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S2 licensed
Sneddz , u should download Speedfan and monitor your 12V line..12 or higher is healthy, ~11.70 is risky and anything lower could well cause serious problems ala slow performance,write failures,bluescreens,random reboots,etc
If u see your voltlines drop under load (like playing LFS) try and unplug anything non-critical ; so any backupharddrives, all your CD-rom drives and all extra fans; Then feed your GPU with 2 clean unused molexes and see if that solves it. (if u are really desperate go down to 1RAM dimm since they use power too)
It could well be that your 6800 isnt getting the ampèrage it needs and thus is crapping out on u.

[rant]I am sorry MadCat but u are seriously wrong there.
If theres 2things that are really important, it are stable Volt-lines(mainly 12v these days as the GPU's all use them for extra juice) and sufficient Ampèrage

Wattage is 90% MARKETING, as there are quality 350watt PSU's that can run more powerfull systems then some 500watt PSU's. This is all down to stable volt-lines and the ampères they can deliver.

If u have a 500Watt PSU that can only deliver 20A on its 12v line, guess what happens when your GPU draws 25 or 30ampères (especially with AGP since it delivers less current through the mainboard compared to PCI-E).
Your voltlines drop and u get slow performance, crashes and general instability
While the 350Watt PSU might be able to sustain 25A and u wouldnt have any problems whatsoever.
U will even see Modern quality PSU's come with up to 4 seperate 12V-lines to cater for the people who run 2x7900GTX and whatnot, all because a single 12V cant possibly supply that many Ampères

edit: i think u are talking about the 20pin-connectors which they changed into 24pins with ATX2.0 ,but this extra power is mainly meant for the extra power the motherboard itself needs these days (for feeding the RAM,chipset,ubs-busses,fans, pci-slots,NIC,...)
Again with a good 350Watt 20pin PSU u could run most if not all ATX2 boards, by simply leaving the 4extra pins free on the side
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
I've said this before, but cant LFS use some kind of "live" skillindicator in the serverlist?
Let the gameserver make an average of the fastest laps for all who finish the race, then send it to the masterserver. Then compare that average against the WR(or against a set benchmark) and assign it an icon.(pro;quick;ok)

Add that to the serverlist and u can give a nice guideline without enforcing stupid tests
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
Have a look at this site, ... p;model2=306&chart=93

It lets u compare 2 cards (of your choice) against each other in different games. So look up 2(or more) cards within your pricerange, then compare them against each other in different games.
Just make sure u buy from the cheapest shop as it can make a noticable difference.

With your A64 3500+ a X1300 should run LFS just fine..but dont expect to run any of the newest shooters with maximum graphical detail. (heck my Ati 9700pro ran S2 without a problem)

2nd option is to buy a 6600gt or similar 2nd hand, will be cheaper and u get better performance (just try and buy one which still has factory warranty in case something goes wrong)

edit : on the wattage..its all bullshit =). Buy a decent 400W PSU with 20A on the 12v line and it will run a 600w PSU with 12A on your 12v line and your PC will do all kind of strange things when u stress it
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed

Anyone from Iceland who can explain that? illepall
S2 licensed
Also make sure u downloaded LFS full, demo doesnt have the unlock option.
S2 licensed
If u want info about rovers is the place to be.
U need to register (free) but they have info about almost any rover/mg there including workshop manuals ,electrics schedules, transmission and so forth.

there is also a 2nd hand section with a good few rovers for sale.
Personally i would go for the 220coupe turbo (aka tomcat), same engine as the 620 but nicer looks Main flaw of that engine is an oilleaking gasket near the 4th cilinder..but its easily fixed with a alu/metal gasket instead of the standard rubberish stuff.
If u are lucky u could even find one called "sport" with which rover participated in the BTCC in the old days (stronger engine ,better trans, suspension, brakes ,etc)

I do remember reading something about a 180 and a 197bhp version, if im not mistaken any car produced in 96 or later should have the 197bhp engine.

pic of a 220coupe :

Ps. Make sure u get one with leather seats and airco

edit : its a 2door though..but u can still fit 2kids in the back without problems..adults better be short because of the reclining roofline
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
If u want a driftcompetition, why not do it right?
3 to 5 respected(as in decent drifters) and unbiased judges spectate while each driver drifts 2? laps(alone on the track) and award points afterwards.

Would be more realistic, more fun, and u wont have to rely on software which can always be exploited or has inevitable bugs

+ it allows the devs to code stuff that 95% of the drivers will cars or tracks ,etc. Instead of spending time on a feature that not even 5% of the userbase will use.

or would organizing something like this ask too much from the mature and professional drift teams?
S2 licensed
If u have the game unlocked on both PC's.
One of u should go to multiplayer/start new game , and set it up as local (LAN)
The other just goes to multiplayer/join specific game , again click local and enter the ip of the host.

That should be all u need to play S2 full on lan
S2 licensed
small exerpt from a link posted above

Corner Rights

If you watch the odd few drivers in action you might think the rule for corner rights goes something like, " Whatever piece of ground I can barge my way into I have the right to ". Well, ... not so. There is actually an etiquette for corner rights. Its not just for racing sims, but is basically the same for every level of real-world motor racing - from Formula Ford to Formula 1 and everything in between. " What ! ", you say. " You mean I don't have the right to throw my car into any gap I see ? ". Actually no, you don't - and if you raced in any real-world competition the way you may race, instead of being hailed as a motor racing genius you may find yourself banned from even the lowest levels of the sport.

n brief, the concept is, you must establish substantial overlap with the car ahead before a corner's turn-in point to have the right for room to be left for you by the ahead driver. Substantial overlap means at least that the front of your car is up to say the driver's position in the ahead car - and that's at the very least. You probably should have more in many circumstances. The ahead driver has ever right to be fully committed to the racing line of his choice without any interference if there was no overlap before he turned in.

