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S3 licensed
No idea what that error means.

Best thing to do is to look in all the log files that lapper collects - there will be 2 /logs directories, possibly with 2 files in each (you've found at least one). Really, you are looking for one that ends ERR.log, and see if that has details of a .lpr file that has error, e.g.

8/30/2014 6:32:06 PM -> Error: Unclosed string on file : "./flags.lpr" at line #2584

(This is one of my error messages where I somehow missed a " symbol near end of a line).

If you are lucky, it will be something like that causing the disconnect, and it will point you to correct file and likely coding line, else all I could suggest is that you check everything you have changed from original lapper installation. If you haven't changed anything, then ...????

It may be, as you play around with lapper, that you will get error messages that point to a line of code in a .lpr file. MS Notepad does not (I'm sure) give line numbers, so may be worth downloading a text editor that does - PSPad is the one I use (see post HERE for further details) - see this post HERE to see how coding will be displayed if you follow Tim's instructions.
S3 licensed
Drag system - you have to type !drag to enable.

Whisper messages - to do with RegisterScheduleAction events in the lfslapper.lpr file.

So long since I used this, I forget about how the timing works, but you have to set time for a sub to appear, e.g.

RegisterScheduleAction( "0 1 * * * * *", SA_timetest );

Sub SA_timetest
openGlobalButton( "timetest",25,40,150,10,10,8,32,"^1This is a Whisper test message%nl%^1Hopefully it worked!" );
globalRcm("^7This is a test of a Whisper message");

I can't remember if "0 1 * * * * *" means every minute, or 1 minute past midnight every Sunday - you may have to play around with it.

I've specified, in the test, for 2 messages to appear - globally, as you want everyone to see them? First in a button in the high up vertically, middle of screen horizontally, with red coloured text, 2nd a global message in middle of screen (will look like a button) with white coloured text. Wording displayed will also tell you which is which. You likely only want one, but you can decide if you want button or broadcast message. Button you can place in a location of your choice, whereas message always appears in middle of screen (and can only be certain number of characters in message). You can play around with private and global buttons, private and global messages, and button/text colours as you want.

In the openGlobalButton line, the 8 in the line of numbers refers to the amount of seconds the message appears. Change to suit. If it was -1, it would mean the message never clears - unless you have another sub to close it.
S3 licensed
Find the lfslapper.lpr file, open with Notepad, or similar, and search for
Event OnConnect( $userName ) # Player event

To disable: You can either delete the things between Event/EndEvent, or put hash (#) in front of each line for lapper to ignore these lines.

To change: The buttons refer to 'main_welc1', 'main_welc2', etc. Look in the Language sections (English is in Lang "EN", French in Lang "FR", etc) for these names and change wording to suit.

You could even change the wording from English to Portuguese if you want Smile
S3 licensed
It's no big deal.

One way, which I've done, would be to set up a GlobalVar such as $driftmeter_on_off

Event OnLapperStart()
GlobalVar $driftmeter_on_off; # For turning driftmeter on and off
$driftmeter_on_off = "on"; # driftmeter option turned on, unless driver wants to switch off

So the driftmeter will show, unless offered the choice for it not to.

CASE "!drift":

So driver types !drift and

Sub OnClickDriftQuery( $KeyFlags,$id )
openPrivButton( "dq_instruct",65,66,70,9,9,-1,32,"^6Do you wish to use the Drift Meter?" );
openPrivButton( "dq_instruct1",65,75,70,6,6,-1,32,"^8(Drifting Scoreboard Facility)" );
openPrivButton( "dq_driftyes",80,85,18,10,10,-1,32," Yes ",OnClickYesDrift );
openPrivButton( "dq_driftno",102,85,18,10,10,-1,32," No ",OnClickCloseDM );

If they want NO, then

Sub OnClickCloseDM( $KeyFlags,$id )
SetCurrentPlayerVar( "drift_on_off","off" ); # Set drift "off"
closeButtonRegex (GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName"), "dq_*"); # close drift query buttons
closeButtonRegex (GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName"), "drift_*"); # closedriftboard

This closes the query buttons and sets your global variable to off.

