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Sinanju's Street Circuit 5
S3 licensed
Same original layout, but different route - 5th.
Sinanju's Street Circuit 4 and 4a
S3 licensed
Similar AU1 AutoX basic layout to Street Circuits 1, 2 and 3, but yet again, a different route.

As SSC4 but added additional ramps (to make it harder to control car under braking for a left turn)
Sinanju's Street Circuit 3
S3 licensed
Similar AU1 AutoX basic layout to Street Circuits 1 and 2, but yet again, a different route.
Sinanju's Street Circuit 2
S3 licensed
Similar AU1 AutoX basic layout, but different route.
S3 licensed
Maybe try this link in the forum HERE to get you started in right direction?
S3 licensed
I've put layout SSC1 on my server (Sin'rs), and with over a 150 recorded timed laps, here are the top current posted times for each car type -

UF1 .. 0:59.71 .. BOT
XFG .. 0:57.31 .. BOT
XRG .. 0:58.74 .. BOT
XRT .. 0:53.66 .. BOT
RB4 .. 0:51.74 .. BOT
FXO .. 0:53.72 .. BOT
RAC .. 0:52.19 .. BOT
FZ5 .. 0:52.25 .. BOT
LX4 .. 0:51.44 .. Js
LX6 .. 0:51.41 .. BOT
MRT ..0:48.50 .. BOT
UFR .. 0:47.95 .. [RDSR] Frozen
XFR .. 0:47.65 .. [RDSR] Frozen
FBM .. 0:44.98 .. [MRc]Niko.H
FOX .. 0:42.65 .. Js
FXR .. 0:43.40 .. [PL] =PaViu=
XRR .. 0:46.45 .. .Steve.
FZR .. 0:47.06 .. [><]Sinanju
FO8 .. 0:42.24 .. [PL] =PaViu=
BF1 .. 0:39.56 .. [RDSR] Frozen
Last edited by sinanju, . Reason : Updating times and drivers
S3 licensed
Quote from k_badam :looks very good but could you make it without barriers

Would be time consuming to convert to lines, tyres, bales, cones or whatever else you have in mind, but you can download it and do it if you feel up to the task. The hard work's already done; all you need to do is replace barriers with whatever you feel appropriate.

Quote from k_badam :P.S. when will this be on your server?

It's on now, with about 20 times recorded so far.
[AU1] Sinanju's Street Circuits (1 to 7)
S3 licensed
Altered one of my old layouts that I originally made to teach my son to drive, so that it can now be used as a street circuit.

I have made 7 different routes, with additional ramps on one of the routes (SCC4) so there are 2 layout choices for that route.

Includes some ramps and speed bumps to simulate bumps, potholes and sleeping policemen.

Rough promo on YouTube HERE for Circuit 1.

All 7 routes are now in zip file - Note: some of the routes have been 'tidied' up a little and these are the ones in the zip file.
Last edited by sinanju, .
S3 licensed
I've put the Anti clockwise layout on my server (Sin'rs), and with over a 100 recorded laps, here are the current posted top times -

UF1 - 1:18.49 - [BOT]
XFG - 1.16.22 - [BOT]
XRG - 1.16.67 - [BOT]
XRT - 1.11.67 - [BOT]
RB4 - 01:09.95 - [BOT]
FXO - 01:10.73 - [BOT]
RAC - 01:12.13 - [BOT]
FZ5 - 01:11.17 - [BOT]
LX4 - 01:10.64 - [BOT]
LX6 - 01:09.98 - [BOT]
MRT - 01:02.88 - [BOT]
UFR - 01:02.87 - [BOT]
XFR - 01:03.74 - [BOT]
FBM - 00:58.38 - [MRc]Nico.H
FOX - 00:55.97 - Js
FXR - 00:59.10 - [><]Sinanju
XRR - 01:00.20 - v\xaxax123
FZR - 01:01.10 - [><]Sinanju
FO8 - 00:57.18 - [><]Sinanju
BF1 - 00:52.25 - Everybody

Last edited by sinanju, .
[AU1] Groovy
S3 licensed
AutoX layout, which has very few straight lines in the track perimeter, but because the track is approx. 12m wide, there are a few places where you can go in a straight line for a bit.

Might be hard work for any keyboard racers though.

And couple of corners may be bit to sharp to make it a good drifting course.

