissants I've ever tasted in the hotels lobby while our parents were still asleep.

Later i worked there for a year an a half and got to know the place a little bit better.
Not had a problem once and found the people to be friendly. Ultra clean streets, superb roads, great nightlife and ultra strict rules (ok as a foreigner, but living by those rules all my life would be annoying to me).
Healthcare is of top quality, very professional personnel and good drugstores. Lots of private clinics though and when i saw the bills the company paid for simple dental treatments or minor injuries....jowzers.
Never had the slightest problem catching a cab..but i guess the cabbies like white foreigners since they can extort them without them even realizing..we loved pushing the cabbies past their allowed speed though so the funny beeper went off, not just once ..we wanted to hear it the whole ride!

What is rather sad is that most average Singaporeans don't have that good a life. The government hoards all the money and makes life a dream for foreign companies, but most people live in extremely small flats, don't earn that much and can't afford all the luxery they see around them daily. I know this is a fact in every country, but in Singapore the gap between rich and normal, not even poor, is huuuge.
They do everything though to keep the money comming in.
Fe. -near orchard tower it's full of illegal immigrant prostitutes, but they only get arrested when they are alone...with a customer by their sides they aren't arrested since the customer would get punished too and most are ofcourse foreigners.
-a tiny car costing over 50k€ just to buy. Sure it helps prevent trafficjams and spices the statefunds with taxes, but it also makes sure only companies and the superrich can drive.
There are many more examples that show their leaders perverted kapitalism.

Also have a solid military for such a small country, superb quality material. Even their smallest coastguard and customs patrolboats are ace...basically a powerboat with 4engines and a nice cannon on the front.

Ps. if u ever go there ..don't ever think of quickly peeing in a plant on the way home at night or leaving a candypaper behind as u will quickly be 250€ poorer. And yes Chano, spitting bubblegum in public..or simply spitting spit has heavy fines imposed on it too.

edit : Oh and I bloody LOVE the weather! I was made and raised in all kinds of tropical or desert countries (both parents are Belgians and i was born here too, luckily we were back abroad by the time I was 3months old ) and i simply love heat...can't stand this cold chill weather in Belgium. Even found it makes a big difference in how open and friendly people are when u compare hot <=> colder matter how rich or poor they are.
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
I will agree with tristan for once;
The cars look like they were drawn by the artists who also made the "cars" cartoon..which for me is not a good thing, no matter how much shine and lightingeffects they add

It's like people saying the trees in oblivion look realistic ,while they seem to be taken straight from a bambi-remake cartoon.
S2 licensed
*pictures Jak walking outside ,squinting his eyes from the harsh sunlight, and rolling out a piece of cord over the road while mumbling to himself*

I guess your neighbours dont need any more assertion that they have a geekish, kinda funny guy living in their neighbourhood? :leb:

(all in good fun..dont take me too serious)
S2 licensed
Some blue grapes and 2 mandarins...wonder if the junk food (includes all prepackaged, prespiced and high salt/sugar or fat junk in my book) generation remembers what fruit is, or ever heard about it.