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Sin'rs Too
Hi, and welcome to the the world of LFSLapper Smile

The default 'lapper' script (LFSLapper.lpr) has a lot of comments within that explains what the code does, and how to make changes.

For further info, you should also read the changes.txt file that is in the /docs folder.

I would suggest that you read this post about the basics of buttons - HERE

From this, I'd suggest practising on editing the standard 'Welcome' message. If you get comfortable changing this, then you can have a play on moving/resizing/editing the drift scoreboard that you have got working.

As for someone changing the drift scoreboard gui, may help if you could do rough mock-up image of how you want it to look.

I would also suggest doing search within this section of the forum as you will also (eventually) find examples of other drift scoreboard layouts.
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
You gotta just love it when a demo user posts content showing a track and autocross objects they don't have license for - a paid for one, that is.

Or is it you just don't like using your proper licensed username on the forum? Or maybe you 'borrow' a relatives/friends/neighbours licensed account?

Or maybe you're doing it for someone else who doesn't speak English as well as you do? Or maybe they're painfully shy? Or maybe it's all a mistake, and you have bought a license, but 'demo licensed' under your username won't update.

Was showing a good idea?
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
Read this by Yisc[NL], which explains how to set zones on any track.
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
Quote from lfsrm :,,,I bet you're a student who are working on his free time or you're unemployed ,,,

I'm just over 10 years away from retiring, and left high school 40 years ago, so not student, and P45 required to hand to next employer as starting next temporary job.
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Sin'rs Too
Quote from lfsrm :Don't generalize, rich people are a very tiny minority in these country, computer and other stuff if they are officially imported the government may reduce taxes so the common people can buy one or two due to their importance nowadays, I bet the smartphones you're talking about are only 50$ chinese clone since I see them everywhere here, many people sacrifice money and time just to get normal things that you guys can buy in one day.

Well if we assume the average salary there is about 150 $, a 50$ for the s2 are about 30% of their total monthly income, if in your country you're paid 2500$ do you accept to spend 750$ in one game ?...

Talking of generalising...

I've earned about $5,278 US dollars for 51 weeks - a week shy of 12 months. If you're wondering why I didn't pay tax, its because I only earned one third of amount allowed before tax deducted. And I'm not alone in earning this amount.

And as for chinese cloned phones - most of the ones I saw were iphone 5's with apple logo on back - most people didn't want to put them in cases as it hid the logo. They were quite happy to let me handle them when I showed them my old 4S, and I said I'd like to compare.
Last edited by sinanju, .
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
Quote from lfsrm :...buying over the internet and spending 1 month worth of salary ( if not 2 ) for a game is a no-no for them...

And yet they have enough money to buy a computer, internet connection, server, wheel. And, from what I saw when I holidayed in Icmeler, in Turkey, a lot of young guys working in bars, restaurants, hotels, and on the beach had more modern smartphones than my 4 year old iphone 4s.
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
First thing you have to do is hit the blue button 'Preview in Full Editor' under the box you are typing in, and then you will see an area under the part where you type your description that says 'Drag files here'.

You can drag various files into this area - type and size just below the 'Upload / Update' blue button.

I assume you want to put your .lyt file online. If so, that is where you put them.
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
Have you edited the default_1.ini file yet?
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
When signed into LFSWorld / My LFSWorld Settings / Pubstat Access tab, then scroll to bottom of window, then click on the 'my account balance' link, it tries take you to and then in a bit, you get a 'A page-load time out occurred' message.
Last edited by sinanju, . Reason : whoops; wrong thread!
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
You can already set up music to play while in car.


then you have choices of

Music in Setup screens
Music while racing
Music during replays

Pick an ingame Channel (1, 2 or 3) - in this case, Channel basically means which radio station you want playing.

Look at bottom right of screen and you will see a button called Channels - click it, and it takes you to a screen where you can pick music and set music per channel.

Any music you want in there, save as OGG music file in your LFS data/ogg directory.

Easy enough finding mp3 to ogg converter to download.

Or if all that is too much work, play your mp3's on your pc or audio equipment in background while playing LFS.

To be honest, last thing I would want is to have to listen to other peoples music blaring from their cars while racing. I've almost given up watching youtube movies because of the awful music people use as background. Especially true for drift videos.
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
Some companies that sell the software, and give info...HERE

Google 'video stitch' for further info.
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
For those whose computer failed the Oculus Rift test, as mine did with i7-3770 CPU / 12 Gb memory / GTX 580 (due to poor processor and graphix card), my pc passed the ValveVR test as 'Ready' (with caveat).

In other words, with pc spec like mine, you may not be able to use the OR, but you may have chance with other VR headset.
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
I've been struggling testing for few hours with a setup of 3 autox lights all side by side, and set identifiers to 0, 1 and 2.

Took me long time with nothing happening before I thought to actually enable lights first like I was about to start a race.

