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S3 licensed
I wish I could get something like this for the FZ5 or FZR...
If someone thinks they are REAL good :P

Yea... It is impossible with the current version... anything close? :P
Last edited by skstibi, .
S3 licensed
"light switch" lol... I did that literally.
I took old parts and made a switch board. Lights and horn have a switch along with a few other things.
S3 licensed
My computer does not read .WRI files
no, Windows Wordpad does NOT read it nor can I find an extension to read it with.
"Can not load Word for Windows 6.0 files"
Last edited by skstibi, .
S3 licensed
OOOOOPS.. wrong button
Last edited by skstibi, . Reason : pressed enter by accident
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
LMAO... Umm, I think we have raced around a few corners with less room between the cars... That is before I messed up and took us both out

I already know from racing you that you are a very good driver. My problem is that I come too close to the walls and tap them all the time.

Great video... better than anything I have attempted at making.
Last edited by skstibi, .
S3 licensed
Quote from SilverArrows77 :LFS is by no means dead - I think this may ease your worries

AHH! That Shaun Cole guy has the same Headset AND monitor that I do...
S3 licensed
This thread is accomplishing nothing... Well, nothing useful anyway.
S3 licensed
I agree that some of Intrepid's ways of overtaking are a bit crappy but from the kart racing I have seen, it probably works for karts. I admit that Kart racing is not my style either.
If someone did that to me in a touring car race, I would be tempted to ruin a front bumper giving them a wakeup call.

I don't care... This thread is not about driving styles. It is about racing with other RL racers.
Last edited by skstibi, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :
Real Racers = Wankers.

Do you wish to die?

Is it just me or is this just a continuation of that "Who gives a sh**" thread?
Can we just have a clean discussion that stays on topic?
S3 licensed
Here is another RL racer. Touring cars is what I like to race.
Predict me to respond? lol....
I am curious to race with others..
If you can't handle a little bumping on your rear and side... TOUGH! That's life with racing, there WILL be contact.
S3 licensed
I have been wanting this for a very long time. But it should be made as an option like the skidmarks, wheels, and other stuff in the mirror. Just add "car model reflection" in the section with the rest of the +mirror, main, OFF Section.
S3 licensed
did you try the re-initlalize button?
S3 licensed
Edit: waaaaait a second. Forgot to move my skins_X back.... sooo. it is now.
S3 licensed
That story sounds familiar...
My dad has his 1966 Chevy G10 van that he fixed up when he bought it (in about 1970) and then put the 292 inline 6 in it (biggest torque moster) in 1972. Ever since then it has had 1 paintjob, brakes have been done when needed, oil changed every 2000-2500 miles, tires when they were either rotted off or cooked off doing some burnouts and donuts, a fan belt replaced when rotted out, greased a couple times a year, and the seals and bearings when they could no longer do their job. The newest addition is a new exhaust pipe from the muffler back because of rust.

This van has been to the moon, back, and is half way there again (distance wise) and most of those miles is with a helluva lot of weight in it AND behind it. But considering how much it has been used and the lack of having to replace parts is amazing. It is still going today. I could walk outside right now, start it, and drive it a long distance without have to worry about ANYTHING... well.. except running out of fuel.

If you take good care of a vehicle, it will last you longer that you can imagine.
S3 licensed
I have a reason to hate jap. cars but after seeing some of the posts in this thread....

*slowly backs off*

Well, I will say SOMETHING. If I were to be driving a skyline or a supra or something else out of japan when I got run into during a race in my Audi A4, I would have been DEAD. or at least a lot worse off than just having a cut on my foot. (a GT2 at about 120kph into me)

Plus, working on one is like.... I can't think of any nice way to put this so I just won't say it.

The only jap cars that I can think of that just won't die are some of the '80s models. (note the Top Gear episode of trying to kill one)
Last edited by skstibi, .
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :Of course, as long as you have that motorcycle learner's permit, you are allowed to ride any bike that you want from a Vespa to the VTX1800 beast to any blazingly fast sportbike you want. Now THAT is scary!

Heh, That's one way to slowly thin out the population...
S3 licensed
hehe... Hello from a friendly face
If I could figure out a time that I could be on a server with you, I would give you a bunch of tips and show you a few tricks
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :If you had the money i hope you'd make better decisions than i did!

If it is the ammount of money I am thinking... I think I would build myself another track car
S3 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :You mean you're building a computer with the same spec as Jakg's ?

Oh, you mean the one that costs $4000 just in parts to build?
S3 licensed
When you can drift any car around any corner without spinning out or without any practice at that corner. Also you should be able to drift any car around any corner with ANY setup without using your emergency brake.
Oh well, that is my opinion. I am a racer and a drifter. (a far better racer than drifter if you ask me). Scaring the poo out of people by drifting around them during a race is always fun but ruins the next two laps because the tires got too hot. (If the developers do anything to my FZR other than add a tad of power, I will..... *cough* Use your imagination)

Watching videos made by Squighead is a real pleasure. They are all done so... Oh what's the word.. Perfect?
S3 licensed
I would have to say the worst thing that has happened to me in a race is going a 20 lap race at SO.
I was doing damn good laps the whole time after the T1 carnage. I was finally gaining on the leader. I caught up to him on the beginning of lap 19. I ended up having a war with him trying to get past him and I ended up next to him on the final straight (after that pain in the arse hairpin), had a hell of a drag race (seeing who could flat shift faster) I was gaining a lead on him when..... Fuel bailed on me and ended up getting second.

Has happened many times before with worse results but that was the one that I got laughed at the most for
S3 licensed
Yup. I see that all the time. Like said above, it is just lag. I see it every day.
Objects at AS6
S3 licensed
Well, I went to place some objects on AS6 and found out that there is a issue with the objects.

The objects disappear so you can't place them. It is on the last hairpin before the Chicane. (where the car is on the attached image). If you back up to the point where you can see the object and move it forward without moving your view, you can place them.
S3 licensed
Hey Inouva.
What game actually lets you have the full version for playing the demo for a long time? I can't think of any.

So you can't afford S2, well, the devs are not going to GIVE people free licenses just because they drove demo for a long time. They are doing this for money along with other things but if they gave the full version to people that have driven demo for X number of miles then a lot less people will buy S2 and LFS will probably stop production.
Seriously, Tell me what demo of what game gives you the full version for playing the demo for ages...