Doing test where I hit same object twice in short period of time, I get
So the original flag is 11 (a movable added object in original [static] position), but next hit is 7, so that becomes a movable added object that was already moving before being hit (again).
Is that how it works?
If so, you've done all the work, so leave it in. Like all the other variables, they can be used or not at discretion of whoever's using that bit of code.
Maybe put a short addendum to your Objecthit.txt (just realised why you never called it plural of object - Objectshit.txt!) about OBH_LAYOUT, etc.
I managed to find copy of zip file on one of my old drives - see attached - no idea if it will still work with all the changes made over last few years.
Alternative is to get some screen capture software, play the replay in LFS while recording it, and crop the output (usually mp4 or avi). I've started using SnagIt - read this post HERE I made about SnagIt and audio.
Edit: silly me. Getting confused trying to work on so many copies of LFS.exe and Lapper versions all at once.
Copied my whole 'Actions to do on Hit Object' section from your original V6 to V7 test - I now have bruise on forehead for taking so long (and many code changes) to notice that '$TypeObject' became '$TypeOfObject'
$ObjectType might be better?
What is the $ObjectFlag for? Hit quite a few different objects, and only seeing numbers 9, 10 and 11 - e.g. Speed Hump = 9, Scenery Object = 10, and Left Turn Marker = 11.
Last edited by sinanju, .
Reason : Stupid me - forgot to change password in default1.ini
I think you should start using LFSLapper6.015 to keep your stuff separate from previous versions. And maybe add letter after number to differentiate (eg LFSLapper6.015a)? LFSLapper6.014v16 is confusing and looks odd.
Maybe change number every time you add an Event? (Hopefully you'll keep going!)
Or does first number (currently 6) refer to Scawen's InSim version? In which case, maybe you should be using v7.01?
Even if large version number (LFSLapper6....) is not related to InSim version, maybe it should?
In which case, LFSLapper7.01(a, b, c....) for your OnAcceleration2 and Object Detection events, LFSLapper7.02 for a future additional Event (e.g. InSim Circles), LFSLapper7.03 (InSim Checkpoints).....?
Your list should include 'StartLight', 'Speed Hump', 'Big Ramp', 'Small Ramp', 'Short Railing', 'Medium Railing' and 'Long Railing', as these appear as the $TypeObject when you hit them. As do 'Concrete Slab', 'Concrete Ramp', 'Concrete Wall', 'Concrete Slab Wall', 'Concrete Pillar', 'Concrete Ramp Wall', 'Concrete Short Slab Wall' and 'Concrete Wedge'.
Maybe group 'Railings'?
Maybe group 'Concrete'?
You have # All_DistMarkers //Distance Markers
Does Distance Markers include Turn Markers (haven't tested)
Have noticed that if you hit any distance or turn markers, they are described by what you hit, e.g. '100m sign', 'Left Winding Turn marker', etc.
22 different markers - should they be included individually in your list? Going to be HUGE!
Is anyone likely to have message popping up on screen if you hit one type, but nothing if another?
As i'm testing solo, no way for me to know, but what if you hit another car? Is a car another object type?
Been playing around with your new Object Detection system.
Looking good - what my code (below) shows in game;
My code:
Ignore last screen message - just checking what speed was outputting along with my UnitSpeed.
Few things;
- Your code makes kmh the default speed var. Most of the English speaking parts of the world (UK/USA/Australasia, etc) use MPH. Maybe a short note to advise that GetCurrentPlayerVar("ObjectContactSpeed") outputs in kmh? Regardless of drivers settings.
- Keeping with old lapper convention, can you add descriptive header before your system, as in something like
#Actions to do on Hit Object#
So much text where you placed it, I thought it was part of the OnAcceleration Event.
- Maybe best to delete your ip error message log in the /log directory.
- The /defaultfiles directory not needed. Likely very confusing for newbies.
- I can confirm that your code works with new version of InSim - extract from MSS.log "Product:S3 Version:0.6K23 InSim Version:7".
Probably more sensible idea, although would still like option of enabling one specific type of object, or all grouped types of that object (e.g. 'green_pole', or 'all_poles').
Should your IgnoreList not just be basically the same as your ObjectList?
Your grouping (tyres and cones) looks good though.
I'd think markers should also be a group - in real life, when a driver plows through markers, they don't get extra penalties - they're already penalised as they're usually crashing, or at minimum, off the racing line and trying hard not to crash.
As I sometimes use back of markers as walls, etc, still like the choice of ignoring or not.
Maybe the 50 and 80 speed signs and keep left and right signs? They tend to be used in pit area, so might be nice to have option to not penalise someone when they're not on race track.
For the drifters who use the back of their cars to knock down poles, maybe poles too, both individually per colour and ALL?