Just to prove my point really..aka there ARE rules about passing and who has right to the racingline.
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
Bman, if there is no such thing as "right to the racingline"..then why do racers, not adhering to the rule i posted above, get penalties in 99% of the real leagues that run worldwide. In the above movie that last driver will almost always get a penalty..unlike the front driver, who wont ever be penalized.
Guess why?

Maybe in your vieuw the blue car should have gone offtrack and on the grass to make room for the other guy,even if he tried an impossible pass? illepall

Offcourse both drivers have to be carefull and always try to avoid accidents. But there ARE rules about it (they might differ slightly per league ..but each and everyone of them has rules about such stuff)
Same when someone tries a pass and u close the door on him..close the door too late and u are in fault, end of story.

Quote :There is no such thing as a "right" to a line

say that to any steward at a trackday and he would call your words BS..not mine
S2 licensed
Hyperactive..i dont mean to flame u

But keep that in mind when some lunatic rams u off the track, then says :hey i overlapped your back wheels..i had right of way u noob.

I would definatly not call that an acceptable move..if he pulled it off without problem , but there clearly was not enough room for that.
If u look closely u can see he is behind! the blue car at the turn-in point and barely overlaps the rearwheels at the apex.

It is a situation that happens often ,both in RL and LFS..but that doesnt make it a valid passing move.
S2 licensed
I always thought the front driver has right to the racingline, unless u have more then half a car overlap during the braking zone. (so your front wheels are past his front door)
So in this case the white car is clearly at fault..just like anyone in LFS would be when trying a pass, if he barely overlaps the other guys back wheels.
Thats a recipe for disaster, even when passing a lapped car. It is the passing drivers responibility to make a clean pass. Imho that doesnt include diving down the blindspot in mirrors and expecting the other guy to smell your car and give way.
Not beside him in the brakingzone => he has right to the apex..and 9/10 will turn into u, so better brake a bit more and try that pass later on.
S2 licensed
Hi Harry, maybe it would be healthy if u take a good look at your avatar, and try to make contact with one of those other bumper-equipped creatures.
They are pretty good at helping u lose some frustration..just dont come complaining when u find out most are quite buggy also :em31:
S2 licensed
Paying by banktransfer should not take more then 2 to 3 weeks.
probably faster then waiting till u turn 18 and get that CC.
S2 licensed

Here is an alot more indepth article about it, together with an explanation how to fix it. Seems intel processors are not fans of USB 2.0.

But that shouldnt cause a 8° temperature rise all by itself.
Maybe if your PSU is really weak it cant give enough power and thats why the CPU runs hotter when u plug in USB
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
on your first screen i see an icon "sounds and audio devices" (right lower corner) that is the windows audio panel.
your screens look like some kind of equalizer program?
S2 licensed
no im afraid it only works that way if u use banktransfer
eg. u pay 36pounds to the devs by wiretransfer and instead of refunding u with 12pounds, its stays on your account till s3 is released, then u can instantly upgrade to S3

with a visa only the amount owed is payed..which would be 24pounds if u buy S2. But dont worry, u will have about 3years(do not lynch me if this number is not correct :P) to enjoy S2 and its upgrades before u have to worry about buying S3
S2 licensed
Not sure if u will have this option on your PC but try

there under playback; tick the microphone and make sure u dont mute it under volume controll
now your speakers should play anything u say in the mic.

Not guaranteed to work since i use an audigy card and its drivers..but think its a standard windows option
S2 licensed
What about an extra icon in the serverlist?

Have the masterserver do /w pb for all players and show a snapshot of the average times, or maybe based on the last racefinish?
That might be a way to show the skill/speed on a server without forcing it on users (with filtering on training,miles driven,pb,etc etc)

O.T : Now that im on about the serverlist ; it would be ace if we could sort the servers on number of players, as now it only gets sorted by lowest ping
S2 licensed
i used the pitspeed thing only because i see it as something so minor it isnt worth fixing

So in America u get a fine when u drive 60mph in a zone marked by a 60mph sign? Thought u had to go faster then 60..aka 61 or higher to get a fine.
At least thats how it works in europe

Limit is u drive 80, 81 on the other hand is over the limit.

Doesnt matter but i cant see how doing 80 in a 80-zone can be speeding
S2 licensed
Dont see this as worth a day of the devs time.

Want to see who is fast on 1 lap..check Pb's
Want to see who is fast over 5/10/20laps..go spectate/drive a 5/10/20lap race. The guy who finishes first was fastest over that amount of laps

I'd rather see Scawen or Vic spending time fixing something silly like pitspeedlimit(aka let us drive 80kph instead of 79)
then have him spend a day on this.

In other words if it ever gets implemented i hope it wont happen before NOTHING ELSE can be improved anymore.

Just my opinion ofcourse
Last edited by Noccy, .
S2 licensed
make sure u have the latest drivers (4.60) from

then go in logitech profiler
device/game controllers/properties/settings
here u should be able to set u slider with ° of rotation among other stuff
S2 licensed
If the DFP pedals look similar to the momo racing ones this might help u some marsden
S2 licensed
have u got any other USB-device connected?
My pc did this when i had a USB headphone and my wheel connected at the same time. Took me quite some time to figure it out, but unplugging the headphone before i booted the pc did the trick and never had any stutters since.
Think the USB-port didnt like all the data from wheel and headphones(+mic) at the same time and made the pc stutter while it catched up

Hope it helps
S2 licensed
LFS-logo disappeared from the headers here too

think it happenend after the 3am update from last night?
doesnt really matter..but the lfs-logo is nicer then that blue thing we have now :P