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S3 licensed
Quote from Gutholz :... But the new insim-circles have no such restrictions! ...

I know that the Route Checker circle has index that can be changed, but is this a new kind of circle, and can it only be placed using insim and not thru Autocross editor?
S3 licensed
Westhill: being able to use the non-track roads and grass areas to make your own layouts..

And the tunnels!
S3 licensed
And how do you stop people who play demo and people who have cracked version from getting even more content, and therefore less incentive to buy a license?
S3 licensed
Looks good with the Soft tyres, but with the Super and Ultra Soft?

Maybe they've fitted ultrathin flexible OLED screens to the bodywork (currently in yellow), which Renault can change colour during pit stops to match newly fitted tyres?
S3 licensed
Tried 0.6K11 with LFSLapper, and most of the code appears to be working - or at least the code I use works.

Unfortunately, LFSLapper is no longer supported, and hasn't been for couple of years now, and I don't see anyone else taking it on either.

The lapper code that us users script is then compiled/interpreted (?) into proper InSim commands, so for the users we don't need to be able to code.

Which is a shame, as, with Airio broken, it appears to be the only free, customisable InSim available that you don't have to be a programmer to use (I'm excluding LFSLazy as it doesn't do the sort of things you can see on my image).

EDIT: Checked, and there are 24 servers (2 of which are mine) currently online that are running lapper.
Last edited by sinanju, . Reason : Checked how many servers running lapper
S3 licensed
I realise I'm a bit late with this, but I would suggest (in order) ....

S3 licensed
Downloaded and tried demo today - it seems like an xbox/playstation game that's been ported to pc.

I have i7-3770 with Gtx 580 and 12Gb memory - not cutting edge (or VR capable!), but no slouch either, but even with settings on low, and some turned off, it freezes when driving - anything from hundredths to over a second at a time (spent a lot of time watching the timer freezing and jumping partial and full seconds).

Game never remembers that I have a wheel - always defaults to keyboard, but none of the keys work when driving - only when in menu screen. Once driving, can't escape without CTRL-ALT-DEL and end process. And the brake is default reverse key when in neutral.

Game looks very nice, but I didn't feel like I was driving the car; just aiming in the general direction I wanted to go - and because of the lag, I was usually going in different direction and correcting for wrong behaviour.

Demo now deleted.
S3 licensed
No idea what any of your code means but

const PACK = 'CCxCCCxxC';
const UNPACK = 'CSize/CType/CReqI/CPLID/CUCID/CJRRAction/xSp2/xSp3/CStartPos';

Should CCxCCCxxC be CCCCCCxxC or CReqI be xReqI?
S3 licensed
And a few others too...

S3 licensed
The clue's in the screen image ..... although you do have to know about it.

Sin'rs (Sinanju's Racing Server)

Also have different layout on Sin'rs too.
S3 licensed
It appears 5 T A G's times weren't the ultimate fastest ....

.... although 16 first places out of 20 after 130 recorded times isn't too shabby!
S3 licensed
Simple answer is no.

The drift scoreboard is only an add-on for lapper.

Feel free to make your own, but you have to use the built in player functions within lapper - if you look in the lapper directory, you will find a file called playerVars.txt - this lists all the player variables that you can output. The one used in lapper is AngleVelocity.

Thing is, lapper, for us users, is a very simplified coding language made up by someone (Gai-Luron) to interface with LFS through the InSim protocol. All the hard work has been done for us, and basically converts lapper language into the proper InSim commands. Its not a coding language like C++, where you can make up your own functions and get do the math to work out vectors, etc.

In my opinion, if anyone has a non lapper drift insim, then they won't give to anyone else. Why should they? They've likely spent a lot of time and effort coding it (I'm talking weeks/months; not a few hours) and it might be the 'selling' point for people to use their server instead of the other 200-300 other servers available. Giving the code to you and others just means less people going on their server.

To be honest, if there were no drift scoreboards available anywhere, and I was making it now for first time, I wouldn't make it public.

The moral of this story?

Unless you're going to offer someone thousands of Euro's for what you want (based on hundreds of hours efforts at a decent [European] rate of pay), then get used to using the lapper drift scoreboard script. It's free, it works, and is consistant for everyone that joins your server.

As a demo user - someone who hasn't bought a license (I don't care if you say you don't have the money because running a server costs money) anything you can get for free is a bonus.

And if you look at the whole LFS forum, especially the Programmer section, you'll see that the lapper section is the ONLY section where you get free code. And also help when it goes wrong, or you're trying to do something.

Also. You've helped me come to a decision about something.

As a demo user, you (and other demo users) are making absolutely no commitment to LFS - buying a license is what I would call making a commitment - so I'm going to stop giving lapper help and advice to demo users.

For all I know (although suspect is true), demo users running lapper are probably using it on cracked servers. I'm not willing to help anyone who's not willing to help pay for LFS.

You have free game content along with free InSim software. Like every other game in the world, on whatever platform, if you want more, then you will have to pay for it. In this case, that means buying a proper LFS license.
S3 licensed
What is an "InSim"?

"InSim" is a protocol that allows an external program to communicate with Live for Speed. It allows you to create a socket connection with the game and to send and receive packets of data. These packets can be used to control LFS, send various commands, and request information.