If they want YES, then

Sub OnClickYesDrift( $KeyFlags,$id )
SetCurrentPlayerVar( "drift_on_off","on" ); # Set drift "on"
closeButtonRegex (GetCurrentPlayerVar("UserName"), "dq_*"); # close drift query buttons

The global variable is set to on, because the driver may have previously set to off previously while still on track.

So if Yes, when a driftscore is made (and even a BF1 in a race will make drifts if driver slides car), you first query if the drift scoreboard is on.

Event OnDriftScore( $userName ) # This is the section for displaying the Drift Meter
IF ( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "drift_on_off") == "on" )
> blah, deblah, deblah

Because you set global variable at very start to be on, and you query when a drift is done, and IF statement is true, then all drift scores will show. If player turned it off, then the IF statement will not be true, so nothing happens (shows).

You do this IF true query for every EVENT Ondrift, such as

Event OnGoodDrift( $userName ) # Player event
IF ( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "drift_on_off") == "on" )
> blah


Event OnDriftTooLow( $userName ) # Player event
IF ( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "drift_on_off") == "on" )
> blah

etc, etc.

Then all you have to do, is go through all the events where driver leaves track, such as pitting, spectating, leaving, etc, and turn buttons off (but not touch your global variable), and when they rejoin, turn buttons back on.

If driver leaves server, and returns, the global variable is set to on when they join, so they have to go through the process of turning off again.

I've done a big explanation here, as this global variable (with IF query) is a good way of doing stuff where you want things to show/not show. I've used this for my new Pace Notes add-on.

If driver goes through a Zone, which i've set up in RegisterZoneAction, then each zone sub has the IF on query. If not switched on, then driver doesn't see anything. Its as if the RegisterZoneAction is not there. But if it is on, then driver sees a Pace Note.

The global variable i've shown is great for easy things like the driftmeter (as detailed) and Pace Notes, and such. Where it gets difficult, is when you want to save the on/off settings, then you have to start dealing with set/get variables and values - have a look at Yisc's pitboard.lpr if you want to see how it's done properly.
S3 licensed
Look for a file called setup.cfg, open it, and you will see a line after // host name, usually;

/host=Host Name

Change to suit, eg;

Westhill WE2X Alpha 1, 2 & 3 Layouts
S3 licensed
All 3 layouts available in Post 3.

This post is about a new short course (easily sub 5 mins in UF1) I made, and which I've put on my Sin'rs server, along with a new Pace Notes system.

Layout is approx 3.79 miles / 6.1 km long.




Would be interested in some feedback on the system.

Is it obvious how it works?
Does it work as expected?
Too big/too small?
Does it make sense?
Are corners graded properly (where 1 is almost a u-turn, to 6, which is just a slight kink)?
Could any the pace note lines be better written (included text file that has every pace note line [eg pn_27 = start of Sector 3])

Slightly changed the Pace Notes system, and put as Head Up Display (HUD) rather at the side, which meant you had to keep glancing away from what was unfolding in front of you, and in reality, it's not something you are likely to use more than twice, to help with route and hazards.
Last edited by sinanju, .
S3 licensed
I've mucked about with your pitboard.lpr file a bit, so would be grateful if you can check if the backing and 'pitboard <nickname>' are shown when you join a X or Y configuration track? Doesn't on mine. I'm using your pitboard on my two WE2X servers.

Not a problem, as I've got these to pop up when you do !cfgsplits command, but if missing, would useful to be done if you ever do another update.
S3 licensed
Quote from szympat :For what version of LFS are this layouts? And if its for 0.6H how to use it? I dont see it on the list

You'll need to buy an S2 license, as Westhill, along with Aston and Kyoto, only available with this license, along with a number of additional cars.

See LFS wiki for details.
S3 licensed
Apologies for hijacking this thread, but I've actually started work on making some Pace Notes for a new completed layout I've made. This is because for the 2 servers I'm running with long rally type layouts, lots of people get lost first few times they try it - in fact, what happens is, they start, get lost, restart, get bit further, lost, restart, further still, lost, disconnect.

This, even when I have lots of signs.

Made a video of start of my new layout with Pace Notes, as still a long lot of notes to go.

