Made a new layout for my server, which I've (unimaginatively) called 'The Perimeter', as basically the track follows the outside edge of the Container Park part of Blackwood.
The lap is approx. 2,420 metres / 1.5 miles.
Video of me doing a lap ... .
Some more images ...
The server is set for 3 laps, so if you only do one, then your time will be slower than others who do more as, unlike yours, their 2nd / 3rd laps will not be from a standing start.
Not sure how good it will be for drifting, as basically, there's only really 4 big turns.
Anyway, if you do join the server, good luck!
Attached is a slightly amended layout which can be used for racing, for up to 8 players. Up to you how many laps you want to set. There's also pit boxes if pit stop(s) required.
Can also be used solo if you want; you'll always start from position 1.
Last edited by sinanju, .
Reason : Added race layout
This is one of many mpr replays I went through to find quickest BF1 time - IneX M.Wentjarvi spent more than a few hours on the server - sometimes he / someone else hit SHIFT R, which starts new mpr file.
His quickest clean lap was at approx 43:55, and his fastest time (with small penalty) at end of mpr - 1 hr 46 mins.
Because he got 2 second penalty on his quickest run, that time added to his run time meant that it was slower than his clean lap, so that time doesn't appear on the front screen top 12. His clean run was still quicker than everyone else.
Not sure you'll beat the current top time (which has changed since last time I posted times/scores) ...
... but good luck anyway!
Top spot is taken by someone who has set times on a few of my server layouts, and never been knocked off top spot - one of them was my Top Gear layout, and I put video of him setting lap on YouTube. If I've got time next week, may see if I can find replay of his run on this current layout, and put video of that online. That is, once I get back home next week, and put finishing touches to the layout I'm working on just now (along with same layout in reverse, which needs slightly more changes than turning the turn markers to face other way). Both over 95% complete.
Looks like we're almost there ... now up to 400 runs ...
Seems the keyboard is mightier than the wheel, and mouse, as the one who has 19 top spots in the "Top Times per Car type" uses his keyboard for driving!
Apologies for hijacking thread .... but to answer the question
Only at approx 1/3rd scale.
Top Gear Track fits into rectangle of 1,040 x 280 metres, so length 3.714 times x breadth.
Container Park - one side is approx 600 x 104 metres (dog leg side with less containers)
Scaled, to fit into area, Top Gear track would be 378 x 102 metres (leaves slight space for pavement).
I've already done Top Gear layout on the AU1 Autocross area at about this scale - almost 6 years ago - search in the Autocross Layout area of this forum and ye shall find!
Very busy on server today, with lot of people completing full runs, so changes to top times and drift scores ...
Some of these times are already out of date as Rick.VTEC has taken some of the car type top spots - maybe he'll still be there for next time/score update.
I've made layout, approx 3,660 metres / 2.27 miles long, on newly revised V0.6R Blackwood, in the industrial estate area.
I've added some traffic stuff (zebra and pelican crossings, traffic lights and some bumps). If you drive, or have driven British roads, you'll recognise them - hopefully.
Layout currently (as at 1st Feb, 2017) on my SIN'RS server.
You don't need to do anything complicated - the info you want is already coded as player variables in lapper - look for the playerVars.txt file in the /docs folder, and put them in a button...that's what I did, and I've been using my distance done panel for few years now.
From personal experience, be aware that repeatedly updating the distance info will result in lag on your server if more than a few people on track at same time.
Please don't ask me for further info or code ... you have been supplied with enough information in these posts to get what you want. If you can't do it now, wait the 2 months you talk about.
Nothing wrong with the route but for me, the problem is it's far too easy to get lost, and my memory's not good enough to remember the route even after doing few laps.
My opinion, but you should use the marker boards both to show turns and with long roads, the countdown markers. Also, the layout looks bit too sterile with just using few cones, tyres and barriers.
There's also far too many corners that can be cut - especially over the grass areas.
Glad you like it, although seems very old fashioned compared to what you can do with layouts now, especially with additional objects and types of objects.
It's one of my very old layouts - called AU1 Kris Kros - likely that I used it for a while on one of my Sin'rs servers.
Would have been good to watch collisions in the intersections when lots of people on layout at same time.
Layout attached.
Used same sort of idea for another layout - Windmills of your mind.
Didn't think they were as good as my Scaletrix and Livingston layouts (both names can be found using search function - each had multiple layouts).
Funny you should mention that, because I amended the track slightly to get a layout i've called 'High Plains Drifter'.
Layout currently on one of my (Sin'rs) servers, where some lap times have been recorded!
My XRG time is almost 5 seconds slower than the one recorded above, so the rest of my times should be easily beatable. And as I can't drift, all my drift scores should be easily beaten too.
I made a couple of tongue in cheek type Blackwood layouts for a demo user (who couldn't use them if he only had demo license), but they may give you idea's to make your own ....