Is it possible to hit a chalk line or chalk arrow? Or a striped code?
Do you have space for all the objects?
There are;
1 start lights
4 marshalls
15 cone types
8 tyre types (excluding colours - probably enough to know what type of tyre was hit)
22 markers (direction and distance)
22 objects (armco, banners, etc) - 18 if you take away ramps and speed bumps, which you are allowed to drive on without penalty, or back up to 20 because you can still hit the ramps
8 concrete types - 6 if you take away slab and ramp, which you are allowed on without penalty
Messy support or not, I've loaded over 300 hotlaps, the vast majority done with keyboard. Have had wheel now for few years, and I still can't manage to beat these times that I loaded.
There's also the user license level to consider - will just anyone, even if they don't even have game, be able to make tracks, or will there be a minimum license level (such as S3)?
Same for using the track mods. Will anyone from Demo, to S3 (and above, if such a thing) be able to use them?
Then there's the cost - or not. Will they be free, or will they have to license via LFS? And if tracks are recommended by LFS, then Scavier will have had to put some time and effort into looking them over. Are they going to do that for free?
Probably things that the LFS developers have given little thought to as yet.
My curiousity - what do these "$objectflag,$Time,$XPos,$YPos" tell you? And are they all needed?
$objectflag - 10 in your example - is this like a car, wall, cone, tyre, etc? Is there a list somewhere? Would it need some sort of array to look up to give the item rather than a non-descript number.
$Time - I assume milliseconds? If so, roughly 5 and a half seconds. From race or qualy start? Or is it how long the event lasted for? Or something else?
$XPos,$YPos - I suppose this may be useful for logging if you ever want to look back at something? But likely needs 3rd party software (I have seen some polygon thing on the forum that could probably do this [Russian named Dennis somebody with spongebob avatar springs to mind]).
Or possibly AutoX, although for most things, you would get penalty for hitting an 'object'.
Other things you've recorded ..
What's difference between ObjectContactSpeed and InstantSpeed?
X and Y Axis - ? And how do they differ from $XPos and $YPos? Or even heading and direction? Which is how I think of Axis working - sort of East/West for X and North/South for Y, although your results look more like co-ordinates on a map
Heading and Direction - ? Is one the way you were going and other the way you now face?
For some people, the answers to these questions might be self evident. Sorry, but its not to me. It's 40 years since I left school (and saw my 1st ever calculator!); maybe I need refresher on geometry, maths and algebra.
I'm just trying to think how it could be used in real life, such as;
Might have been more useful if Scawen's Insim told you sector number rather than X and Y.
Is it possible for you to make a new script to list top drift scores by car?
I thought maybe by modifying your TopTable script that lists only fastest times for each and every car, to list only the highest drift score for each car?
I tried doing it myself, by reverse engineering your script, and using PBDrift, but best I've managed so far is 20 lines of 'Wrong dimension Array' in a table.
I do have drift score tables..
.. that list in order from highest to lowest (standard drf table with additional buttons), and grouped per most popular drift cars, but a top list would be nice too
Problem is that the demo isn't limited demonstration; it's a free game that has 3 cars and a track with multiple configurations. It would appear sufficient as a 'full' game for a lot of people.
And are you saying people are unable to decide within 1,000 laps or a set time (I was actually thinking 3 to 6 months, but neglected to write that) whether this game is for them or not?
Skin uploads - I've seen plenty of posts from demo users asking for their skins to be uploaded, and licensed users doing this for them.
Of course its popular; its free.
As I wrote above, its a free game with some cars and tracks. And you can race anytime you want, with people all over the world. For nothing.
I got such as deal on an app for my smartphone, I'd be more than happy.
Thing is that lots of things are popular, but in almost every single case, it costs. Even to be a spectator, such as at a car race, a stadium event (sport, concert, etc). Even a picnic - you have to buy food, drink, pay to get somewhere (fuel or fares) if more than few miles away. Free is not helping developers pay for their time. Because of this, they may have to take other jobs to pay for their lives, like most other people, and could end up giving up on LFS.
As far as community goes, demo user wise, maybe I've got blinkers, but I see a lot of 'I want', 'I should have', 'why can't I have?'.
This is not the developers fault. Why should they be out of pocket for something that happens in another country.
I realise for a lot of the people on this planet, that affording to pay for ANY game will be a struggle. But more and more people seemingly are able to afford smartphones (if mine breaks, I'd have to rely on my old Nokia 3109, as I couldn't afford to get a modern phone. And a lot of people with smartphones are happy paying for bits of things (apps, music tracks, etc) in microtransactions. For them, they're happy to pay 99c / 99p rather than something in it's entirity that may cost 9.99 and more.