And still not quite sure what I want to show, and how I want to show it, and I'm having real problems trying to decide what severity number rating I give a corner, where 6 is barely a kink, and 1 is almost a u-turn.

And, of course, everything will be in English.
S3 licensed
No, and if you try it, the others will be renumbered, but likely in wrong sequence. For instance, if you have route circles 1 to 8, add an additional circle between 4 and 5, then this circle will be named 9. If you change that to 5, and change the existing 5, which is now renumbered to 6, back to 5, then 4 might become 6.
S3 licensed
Route checkers are numbered. They show as "route index: n", where n is a number.

If you put your 5 route checkers as per your image, and later decide you want to put in another - say between 3 and 4, then you place your new checkpoint, and click on "route index: ", and give that the number 4, which will automatically increase all higher numbers by 1 and renumber accordingly.

At the moment, you only get wrong way message, and subsequent spec, if you miss a number in sequence. I agree that would be much better if you pass a checkpoint twice, that the same would happen as missing one.

Until that happens, all you can do is try make your route checkers as small as possible, and place barriers and/or restricted area circles where you think people might cheat.
S3 licensed
If you check, you'll find that on first lap, LFS doesn't record your time for that lap either, and it's only when you cross a time checkpoint, then the finish line that LFS starts recording 2nd (and subsequent laps) as 'proper' lap(s).

So Lapper does what LFS tells it - Lapper will only record complete lap time (and drift score) when it's a proper completed lap - as defined by LFS.

Nothing much you can do about it, except maybe don't use Practise mode, or set huge amount of laps or time, or, what I've done in past, show a message when driver pops up on track.

Something like;
Please be aware that drift scores
will NOT be recorded on 1st lap.
S3 licensed
The pitboard error, you won't get rid of - it refers to the width of the button (32) on that particular line. No reason why lapper doesn't like that part of the code, as it's almost exactly same as the code 2 lines up. And it appears in lots of other places too.

The line in question is for an ELSE statement, so might never get used, and so you could just put a hash at the beginning of that line to disable it, as likely no-one changes the pitboard anyway.

The others - I think these are because you are missing one of the standard add-ins (utils.lpr) that tell lapper what to do with the function closeButtonRegex.

Make sure utils.lpr is in your /includes directory, and if there, make sure it has not been disabled in the addonused.lpr file.

Failing that, you'll have to show what the error lines refer to - just copy and paste one of each.

Driftmenu - I have some hazy recollection of making that on request - for you? - something to do with on screen button to show drift score table and/or arrows scrolling drift scores back and forward?
S3 licensed
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :im up for an Airport track as well....

An alternative would be Ehra-Lessien (posted HERE), VW's giant long test track, or, in the UK, the Millbrook Proving Ground

which has giant ring road, about 1km in diameter.

Call it a never ending long road.

Website HERE.

Google maps.
S3 licensed
Some times have been set on the server, and this is best achieved to date:

(Thought I'd show times now while I still have my name on top for some of the cars!)
S3 licensed
Quote from :A long time ago I learned on school that 1 m/s * 3.6 = 3.6 km/h

I started school in 1964, and at no time since that first day, till I left, and started work in 1976, was I ever taught that.

If asked, might have been able to work it out for myself...1 ms
=> * 60 seconds = 60 metres per minute
=> * 60 minutes = 3600 metres per hour
=> / 1000 in a kilo = 3.6 km per hour.
Then, for the proper speed, 3.6 * 0.621 = 2.24mph.

Westhill WE2Y Simple Grass Oval
S3 licensed
I've made an Oval track that you have to drive on a large grass area within the Westhill confines.

There are certain sections of the layout where the wheels of the car disappear into the grass, and in the last turn, before start/finish straight, I've managed to get my anti-gravity machine, hidden underground, working at long last.

I haven't covered every square inch of the track, but there doesn't appear to be any holes for you to fall into, and even with the long grass and levitation, there is traction all round oval.

Layout is saved for 8 laps, but this can be edited in SHIFT U mode to whatever number of laps you wish.

I'm currently using this layout on one of my Sin'rs servers. Only using cars that have Autocross tyre capabilities (UF1, XFG, XRG, LX4, RB4, FXO and XRT).

