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S3 licensed
I can't test it now as I don't have an online server to check lapper, but many years ago, I used zones to make Pace Notes for one of my layouts.

Video is bit short, but the pace notes were for a whole lap, straights and turns, and the size of the zone was only 2 or 3 meters.

Don't know, but the "p37" at the start of your code - should it be there?

RegisterZoneAction( "p37","BL2",42,594,50,p37,p37kapat );

I thought the first part should be the track name.

But lapper has changed a lot since I used it last so I could easily be wrong.

As a test, try taking the "p37" out.

Also, as another test, remove the 'p37kapta' - try using "" (double quotes) instead to see what happens.
S3 licensed
Few things about the demo example ...

Layouts and the config file need to be amended slightly, as LFS doesn't recognise the names without a track abbreviation, so;

static.lyt should be LA1_static.lyt
dynamic.lyt should be LA1_dynamic.lyt.

Layouts need to be kept in same folder as the files in the example file (eg ../Layout Streamer) as they won't be seen if the layouts are put in the usual ../data/layouts folder.

I tried the layouts, but they were so tight and complicated, that I gave up trying to find out how the dynamic part of the layout would work. I would suggest a much simpler layout as an example - even a simple oval would do.

I was going to try amending one of my old layouts, but didn't have time today. Maybe later.

But other than that, overall, I appreciate the concept of this.
S3 licensed
Quote from RealistAdam :... So, does the lapper have the feature I asked you about?

Don't know.

Make a video - that way I can see the problems you're having and what you're trying to do.
S3 licensed
Hey, even found I did a video about the lights. Nod

S3 licensed
Why not just put buttons on a timer so they disappear themselves?

And if you search, you should find a couple of lapper drag systems on this forum already. I did one about 10 years ago that could be used on Blackwood.
Last edited by sinanju, .
Sinanju driving round LFS LA1 Triple Cross Layout
S3 licensed
Driving a modded GT3 car (Pochete) round my newly made layout with a lap length of 4.13 mile / 6.65 km.

S3 licensed
Quote from Vritrasura :...Currently in version (v0.2) only slabs, ramps and wedges are fully supported. But those are most used blocks when creating new layout...

Sorry to be a killjoy, but not so.

Slabs, ramps and wedges are not the most widely used or supported. That would be concrete walls,armco, banners and barriers (at least by me in my layouts). And these are the hardest to position.

Slabs, ramps and wedges are the easiest to do, even by hand/eye.

What's hard, is trying to get a nice curve (especially inside curves) when any object can only be rotated 360 degrees in 256 increments (1.40625 degrees per turn). Curves with straight shapes is really difficult. But constant radius turns like a 180 degree u-turn hairpin is much easier than a sort of v-shaped hairpin.

If you develop this tool further, will it be able to do smooth looking turns?

What about turns with different objects in the same turn? E.g. concrete walls and armco.
S3 licensed
Was trying your mod last night, and few issues with the speedo display and the hand animation...

Doesn't matter if I change the Y or Z offset, the wheel hides most of the speedo, and the hand animation - from rest to turning, is way wrong - it's like the animation is made for a much smaller wheel that's placed lower down.
S3 licensed
You need to learn to read the error codes that will be logged in your lapper files when things like this happen. This is very first place you should look.

If the errors have just appeared because of your new drift system, then that should be the second place you look.
S3 licensed
How about the attached?

Skins aren't really my strong point, but no-one else seemed bothered to try, so there you go.

Enjoy, and no effusive thanks are required.
S3 licensed
Well, I use PSPad ...

Never got bored of using it. But it's only been a dozen years or so.
S3 licensed
No need. Look HERE for various text editors.
Sinanju driving Swirl Sport 06 mod round LA1 Wenslydale WiP4
S3 licensed
Another iteration of my Wendslydale/Wenslydale layout. Spelling optional.

This layout 6.84 miles / 11.0 km.

Been playing about doing 3 side by side videos in one. Saves me having to decide which view to use at any particular bit.

S3 licensed
It is unrealistic.

However, maybe you've used the wrong size (too wide) wheels?
Or the car needs raised a bit?
Or the car needs to be widened?
Or the wheel spacing is wrong?
Or beta testing of not yet implemented but more realistic damage model?

