Actually, the British Government regulations: "The Regulations impose financial, trade, aircraft, shipping and immigration sanctions for the purposes of encouraging Russia to cease actions which destabilise Ukraine, or undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty or independence of Ukraine."
Further. "The prohibitions and requirements imposed by the Regulations apply within the territory of the United Kingdom (UK) (including Northern Ireland) and in relation to the conduct of all UK persons wherever they are in the world.".
Additionally, "the prohibitions and requirements imposed by the Regulations apply to all companies established in any part of the UK".
What are the consequences of non-compliance? "The Regulations make it a criminal offence to contravene (or to enable or facilitate a contravention of, or to circumvent) any of the prohibitions in the Regulations. Breaches carry up to 10 years’ imprisonment or a fine (or both).".
As far as the British regulations go, I would think a degree in Law would be more advantageous here than a degree in Economics.
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