As you can see in the screenshots, sub 40 secs is achievable in the UF1.
S3 licensed
I can confirm that RackService provides lapper, and any issues I've had (ALL of my own making!) have been sorted out quickly, and I've even been provided with an extra overnight backup facility for the sql database files that lapper creates and uses. Great service!
Westhill WE2X A hoop and 3 jumps
S3 licensed
Something I made for one of my servers, which could be accessed once you'd completed the course layout.

For this layout, I added slight extension to what's on the server.

Video of hoop and jumps performed by Pavlu

For 2nd jump, you need to be doing at least 80mph / 130kph.
S3 licensed
Since early this morning, have been unable to access Control Panel, or ftp in.
Westhill WE2X YARL (approx 10m / 16km)
S3 licensed
Yet Another Rally Layout...



Includes simple RoC layout part way round route, along with driving balancing act at top of small cliff, leading onto short sky bridge. Route goes through both underpasses and uses part of one of the kart tracks.

There are a few sections where you must drive on the grass, including a large section after the RoC complex.

My best, non-respectable, time in a XFG was;

sectors 1, 2 and 3 > 2:45.65 / 6:15.26 / 10:05.72
lap time > 13:00.39 + penalty > 2.00

Overall time: 13:02.39

In my defense (e.g. an excuse), I kept damaging the clutch by 3rd sector, so a much quicker time is easily do-able.

Note: there are tight constraints in keeping to the course, as I've used approx 60 route-checkers, so you must go through the 'gates' (easily spotted).

Found way to measure course - just shy of 10 miles / whisker over 16km
Last edited by sinanju, . Reason : Added layout length
Westhill WE2X Drive it like you stole it
S3 licensed
Made a layout on Westhill that basically goes round the perimeter, and is 3.77 miles / 6 km in length.

Has start and finish lines, corner markings and route 'gates', which you must drive through, else you get spec'd. You must also stay on road at all times, or you may get spec'd.

Image: start and 'gates'.

I've got it on one of my Sin'rs servers with choice of XFG or XRG only (XFG took me just over 3 mins 30 secs to get round).

Likely if you have better eyesight / memory than me, you'll manage better times - I struggled to see signs when they were far away.
Last edited by sinanju, .
Westhill WE2X Blue ground bug
S3 licensed
Made a layout on WE2X that heads in towards the roundabout that leads to the tunnel that goes under the track (see image below), and while driving, road and some of the surrounds suddenly went blue.

Same thing happens everytime I go this route.

No problems with car falling through a hole or anything, and at speed, it's just a quick blue blur.

I saved an mpr; I slowed down at the 40 mins mark to see it better.
Last edited by sinanju, .
S3 licensed
I'm now running slightly longer version of this layout on one of my Sin'rs servers.

EDIT: Now there's just over 200 timed laps, best of these are ....

As you can see, even though it's a Rally track with off-road sections, people will still try set times with every car available.
Last edited by sinanju, . Reason : Top times from over 200 Timed Laps (as at 25 April 2015)
S3 licensed
So after spending hours and hours and hours turning off add-ons and then re-enabling; no difference.

Played with removing 2nd split, then when that didn't work, added 3rd split; no difference.

Tried removing all checkpoints; no difference.

By this stage, fed up, so went on my server and tried setting time in UF1 - got round in just over 5 mins 30 seconds, but time not saved.

Next tried XFG - got round in about 4:50, but big penalties. No time saved. Tried few times, but always penalties putting me over 5 mins. Finally managed clean(ish) lap and recorded under 5 mins. Time recorded!


Went round slowly in XRT (lots of people have recorded times with this car), and took over 5 minutes to cross line - no time recorded.

As you can see in the image, few people have taken over 5 mins to do lap, which LFS has recorded, but !top command for their car not showing their times.


Lapper limitation in that any layout that takes more than 5 minutes to get round, regardless of car, the time will not be recorded for !top table. If you score drift points in that car, in same lap, points will be recorded.

Can anyone confirm having problems with times not being recorded if taking more than 5 minutes to complete a lap in a layout?

EDIT: In version the Laptime is increased to 30 minutes
Last edited by Bass-Driver, .