Made 2 versions of same layout; one clockwise, and other anti-clockwise.

Will be putting on my server shortly (just got a bit of work to do on my Insim first - mainly putting in some speedtraps), but once I've got some times on the board, will load guide lap times.
S3 licensed
Maybe better idea would be this?
S3 licensed
You can download copy of version 6.013b here.

Look for file called addonsused.lpr

Open in text editor (Notepad, etc), and add the line

include( "./radartrap.lpr");

Save and close. Line can be added on any blank line.

Download and unzip attached radartrap file, and save into same directory where you found the addonused.lpr file (in later version of lapper, the file is already there, but I couldn't find it online). Should be in the /includes directory.

If you open the radartrap file up, you will see a selection of tracks that already have some details input.

For instance
RegisterNodeAction( "BL1" , 86 , RadarTrap2,"" );

This tells lapper to show the speed when car reaches Node 86 at Blackwood (BL1).

If you want to add your own for Blackwood, you would drive to the point on the track you want the speed trap to be, type !node, then add a line, such as
RegisterNodeAction( "BL1" , 125 , RadarTrap3,"" );

As there are already 2 nodes recorded, the 3rd becomes RadarTrap3. If you want more speed traps, increment the number (you should easily get a dozen).

If you want to use zones rather than nodes (for instance, on an AutoX are, where there are no nodes), you would drive to point you want speed trap to be, type !zone, then add the following line

RegisterZoneAction( "BL1" , -43,328, 1 , RadarTrap3,"" );

So this would be a 1m circular zone (you could change to 2 or 3 meters if you wanted - just change number to suit) located at -43,328 (x,y coordinates) at BL1.

If you get an error while inputting !node or !zone about not being admin, then look for files called admin.txt and superusers.txt, open them and add your username before saving and closing.

If there's anything in lapper you don't want to use - you can easily customise and make it a lite version - see HERE.

It's all customisable, so if you want to move things about or change colours, its very straightforward.

Good luck.
S3 licensed
LFSLapper ('lapper') has an optional extra called "Radar Trap", which if you enable, you can add your own track 'nodes' (as described above) or 'zones', which are specific areas of the track.

Lapper has simple command to find the node or zone you are in - just type !node or !zone as applicable, and add these details to the small radartrap file.

To see it in use, I have various zones set up within my server layout (at Sin'rs), which apart from showing current speed, also shows if you are faster or slower than previous fastest recorded speed within the trap.
S3 licensed
For your home pc;

Open the default directory of LFSLapper
Add your username (not nickname) into both the superuser.txt and admin.txt files
Open the default_1.ini file, and change password to suit
Start LFS
Choose Multiplayer option
Choose Start new host option
Choose visibility as local, give the host any name you want, and Host password should match what you used in 9
GO (bottom right of screen)
In next screen (track/car choice, etc), type /Insim 29999
Now go into your LFSLapper \default directory
Click/double click LFSLapper.exe to run program

If all working fine, then the command window will just show > sympbol, and your lfs window will show Insim - TCP - LFSLapper, etc.

If it runs, then at least your LFSLapper files are all setup and working fine.

Just had a look at my online hosting server ports etc -
there is
ip address and port set up for LFS
separate ip address and port set up for LFSLapper

Opening my LFSServer.cfg file in my LFSLapper directory, the 'Remote Port' is shown to be the port for LFSLapper. However, the next (last) line (that starts DEF1|gr1|) has the same ip address, but a totally different port to the LFS and LFSLapper ports. Maybe your provider needs to do something differently?

You could also look at this post HERE.
S3 licensed
I made some flags (HERE) - may be possible to attach a sub-routine to them so they do something.

Would that count?
S3 licensed
Copy of LFSLapper Cruise Addon Version by T3charmy as requested via PM, as file no longer available on dropbox.
S3 licensed
If you have any LFSLapper comments, requests, etc., then please put these in the LFSLapper section of the forum, which can be found HERE.

Look HERE and HERE for some pointers and code on launch/drag system.
S3 licensed
Quote from MADNJPN :I meant to show show 0-100 Time seperately and 0-160 separately, it show same time $kmh_mph_conversion = ($AccelerationEndSpeedMph x 1.6) and there is something wrong with this I cant get it working

Been doing some testing, and it would appear that you can't have 2 different end speeds, even if they're kmh and mph.