Lapper is an InSim, as is Airio, Prism, etc.

If you're actually asking how to get the drift scoreboard to work with your copy of lapper, then read this post HERE.
S3 licensed
AU1 YARoC (Yet Another Race of Champions)

Made turns bit easier for me to get round.

Distance is approx 1,350 metres (650 m from outside start position to inside start position, so not quite equidistant).
S3 licensed
Because I wanted to differentiate it from an earlier track I'd made HERE.

Wish I hadn't, as it would have made it so much easier to make.
S3 licensed
Alright, found my issue, which was that every way I laid out Start boxes / Finish Line /Checkpoints, I always put Finish Line in front of Start boxes. This doesn't work. You need to put FL behind the boxes.

Layout can be found HERE.

Also took me a while to get my head round setting race for 2 laps - of course, what is meant is that wherever you start, once you cross the finish line first time (lap 1), you will be in other lane, next to where you started, and next time you cross finish line (lap 2) you will be back in lane where you started. And finish race. And of course, for every additional complete circuit you want to do, you add 2 laps.

So thanks for the info on that. And for tip on placing checkpoints in mid-air, midway on crossover. This meant that I could get all 3 sector checkpoints placed so that times are recorded.

Caveat: Haven't checked it racing beside someone, but I assume all should be ok!
SO4X Tabletop RoC
S3 licensed
Made a quick Race of Champions (RoC) type layout to test how to set controls (start, split checkpoints, finish) for twin race.

Couldn't do it (partly as could only test by myself), and anyway, whatever I tried failed.

So, there's a Single Player (SP) time trial version, complete with all checkpoints, etc.

Overall lap length is 985 metres / 0.61 miles, with half lap (at lilac line in lane next to where you start) at 483 metres / 0.3 miles.

Splits shown on image are;

Start is Green arrow / 1st is Blue line / 2nd is Lilac / 3rd is Cyan / Finish is Orange.

Turns were far too tight for me - probably help if you can do handbrake turns (I can't), so my RB4 complete lap time should be easily beatable...


New Twin layout as found out how to place controls so that all times recorded (at least as best I can check by myself) - the key (apart from setting layout for 2 laps [meaning crossing Finish line twice, but only really doing single lap]} is to put finish line before the start boxes.

Last edited by sinanju, . Reason : Found out how to do splits and finish for Twin layout
S3 licensed
Because with any other car I use, it's not a drift; its a skid, swiftly followed by a crash.

RB4 is the car I mainly use when test driving all my layouts as I make them, as its long, wide and tall enough to make sure I can get round corners and under bridges.

I struggled getting round some of the turns in the RB4, so gave up developing layout further as too much work to recontour the hard turns.
S3 licensed
Check your Recycle Bin.
S3 licensed
I know, but seems a shame to spoil it for the community due to the actions of a minority.

Anyway, if you're a licensed user, and you're that desperate for proper working drag lights, there's already 2 different drag strips that can be used in the Autocross configurations.
SO3X Mammoth Dryft
S3 licensed
Started making a layout, but got bored with it (I have no drift skills - kept crashing), so stopped once I'd done the perimeter. The yellow chalk lines are where I was going to put alternate routes.

Name of layout refers to shape and length. Layout made up of 33 X 21 (16x16m) slabs, so approx 500m x 330m at widest points.

For scale, that's an RB4 in image, bottom right, between red triangles.

The start position is on the straight where car is (because that's where I started making layout from), but might be better placing start on large curve at top of image - longer run to 1st turn to build some speed up - you could make 2 layouts - one clockwise, other anti-.

All turns have different radii.

Was going to make the 'ear' section larger, but that would have made the 3 straights overly long.
S3 licensed
I made a drag lights system while ago for lapper (not the lights in 1st post, as InSim doesn't do orange).

Code can be found HERE, and a video I put on YouTube showing system in action ...

Light timing: I made them random, although recently looking at code, I had set light sequence randomness from 4 to 9 seconds, which is probably far too long - see change of code HERE.

Bass-Driver made an even better system for lapper, but due to problems with someone hacking his code (basically taking the credit), he withdrew code. My code's still there, but I'm not going to update. I only did it to see if I could (yes, but not very well), and to play with making lights.
S3 licensed
Converted this layout into even longer (2.85 Km / 1.77 mile) track - see HERE.

Includes crossover section so no favouritism or advantage depending on starting on inside or outside lane.
AU1 2 Lane Drift / RoC Time Trial (2.85 Km / 1.77 miles)
S3 licensed
Converted a small 2 lane drift layout into something big longer, so now 2.85 Km / 1.77 miles ...

Includes crossover/underpass, so that if you start in outside lane, a complete circuit will mean you finish on inside lane, and vice versa.

The RoC layout has single start positionn, timed checkpoints and finish line, whereas 2 lane drift layout only has 2 start positions (one in each lane).
S3 licensed
I'm not a drifter, so I'm not really best person for doing these types of tracks, but I've made very small track that you can use as an example, as in, 'nothing like I'm looking for', 'that corner is ok, rest no good', etc.

After trying my own layout, would think that any kind of side-by-side layout needs a cross over at some point, so that both drivers get to drive same radiused turns. Especially on my layout.