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S3 licensed
I think your statement says something about your morals.


If you're willing to pay a fair price for some code, I may be willing to sell some code to you for 1 monetary unit (eg Pound, Euro, Dollar, Ruble, Lari, etc) more than you, or any one else who is willing to help you, is willing to pay.

Morally, I have to inform you that I may change my mind at any time, may be prepared to cheat you out of your money, and that I can make no guarantee that any of my code will work, especially as intended, nor that I can guarantee to supply said code in my lifetime.

Any code will be copyright, and will need to be licensed daily for use. This will be a proprietary software license, and the license fee will be over and above the fee for supplying the code. The license will be for single use only. The license fee, like the code fee, will be 1 monetary unit more than you are willing to pay.

The code, or any part thereof, cannot be made public, that you will have no rights of complaint if the code does not work as intended, damages your computer, and that no maintenance or updates will be provided. The License will restate these same conditions. Violation of any of these conditions will require that your license be revoked and that you will be liable to an unlawful fine that I think is unfair and punitive.

You may not misuse the code, nor use the code in a manner that it is not intended. Using the code does not give you ownership of any intellectual property rights to the code or the content you access. Other than as expressly set out in these terms, I make no specific promises that the code reliability, availability or ability to meet your needs. The code will be supplied "as is".

By using the code, you are agreeing to these terms. Please read them carefully.

Payment for any code and licenses will need to be paid for well in advance and before I go on holiday or into hiding. The price will be fixed until midnight, September 30, 2014. Acceptance of this offer must be made before the offered price timescale runs out. All times are GMT.

If you are willing to pay my prices, and agree to my caveats, then please list what you hope the code to do, show and achieve. You may use images and/or activity diagrams.

I reserve the right to ridicule, mock, scorn and ignore your work.
S3 licensed
As someone who spent a great deal of my own free time making various drift scoreboards in 'lapper', and then releasing them to the LFS community for free, then no, thank you.
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :A GlobalVar is used for every player on the server. So if one person sets it to "true", it is true for every player.

Because you've pointed out the obvious, I now get it. Doh!

Proof, because I'm in my late 50's, that's you're never too old to learn. Just not as quick. Like my racing.
S3 licensed
I tried to add drift points to a drift score if you enter a specified zone using your working sub-routine

Sub SA_ConeScrape1($userName) # Player Event
globalMsg( GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName") . "has passed the zone" );

and then adding the line

$DriftScore = $DriftScore + 100;

so the sub-routine code now reads

Sub SA_ConeScrape1($userName) # Player Event
globalMsg( GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName") . "has passed the zone" );
$DriftScore = $DriftScore + 100;

However, if you use that code, then lapper will crash, restart, crash, restart, crash.....

If adding drift points when entering the specified zone could be done, then solution could be by using and setting variables.

Possibly a Global variable

Event OnLapperStart()
GlobalVar $Conescrape1; $Conescrape1 = "false";
RegisterZoneAction( "AU1" , 56,-819, 1 , Conescrape1,"" );

which you could change from 'false' to 'true' if you entered the specified zone

Sub SA_ConeScrape1($userName) # Player Event
globalMsg( GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName") . "has passed the zone" );
$Conescrape1 = "true";

and then use an IF statement (within the Event OnDriftScore( $userName ) # Player event) so that if the variable was true then you get the drift points.

Or with using Player variables (e.g GetCurrentPlayerVar/SetCurrentPlayerVar).

To be honest, I really struggle with variables, especially the Player type, so I can't tell you if variables will actually work, and if they did, which to use (global/player), nor how to code them.
S3 licensed
Thought I'd try my own suggestion for using bicycle handlebar tape on my G25 to try thicken the grip, but its far too thick to use, and because its so thick, bit inflexible.
S3 licensed
My suggestion about pitlane garage signs was posted in the 'Talk about your suggestions on how to improve the LFS simulation' section - not the 'I demand that my suggestion be taken extremely seriously and must be included within LFS at the next update' section.

Its as valid a suggestion as any other on this part of the forum made by people that want to see new cars, new tracks, track editors, insim changes, dynamic weather, server features, etc.

In one way it differs from some suggestions in that it could offer the developers some scope to make some additional income - probably not much as it only costs £1 to have the option to upload an additional 50 car skins - but the option would be there.

Even if the option wasn't available for drivers, it's something that I'd like to see available to server owners, like myself.
Last edited by sinanju, .
S3 licensed
It's because you want it to be a player event rather than a lapper event. Try

Sub SA_ConeScrape1($userName) # Player Event
globalMsg( GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName") . "has passed the zone" );

In this case, the difference between lapper event and player event is;

Sub SA_ConeScrape1() # Lapper Event
Sub SA_ConeScrape1($userName) # Player Event

As you can see, the Player Event has $userName between the brackets.

