I tried to add drift points to a drift score if you enter a specified zone using your
working sub-routine
Sub SA_ConeScrape1($userName) # Player Event
globalMsg( GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName") . "has passed the zone" );
and then adding the line
$DriftScore = $DriftScore + 100;
so the sub-routine code now reads
Sub SA_ConeScrape1($userName) # Player Event
globalMsg( GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName") . "has passed the zone" );
$DriftScore = $DriftScore + 100;
However, if you use that code, then lapper will crash, restart, crash, restart, crash.....
If adding drift points when entering the specified zone could be done, then solution could be by using and setting variables.
Possibly a Global variable
Event OnLapperStart()
GlobalVar $Conescrape1; $Conescrape1 = "false";
RegisterZoneAction( "AU1" , 56,-819, 1 , Conescrape1,"" );
which you could change from 'false' to 'true' if you entered the specified zone
Sub SA_ConeScrape1($userName) # Player Event
globalMsg( GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName") . "has passed the zone" );
$Conescrape1 = "true";
and then use an IF statement (within the Event OnDriftScore( $userName ) # Player event) so that if the variable was true then you get the drift points.
Or with using Player variables (e.g GetCurrentPlayerVar/SetCurrentPlayerVar).
To be honest, I really struggle with variables, especially the Player type, so I can't tell you if variables will actually work, and if they did, which to use (global/player), nor how to code them.