When I bought the game, I'd read a review in a gaming magazine (remember them?), and bought an S2 license before I even knew there was a demo. There was no demo on the cd that came with the mag, so I assumed the game didn't have one. May seem silly now, but 10 years ago, the internet was still new to a lot of people, and probably something they only ever used at work.
Likely what I feel about demo users and their wants and demands is an age thing (I'm nearer to 60 than 50 now ). I'd never imagine that as a demo user, that I should feel that I am entitled to same as someone who's paid for the game.
And I realise, that ultimately, this is a decision for the developers, and one that they seem to be able to live with, as they have made no change to the demo / license system for all the time I've been involved in LFS (I think, but my memory may be bad here).
Made this little while ago, then converted it to work at South City, where I had to change it a bit to get round, rather than go through, some of the buildings. So this layout slightly easier than the South City one.
Forgive the screenie - done in a rush. And originally only for my own use as an aide-memoire
I'd like to see the devs rethink their demo system.
At the moment, demo users can get unlimited time with one track, but multiple configurations, 3 cars and ability to connect to and use InSim system.
I think this should change.
Some alternate choices;
Time limit - although I can see all these demo users just setting up new online account to start again. Unless....
Link demo account to a credit/bank account/paypal? If time limit implemented, and LFS sees the same account being used for 'new' demo user, then it knows this is repeat, and refuses.
Lap limiter - once you've done a certain number of laps, say a thousand, you should know whether you like something or not. And if you do that many laps, then answer likely not to be no. So LFS gives an automatic spec - you get to see what you're missing.
Set limiter - one user set per car, while still keeping standard Hard Race set.
Nag screen - once someone has done a certain amount of time or laps, then a big message appears, and stays for a while (making it very difficult to get round corners / finish lap), reminding you that you have been using demo for that amount of time / laps. This is repeated at regular intervals.
Track - after certain number of laps / time, lose the ability to use all of the Blackwood configurations - maybe just limit it to the car-park area.
Cars - after certain number of laps / time, lose one of the cars (say FBM first), then after another number of laps / time, lose another car.
Laps - limit number of laps that can be driven in one go - maybe maximum of 5 at a time.
Spec/Nag - after every so many total laps done (say 100), you get automatically spec'd into a nag screen.
InSim - No ability to use or connect to any InSim.
Microtransactions - as things (cars / track configurations) are taken away from the demo users, for a small fee they can add them back in for a short time - maybe 99c / 99p per? Or subscription to keep demo going for another month? Again, something like 99c / 99p per. I would be prepared to bet that all these demo users complaining of having no money, still manage to pay for downloads (music and apps) for their smartphones.
Adverts - maybe a banner ad running along bottom 10th or so of screen. Then it moves to top. Then back to bottom. Then top......
Thing is, most demo users are likely to have a smartphone (given a choice of what to spend your hard earned money on, would you buy smartphone or pc first?), and if they do have smartphone, they will be used to time limits, nag screens, adverts, microtransactions, and in-app purchases. More importantly, likely they will have had to already link their bank / credit card details with their account to sign up to being able to download apps from whatever store (itunes / android / windows, etc) they use.
Of course, for those not already having a bank account, credit card or online payment account, they may not be in position of buying license so not really losing a prospective customer. At least not in the short term. If they have been demo player for long time, and they like game, and then come into some money, then there’s every incentive for them to now buy license if they can’t become a demo player again.
As things stand, demo users have no real incentive to progress to buying an LFS license, but some of them think as demo users they are entitled to still more for free.
I know that the Route Checker circle has index that can be changed, but is this a new kind of circle, and can it only be placed using insim and not thru Autocross editor?
And how do you stop people who play demo and people who have cracked version from getting even more content, and therefore less incentive to buy a license?
Looks good with the Soft tyres, but with the Super and Ultra Soft?
Maybe they've fitted ultrathin flexible OLED screens to the bodywork (currently in yellow), which Renault can change colour during pit stops to match newly fitted tyres?
Tried 0.6K11 with LFSLapper, and most of the code appears to be working - or at least the code I use works.
Unfortunately, LFSLapper is no longer supported, and hasn't been for couple of years now, and I don't see anyone else taking it on either.
The lapper code that us users script is then compiled/interpreted (?) into proper InSim commands, so for the users we don't need to be able to code.
Which is a shame, as, with Airio broken, it appears to be the only free, customisable InSim available that you don't have to be a programmer to use (I'm excluding LFSLazy as it doesn't do the sort of things you can see on my image).
EDIT: Checked, and there are 24 servers (2 of which are mine) currently online that are running lapper.
Last edited by sinanju, .
Reason : Checked how many servers running lapper