Scaleable, high quality and lots of them, the one drawback is that they're not jpgs or gif so you're gonna need something more complicated than paint to read/use them.
It seems that 2048sq skins don't suffer this problem in game, so it's not the end of the world, since if you're racing online than people are only gonna see the Low res 512sq, and if you're not then you can use your 2048 sq skins for screengrabs anyway.
Make a 1024 sq version of that and view it in the game as oppsed to the CMX viewer. I have a horrible feeling that those thin red stripes are gonna look totally screwed.
I've recently discovered that the CMX viewer renders skins at a better quality than the game does, and since jpg compression really doesn't like bright red anyway, the game has a nasty habit of turning your nice thin red stripes into blocky mixed up messes of colours.
This topic contains an example, and the same thing happened to a FOX skin I've recently created, so the problem isn't model specific.
It's only particularly noticeable very close to the car, but when you are that close boy does it look nasty....
Give the guy a break he's only about 14, and that's more creative than I was when I was as young as that.....
I thought it was quite amusing, if you look on or you'll see plenty of deliberately cheesy bad MSPaint's pretty much an artistic style in it's own right.
I saw something the other day which might suggest said talented and prolific skinner might have re-considered and decided to make the odd public skin or two again, but nothing definite.
Ulitimately that is what happens....If you use skins without permission, claim others work as your own or edit skins without permission then sooner or later you'll end up having to make your own, cos nobody else will.
Lol....err yeah ok we got smilies too....but they might as well be words since they are symbols whose meaning is supposed to be arbitary, in the same way as a road sign might as well be a word.
The missing part of internet communication is the non verbal element. That's far more important than the verbal/written part.
The internet reduces communication to words and words alone, as does any form of writing. If you were to read the work of somebody like Michael Argyle you'd realise that words alone are nowhere near the complete "picture" if you'll excuse the pun.
The point is not what that law actually says, but how enforcable that law actually is.
In the context of single jpgs freely released to the internet for use in a videogame, it has already been pointed out that regardless of how many laws are actually broken, litigation is not a practical proposal.
Thus we fall back onto respect for another. Since this community prides itself on being helpful, friendly and above all respectful of each other, for the majority that shouldn't be a problem. That said the minority will always exist, and it is up to the majority to point out the error of their ways to that minority.
It's true that you can't take what Tristan wrote literally, but in the context of the game, it's a very good analogy. When you choose a skin, you choose a set of clothes for your car.
When doing so it is my opinion that you should always view the skin in a windows file viewer and look for text on the parts of the skin.jpg which don't show up on the car. If it says this skin is private don't use it then don't it's that simple.
This argument has come up many times before and will no doubt come up many times again. I too doubt that any effective action could be taken against copyright theft, we're talking about 3rd party freeware content which has been voluntarily released onto the internet for a videogame.
No usage control agreements exist between any of the parties involved, and the bottom line is that we're usually talking about a single image.
At the end of the day some people will show respect for a skinners work and wishes and some people will not. If those who do not do so out of ignorance then it might be an idea to start a sticky thread in the skinning section which says something simple like "make sure you look at every skin you want to use in windows explorer before you use it and ensure that there are no usage restrictions written on it." Then all you need is to encourage skinners to simply write somethign like "private skin don't use/public skin use but don't edit/public skin do want you want with it" on their work.
The black mask is there, because it keeps the eventual file size down. It's to do with the way .jpg compression works, #000000 [plain black] compresses to a smaller size than most other colours.
I've never been quite sure why the white/grey areas in the kits are slightly larger than the wireframes, but the edge of the wireframe is the point at which a panel joins the next as the game wraps the skin arond the model. Thus you should consider the edges of the wireframe to be the edges of your skin.
I hope that answers your question [as I understand it]. I would probably have typed "click the multiplayer button and take it from there...."
Be thankful that you got some polite friendly replies, remember every new guy starts with a credibility rating of zero, and you do have to make some effort not to be ignored....
I reckon I'm well into minus figures by now.
If you can't handle sarcastic asshats then I'd suggest you un-install the internet.
Is the rendering engine for the CMX viewer the same as the one for the game? If not then perhaps you've just discovered a glitch in the model. I've never seen another skin with a pencil thin line at that point to be able to decide if it's a problem with the game or your installation.
Try posting the skin up [or a plain version with just the linework] Then I could screenshot it on my machine and see what happens.
In order to use your finished skin online you'll need to make it 1024x1024 pixels at 400kb or less.
The problem you're having with the white square and the red you mean when you're trying to view the skin on LFS world? In which case either your skin isn't the right size, your connection is having a go slow or the LFS world server's having a moment.
Or are you trying to see the skin in game? [although I can't think where or why the game would show you that little "image not found" square]
I don't want to sound patronising, but you sound as though you don't have very much experience with graphics software.
Try havnig a read of some of the stuff on this page, since this forum is geared up more for people to show off their skins than to ask questions, particularly questions relating to how to use software rather than how to make skins.
To do as you've said you'd like to you will need a graphics application such as paintshop pro,photoshop, the gimp etc etc.
Take the pictures you want to use and paste them into your design, then
you simply paint the rest onto a skin [either use an existing one and save it under a different name or get a template from somewhere like master Although you'll need something which can read a photoshop file to be able to use the template]
Few more bits of info on how it's done in these threads...
Not as far as I can see's probably more useful to "spend" the resources you've saved on increasing the mulitplayer draw distance, which has obvious benefits.
Visit ATI's site and get the latest driver set which is linked from the front page...AFAIK it's 6.1
I used to run LFS S1 on a Pentium 3 1ghz with 256RAM and a 32mb Riva TNT 2, in fact I could run the S1 demo on a Pentium 3 450 with 128mb RAM and a 16mb Riva, although that did slow up as soon as I added any A.I. On the 1Ghz box it used to run fine, only slowing markedly in a full field of cars.I can't say how those machines would deal with S2, I don't have either of them anymore.
Now I know S2 physics is better and the game is generally more processor intensive now than it was then, but all things being equal I still think your video card drivers are hindering your performance.Try playing online when your machine isn't trying to calculate A.I physics as well as yours and see if your framerate is better.
That said, stating the blindingly obvious a faster chip would help you out...
Unfortunately I don't have a great deal of time for making skins at the moment so it's done...
gonna be the world's supply of attachments going on here...
FZR_Polska is the one that started all this nonsense, it was made for someone who wisely decided to drive a fox instead so maybe there are some Polish FZR drivers out there who might like it.....
FZR_Guinness is as per above request, and the Carlsberg/Stella skins are the 2048 versions of the ones I posted a while ago.
Same rules as before, I haven't uploaded them, do it yourself if you'd like to use them. You may change the car's numbers but please don't edit them any further.
You can have a black Guiness sponsored car if you like...
The yellow shield decal by the rear wheel says "British racing and sports car club" on it [which is a real decal for a real club]. If there's a similar organisation for German racers, point me in the direction of their logo and I'll use that instead.
Oh and if there's a particular number you'd like on it then you'd better say so