Once I'd finally got figured that out....


to set 1 of the 3 lights to red. This worked.

I realise that you can have multiple start lights with same identifier, and code will work on all identified lights as one.

Got above image by running lapper 3 times, with idents 0,1,2,0,1,2,0,1,2

However, for the next bits I need help.

Can't work out how to enable more than 1 set of lights at a time.

Tried the following in 3 lines, one line after another

All resulted in lapper crashing.


Tried setting sub to trigger a change in lights (say if green, trigger to amber), but lapper didn't like the vars I put in the sub header. Tried
Sub lights ()
Sub lights ($KeyFlags,$id)
Sub lights ($LightAction,$LightIndex,$LightIndentifier,$LightColor)

but these just resulted in lapper having a fit.

After testing, found that you can use Insim Circles as triggers, but these might be too big in certain circumstances
IF ( $CircleIndex == "1" )
startlightcontrol (5,149,1,2); # set all ident 1 lights to amber

and you can also use Insim Checkpoints as triggers too, although not sure if lapper can differentiate between one kind of checkpoint and another (eg Finish Line v 1st Checkpoint)

IF ( $Flags == "2" )
startlightcontrol (5,149,1,8); # set all ident 1 lights to green

although might be possible to fiddle about with IF ($LightColor = n) THEN ... ?

Last edited by sinanju, . Reason : further testing
S3 licensed
Online at :
Sin'rs Too
What have you called this Event?

Checking LFSLapper.lpr between your V7.030 and V7.031, the only difference I can see is that the explanation for breakdown of using Private Buttons has been copied under the #Action when a new Gapping Info is available# section.

Also, in the managePacket.cs file

Object[96] = "Short Railing"; Object[97] = "Medium Railing"; Object[98] = "Long Railing"; // Not moveable Railing

if (newCfg.varsLapper.DetectHitObject.Contains("All_Railings") && (obh.Index > 95 && obh.Index < 99))

Is this the file that should have these railings changed to Armco?
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
Thumbs up

Looks like you'll have to change your teamname from Impact to DISCO!
Last edited by sinanju, .
Buttons - Learn how to use them - Advanced (Symbols/Glyphs)
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
Advanced Button Making - Escape Codes and symbol Glyphs

List of available colours, language Code Pages and Special Characters:

= Colours

As you should already be well aware by now, caret/circumflex (^) in front of a number in a text string will colour the text, e.g. "^1 test" will output test.

openPrivButton( "test_colours",50,70,20,6,6,8,96,"^0 - black%nl%^1 - red%nl%^2 - green%nl%^3 - yellow%nl%^4 - blue%nl%^5 - violet%nl%^6 - cyan%nl%^7 - white%nl%^8 - no color");

= Special Characters

A caret/circumflex in front of certain lower case letters will output special characters.

openPrivButton( "test_characters1",50,70,10,6,6,8,96,"^1^v%nl%^1^d%nl%^1^s%nl%^1^t%nl%^1^a%nl%^1^q%nl%^1^l%nl%^1^r");

For instance, if you want to output a special character such as the hash sign (#) you would use "^h" within your text string.

In truth, most of these special characters are not required to be used in lapper as these symbols appear on a normal keyboard and you can just type the symbols in between quotes and the text will be output as you've typed it. However, some characters are required, such as the single quotation mark. If you try outputting a text string like

openPrivButton( "test_characters2",70,70,50,6,6,8,96,"^1 this string wants to use the "quote" marks");

then lapper will actually output

You would have to use

openPrivButton( "test_characters2",70,70,50,6,6,8,96,"^1 this string wants to use the ^tquote^t marks");

which outputs as

= Code Pages

A caret/circumflex in front of certain upper case letters will change the Code Page (language lookup).

Lapper appears to use Latin 1 as standard for most European languages, but it is possible to use the characters and symbol glyphs as used in other language Code Pages.

For instance, if you want to use some symbol glyphs that you find in the Traditional Chinese Character A1 set, then, with your lapper script open and LFS running;

- In LFS, type "t" to open message window, click on Latin 1, and change to Traditional Chinese, and click OK. Message window should expand down to show all the standard characters, along with a huge number of buttons with numbers/letters and buttons with numbers under the rows of normal Latin text and greyed out buttons.

If these additional characters don't appear, click the triangular up arrow.

Click on the A1 button, and then click the symbol you want to use in your script. This will now appear in the message.

CTRL C (copy) this symbol then go to your lapper script and paste into a button text string. When you do this, the symbol you copied will have changed into different text.

In front of this text, you will have to put the Code Page letter, in this case, ^H (for Traditional Chinese), and then ^9. The ^9 converts any subsequent buttons back to default code page, e.g. Latin 1. If you don't use this, then other buttons appearing after your new button may not show text as expected.

After the ^H^9, put your colour number, e.g. ^1, then the text message you want to display.