Lapper takes the whichever time is the longest as the $acceleration time, which you can't change, and will give you that time for both kmh and mph.
S3 licensed
whoops, hit wrong button!
Last edited by sinanju, . Reason : Hit wrong button!
S3 licensed
Quote from MADNJPN :I meant to show show 0-100 Time seperately and 0-160 separately, it show same time $kmh_mph_conversion = ($AccelerationEndSpeedMph x 1.6) and there is something wrong with this I cant get it working

Don't think this has changed any from versions 5 to 6, so may have look at.
S3 licensed
Quote from MADNJPN :Thank you! I'll try that, btw I was trying to add Event's but I don't know where to find them, I mean for example Event OnAcceleration where can I find all these commands? because I'm new in this ...

You will find them all within the lfslapper.lpr file - search for 'Event On'.

You are using a very old version of lapper, which has had a lot of changes in years since, and it may be hard to get forum support for it unless someone still using it, or unless the bit you want help on hasn't changed much.

If you want newer version, look HERE.

In the newer version, there is a directory called "doc". Within it, is a file called 'Lapper Events.txt'.

This lists all the events that are available.

An 'event' just means that when the specified event happens, you can have a bit of code activate. For instance, I have an event 'On RaceEnd', and the code that activates and shows 'flags' with the first few drivers names on them, by position - see HERE for what I mean.

There is also another file called 'player Vars.txt', which lists all the player variables that can be 'collected' and shown, such as split/sector times, pit details, laps, acceleration, etc.
S3 licensed
You'll have to use both the $AccelerationEndSpeed (which shows speed in km/h) and $AccelerationEndSpeedMph (which shows speed in mph), but show the answer for the mph speed in km/h.

160km/h is approx 100mph, therefore change the 60 in
$AccelerationEndSpeedMph = 60;

Then try the following code;

Add the following line
$kmh_mph_conversion = ($AccelerationEndSpeedMph x 1.6)

Change existing line
Event OnAcceleration()
privMsg( "^8Accelerated in ^3" . $AccelerationTime . "^8 seconds to " . $AccelerationEndSpeed . " " . $UnitSpeed ."!" );


Event OnAcceleration()
privMsg( "^8Accelerated in ^3" . $AccelerationTime . "^8 seconds to " . $AccelerationEndSpeed . " " . $UnitSpeed ."!" );
privMsg( "^8Accelerated in ^3" . $AccelerationTime . "^8 seconds to " . $kmh_mph_conversion . " km/h" );

It's very early in the morning, and I'm tired, and I hope the above code works. If not, you should hopefully understand what I'm trying to do, and fix any errors yourself.
S3 licensed
For me, it's usually because of either one of the following 2 possibilities -
  • wrong / no password in default.ini file
  • on local server (my home computer), I forgot to type /insim 29999 when in-game
Last edited by sinanju, . Reason : Too many 9's!
S3 licensed
Are you talking about the addonused.lpr file, or the lfslapper.lpr file?

If you have a newer version of lapper, then they may be in:-

lfslapper.lpr - bin\defaultfiles\workingdir\ (search $DefaultTopCar)

addonused.lpr - bin\defaultfiles\workingdir\includes\

You can use a text editor (PSPad, Notepad, etc) to open the files
S3 licensed
I think he means from the bottom up. In other words, written from scratch.

Considering how much time and effort would be needed, and we already have LFSLapper, Aario, Prism, etc., why would anyone even want to bother, especially just for 1 user.

People asking for a "coder" probably think its like building a mock website; that with a few hours work, the coder can make the exact program required doing exactly what they asked for.

People asking for specific things they want the code to do, should try making an exact specific list (a proper design brief), with examples, including diagrams (this is likely to take hours by itself, although these same people probably think its a 2 minute job). And if they then multiply each individual item wanted by a few days worth of coding per item, they might get some idea of amount of effort required.

They're likely to offer coder 10 euros/dollars for whole project.

So if the coding project takes few months, then if 120 days effort x 8 hours per day x 1 cent per hour = 9.60 euros/dollars -see how generous they are willing to be!

In other words, to all these asking for someone to code something for them that probably doesn't yet exist - good luck

Edit: took me longer to write this than I thought - and someone beat me to it!