For info: wherever you see a # symbol on a line, this tells lapper to ignore anything after it on the same line.

Sub Header bracket use is something I still find hard to get my head round, even after asking the question, and Krayy (lapper programming expert) providing a very detailed answer (Q&A HERE).
S3 licensed
Because lapper does not allow you to put something like

$DriftScore = $DriftScore + 100;

into a sub-routine. If you do, it restarts.
Ability to skin our own pitlane garage sign
S3 licensed
Would be great if we could put our own skinnable signs up in front of a garage to show your own team or driving name - or anything else you wanted to.

These would probably need to be track specific (eg BWG_Sin1, WHG_Sin1, etc), and would appear on garage when you join online server, and be removed when you leave.

Where there's no pitlane garages (eg South City), then signage is ignored, or not enough garage spaces, then signage is first come, first served.

May be an extra way for the LFS developers to make some additional bit of money, as they could make it you have to pay for these skins, or one free and pay for additional, or mix and match between helmet, car and garage skins, where you can upload so many free, then if you want more, you pay.

Alternately, server owner gets to sign all garages (same sign on each), and players nickname appears on a garage sign when they join server.
S3 licensed
And wouldn't it be great if we could skin our pitlane garage.

Skin appears when we join server, then disappears when you leave - just like any other racing teams that appear for a track meet.
Removal of U2's 'Free' album from iphone
S3 licensed
If like me, you can't stand the pretentious tw@ts known as U2, and would like to get their unwanted album off your iphone, then Apple have set up a way to remove it - see link below;

You'll need to enter your itunes login details.
S3 licensed
You could try somewhere like ebay to see if you can get a small steering wheel cover, although due to the small diameter of the G25/G27 wheel, might be difficult.

Better alternative might be to get some badminton/squash/tennis racquet anti slip/sweat tape and either wrap that straight onto the wheel or use it to hold foam sheeting in place.

The tape is about 25mm wide x at least a metre, and comes in various colours and textures.

You'll probably need to also buy some coloured electrical tape to match racquet tape colour, as this is needed to very hold end of racquet tape in place.

Probably lots of quides on youtube on how to re-tape a racquet but maybe struggling to find one on how to do a steering wheel

The alternative to racquet tape is bicycle handlebar tape - likely the same sort of stuff as used on racquets, but groovier styles. Have a look HERE on something I found on ebay.

Maybe you can be the guinea-pig on modding your wheel and let us know how you get on and give tips.
S3 licensed
Quote from RaZMorocco :..So this is what i'd like to have in the game:

-XRG / XRT lights pop up
The cars are over 10 years old - the mechanism's are worn, rusted and jammed - never going to work now. If it wasn't for the fact the cars are no longer used on public roads, they'd never get an MOT (official permit to use on highway) now

-Add more racing Rims
You can colour them to your hearts content

-Add a night mod to the game

Turn the brightness down on your monitor

-Add a hill track (for Drift and Touge fans)
Turn your monitor till its at least slanted, or on it's side

-Add a special mod for Tougue
Balance your monitor and/or racing rig on a large ball, and wear your cap backwards

-Add a Drift Point Calculator
I've done this in LFSLapper - available as add-on in standard download, although does need to be enabled

-Add More Cars
Buy SI or S2(cheaper alternative is to give each of your AI cars their own skins and have lots more for yourself so you can change them a lot)

-Add a Blur (high speed effect) on the cars such as the FBM F1 so it looks more realistic
Have a look in Unofficial Addons and Miscellaneous Addons sections (where you can also find bloom effects), and use Search facility

-Add a mod where you can customize the performance of your car (for Drift fans)

Already available in Garage, where you can change gearing, suspension, tyres, etc., to your hearts content
You can also add passengers (including females!) so you can impress them with your drifting skills - personally, I use a woman passenger on front to help with directions, although I do get annoyed with the constant "never mind Alonso, everyone is faster than you" bitching

-Add more Music tracks
Convert any of your own music tracks to OGG format, and add into your data/ogg directory - have as many tracks as you want, so knock yourself out
S3 licensed
Quote from Texpelt88 :Hey! Ya learn something new everyday! And on that link (It may just be my computer, if so ignore this) "The webpage is not available"

Search for Ramp Oval 4 by user Flame CZE - should be first hit you see.
S3 licensed
Quote from Texpelt88 :I don't know if there's some secret tool to measure distance on Autocross tracks.....