Whatever, that wheel arch definitely needs changed - looks like you've used a railway tunnel as inspiration.
S3 licensed
Just downloaded this mod (V~004), and I got bunch of errors about too many mappings in group: l_brk / l_head / l_rev / l_find
Sinanju driving Pochete GT3 mod round LA1 (un-named) WiP2
S3 licensed
Currently un-named as still not quite finished, so WiP2 as I also have another layout using most of same track.
Just on the other layout, what I originally had as an outfield section, I moved to an infield section in this layout (bottom right of youtube image)
Track is about 2.2 miles (circa 3.5km).
Car mod by CarlosSainz55 - POCHETE 118 GT3 (aka Porsche - 911 GT3 R 2019).

Sinanju driving Pochete GT3 mod round LA1 Wenslydale WiP3
S3 licensed
Updated one of my older layouts, and drove the Pochete 118 GT3 mod by CarlosSainz55 round it.
All 44 turns round 7.0 mile / 11.2 km covering about 7km square.
I'm thinking of renting a server again, and if I do (depends if I can get lapper to work with it), then this is likely the layout I'll be using first.
The fiddly bit of the track is placed so that by the time you get there, your tyres should have good grip.
I've asked modder if he can add R2 tyres to his mod, as I'd like tyres to be bit warmer for single lap use.

S3 licensed
Great car to drive. Of the GT3 cars, this is the only one I feel comfortable driving - doesn't try to kill me when I turn the wheel!

Would it be possible for this car to have R2 slick tyres, along with R3 and R4?

I make my own layouts, and generally have them set for single hotlap sessions, and even with R3's set to minimum pressure, tyre outers not heating up till I've almost finished the lap, and inners still blue with cold.
S3 licensed
Hmm, not sure why you think a normal user like yourself would think less than 200 laps is repetitive.

I have only just over 5,000 laps (just in normal configuration), and for a lot of drivers, that probably makes me a newbie. I only ever found Blackwood (like all the tracks, including my own layouts) challenging. Especially as even my super best time was just inside 3 seconds outside the world record time.

I realise that lots of people in South America, like large parts of the world, struggle to pay for necessities, never mind computer games, but I'm mindful of the fact that you have played the game, and I'm assuming on a pc, so that must have cost something. Just seems like you want someone else to pay for something that likely will be wasted, as you'll get bored with it because its not S2, and then complaining about that as you can't play with the mods in S3.
S3 licensed
For someone who's currently showing as having Zero miles, not sure you'd notice or appreciate any difference.
S3 licensed
The way I did it (which is very long winded) was to set up Zones, e.g.

"WE2X" , -348, -351PN1,"" );
RegisterZoneAction"WE2X" , -388, -351PN2,"" );
RegisterZoneAction"WE2X" , -390, -363PN2,"" );
RegisterZoneAction"WE2X" , -397, -358PN2,"" );

Then make buttons for each zone.

Once you entered the zone, then button would appear with text.

In actual fact all I did, was delete some text, move other text up, show new text, and change text colours.

I moved text within a defined area - a button background called Sin'rs PACE NOTES

There's nothing to stop you moving text around the screen when going from one zone (or node) to another. Probably fairly easy within a pit lane, as per the example video you have, as it's a constricted space. You'd have to use zones there, as if you used nodes, anyone on track crossing these nodes would trigger the buttons to appear.
S3 licensed
Quote from skorzz :...I also want to know the difference between catchevent and normal event...

Events are in the main LFSLapper.lpr file, but CatchEvents are used in additional scripts - sort of append these additional scripts to main file. Helps to keep things manageable.
S3 licensed
They're not "3D", just text labels/buttons made in lapper that use nodes/zones to trigger the buttons.

I did something a while ago with pace notes ...

8 years ago. Scary!
S3 licensed
Quote from zeeaq :Thanks for sharing this. Is there no addon to get that pitboard-like functionality for clients, regardless of what the server runs (or doesn't run)?

For lapper, you need to connect a host running lapper to connect to the LFS host.

Before LFS made it compulsory to use their hosts, I used to rent a server, and the hoster set things up for me.

Because I don't have a clue how to do that now, I don't run a full time server anymore.
S3 licensed
If you went on a server that ran LFSLapper ("lapper") you might get something like ...

That's a Top table, so will only give you your best times for all laps completed, but there is a "pitboard" in lapper too, sometimes used which would be slightly better ...