It is possible to mix the order of Code Pages / Convert and still have text display properly. Putting colour first will result in grey (no colour) text. However, for bug fixing I would recommend you keep to same convention throughout, as the text strings will make little sense on a quick look.

openPrivButton( "test_characters2",70,70,50,6,6,8,96,"^1 this string wants to uses the ^tquote^t marks");
openPrivButton( "test_characters3",70,76,50,6,6,8,96,"^0^H ¢R ¡ø ¡¹ ¢g - test char 3");
openPrivButton( "test_characters4",70,82,50,6,6,8,96,"^2^H^9 ¢R ¡ø ¡¹ ¢g - test char 4"); # outputs no colour instead of green
openPrivButton( "test_characters5",70,88,50,6,6,8,96,"^H^1 ¢R ¡ø ¡¹ ¢g - test char 5");
openPrivButton( "test_characters6",70,94,50,6,6,8,96,"^H^9^2 ¢R ¡ø ¡¹ ¢g - test char 6");
openPrivButton( "test_characters7",70,100,50,6,6,8,96,"^H^3 ¢R ¡ø ¡¹ ¢g - test char 7^9");

Although in the above examples, the ^H (for Traditional Chinese) works with the symbols I chose, there is no guarantee that all symbols will work for any language choice. I was unable to use some ^J (Japanese) and ^G (Greek) symbols during my limited tests.
Last edited by sinanju, .
S3 licensed
Online at :
Sin'rs Too
Thanks for that.

I thought I'd tried 'TrackSide_Objects' and it hadn't worked, but I've just tried again, and now it does work Tilt My bad.

Railing - That was already in. I just wanted to differentiate between that and the Armco.

Rest of objects are fine.
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
Manor front wing looks lot more 'basic' than all the other cars.
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
Next time you update lapper, can you change few things?

The objecthit.txt file needs edited.

'All_Markers' should be 'All_TurnMarkers'.

Request; can 'railings' in your code be changed to 'Armco'?

You have
All_Railings // (Short/Medium/Long Railing)

Think would be better if
All_Armco // (Short/Medium/Long Armco)

Keeps these separate from the small pedestrian railing.

Plus, in $DetectHitObject, I can't get 'scenery' to work (as described in objecthit.txt file), nor 'Trackside_Object', 'Trackside_Objects' or even 'TrackSide_Objects'.
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
Just another demo user with no money to pay for a license Cool
S3 licensed
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Sin'rs Too
Quote from RaZMorocco :Demo for years now ....

Like a lot of other demo racers, some of whom likely have no intention of ever buying a license, as happy enough with the free game they've got.
Quote from RaZMorocco :i suggest this doesnt actually happen or you'll kill the game just like many famous old racing games that used this technique

Most 'old' racing game demos came on a cd, when you bought a computer game magazine. How many of these games still exist? Some were unlimited, but some had time constraints, or track/car constraints.
Quote from RaZMorocco :not everyone can afford the game nor pay through the internet

I understand that not everyone can afford even an S1 licence, and that there are purchasing issues. But, again, not LFS developers fault.
I don't have a tv - it broke, and I can't afford a replacement, not even 2nd hand. I have experience of having had and used one, so when I can ever afford a replacement, I'll likely get one. In mean time, I do without.
Quote from RaZMorocco :i suggest they add more stuff into the Demo version

So even less incentive to actually buy a license.

And where does the "add more stuff" end?

It seems to me that a lot of people have forgot, or have never known, what "demo" actually means.

In a game, as in other things, its a demonstration of a product to show the capabilities of what you would be getting if you paid for it, as in (especially) does it work on your pc, does it look / play sufficiently well, do you like it?

3 to 6 months and/or 1000 lap limit is more than sufficient for a 'demo' in my opinion.
S3 licensed
Online at :
Sin'rs Too
For some reason, last 2 links take me to my own dropbox account Smile
S3 licensed
Online at :
Sin'rs Too
Yes, I appreciate the work you've put in too. Thumbs up

Now about these Autocross start lights.... Nod
S3 licensed
Online at :
Sin'rs Too
Quote from Yisc[NL] :As soon as any event within Lapper is triggered, you can use the several variables within that event, to do different things.

I may have made the connection few years ago, but my scripts tend to be simple and don't use these Event variables.

I thought they were only used because you couldn't use $UserName, $Keyflags, $ID, etc., or you made up your own variables.

As in
$myShortTrackName = getLapperVar( "ShortTrackName" );
IF ( $myShortTrackName == "BL1".....

which is just shorthand way of writing getLapperVar( " ...
as in
IF( getConfigVar("ShortTrackName") ....

At least now, I've got it more straight in my head. Thanks for confirmation.

Quote from Yisc[NL] :You can do that as in your example, but it's even possible to combine variables and do different things.

Yes, as in your Pitboard.lpr script for using || as OR, as in

IF ( $myShortTrackName == "BL1" || $myShortTrackName == "BL1R" || ......