It's not a secret - it's the D key - click where you want to start measuring, and move mouse, and measurement (probably in metres) will be displayed bottom right.

I measured you track, and I make it 461 metres x 98 metres approx (1,512.5 x 321.5 feet / 504 x 107 yards) [these are outside sizes]

From what I can find out, the size of a quarter mile oval track should be;

Imperial 440 yards

110 yard long straight (straightaway)

110 yard on each turn (therefore 35 yard radius - good old pi)

If you want to see what an oval really looks like in LFS, then look at Flame's HERE
Last edited by sinanju, . Reason : measured track
S3 licensed
I'm getting an Invalid Texture message every time I go into AU1 Autocross track.

It's for the AC_uni_sign (aka Royal Hospital sign) not being square.

EDIT: Added image of where sign should be.
Last edited by sinanju, . Reason : Added additional image
S3 licensed
As I said in my previous post, try using the Search function.

I would have thought anyone asking for the source code for something would know a little about coding?

If you want help, you'll have to give a lot more information - the biggest part of which is ..... what code are you using and what language is it in?

Have you got the code to run?

Which bit are you stuck on, and what have you tried to make it work.

If you don't know what you are doing, or you sort of know but can't give examples of what you've tried, do NOT expect to get any response to your questions - garantili istismar bir sürü hariç - özellikle arama özelliğini kullanarak değil.

Kullanarak arama olabilir ne kadar faydalı görmek?

Ben sadece arama ile bu çeviri hizmeti bulunamadı!

Tüm için google translate dolu!
S3 licensed
It's a bit messy really.

Why do you have 2 different boards just before T1, especially as one hides the other?

Curves are badly done, and straights change width quite a lot.

I thought it could do with some improvements, so I've made some alterations to show what I mean. See attached, where I've redone the large curve...

... and I've made a curve that I would have used at the inside curve beside the overhead start lights (haven't put it in place - just put it beside your curve so you can see the difference).

I've also moved Split 1 (blue line), as it's far too soon - I've moved it to where track goes from armco to barrier at both sides.

Some tips:

You don't need split lines so big - use W to make them smaller - they only need to be big enough to reach over both edges of the track.

When doing curves, better to use more Armco1 rather than less Armco5, as it makes any curve a lot smoother.

Also, if you're going to make a curve using the barrier long, then as this barrier is just smaller that the 1st chalk line, you should lay out the chalk first to make the best curve you can by adjusting when looking straight overhead, then once you're happy with the shape, overlay with the barriers, then remove the chalk.

Sometimes it's best to do the inside curve first, then use the D (distance marker) tool to work out outside of curve, especially if you want the barriers same distance apart throughout the curve.

On a positive note - it's nice to see someone else willing to make layouts
S3 licensed
Why have you reversed all the lettering on one side of the car?
S3 licensed
Quote from HackMac :...... I have stutter or judder of the world passing me. This is most noticeable when looking 90 degree out the window watching the scenery passing by.....

Maybe the easiest way round this is to not use such an extreme angle - else this could happen.
S3 licensed
I put forward a suggestion for a Retro section, but Nostalgia sounds better.
S3 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :Well then id need to know what the heck im doing wrong
Also tried that Tool you suggested, but that blanks out the entire desktop, instead of just the Icons...and it made my Explorer crash twice

See attached for what happens when I use the tool (just to prove it works on my pc).

Also, try the smaller invisible icon attached (you'll need to rename from a .txt file to .ico).

S3 licensed
Would be nice if there was a section just for Cruise Insims, or at least some sort of sticky, with links to existing Cruise insim code, requests, etc.

Might reduce the need for all these "I want cruise insim" threads.
S3 licensed
Quote from YounGPimP :Hi, I'm asking people s2 but if I can not find people that you know you give me? source code?

give me the source s2 cruise?

Use the Search facility, but be prepared to wade through hundreds of posts to try find what you want.
Some old insims to give you a flavour of what you need to know (although they may not use the most current InSim protocol.

LFS Manual - Programming
Example Cruise Server
Open Source Cruise Server
.NET (C#) - [LsGO] Cruise Mod (LifeStyleCruiseGamersOrganization)
Cruise InSim
LFSLapper Cruise
S3 licensed
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :Thats what i already me a black background.
Every single of them.

I'm using Win7 Pro 64bit and works for me.
You could also try Desktop Icon Toy that lets you make icons and/or text invisible, along with making shapes on your desktop.
If you do try that program, the layout settings are accessed using right click via the icon in the windows notification tray/area.
Using this will do all your desktop icons at once, rather than having to do them one at a time.