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more doughnuts lol

First lap out in a quick session I ran a 1:07.313 lol

I had an interesting line through turn 2 though..jumped the curb a bit. Enough for a 1x but not the dreaded slow down. It sent me a bit wide into the grass on the other side too. My optimal is down to a .1xx too, there will be a 1:06 at some point for sure.

I keep doing this to myself where first lap out I set a crazy lap and then over drive the rest of the time trying to match it. I could only hit more 107.7's.

I'm gonna be crushed when the good people start focusing on Road Atlanta and embarrass me
S2 licensed

Reverse doughnuts ftw lol

Improved to a 1:07.600 with an optimal now down to 1:07.23

This car is kinda like driving a boat. Big swoopy things much sooner than you think you need to.

I think someone will find their way into the 6's. It'll be interested to see what the gain from the draft is on a medium length straight like this one.
S2 licensed
I think I hate this car....but I'm an addict lol

I just spend all night turning laps to go 2 tenths slower than I did on my first lap out this morning. ... acingsim2009081321561.jpg

Bright side I guess is my optimal is down to a 1:07.348

Down side is it doesn't seem possible even though I did the splits

Look at all those damn 1x incidents. I think if I race this car I'll lose my A license :|
S2 licensed
Yeah road Atlanta. I don't know road America at all..should be interesting.

I just blasted around RA short with the lotus...just a little different than the jetta at 47.9
S2 licensed
Quote from DaveWS :Did they scrap the "win 15$ (?) credit for a season win in a series" thing?

Yeah it was just a one time experiment it seems. They've moved on to the pro series with real prizes I believe.

The jetta series now has a real life racing seat up for grabs..

They're moving on to bigger and better things it seems.

Lol first lap out in the jetta after being stuck at mid 108's all day yesterday I run a 107.789. It is so hard to tell if you're driving too hard...this car is gonna be tough to master.

Optimal is down at a 107.5 something. It'll be interesting to see just how quick someone will be able to toss this thing around. If you get into a slide the car pushes way wide and straightens you really got to keep the car in line. It'll also be interesting to see how much the draft affects these cars. Even though its cut in half that is still a long straight away down to the chicane.
Last edited by spanks, .
S2 licensed
oh jeez

S2 licensed
well my optimal is a 1:07.6...but I've yet to run quicker than a 1:08.3

I had a lap going that would have been a 08.0 or maybe even 07..but I choked badly lol so it was an 08.3

Turn 1 is a complete mystery to me.
S2 licensed
:O 100% fixed setups?!?

S2 licensed
Richard Towler is to iRacing as Tristan is to LFS

And I greatly enjoy reading everything they have to say.
S2 licensed ... acingsim2009080722020.jpg

Well this screwed me royally hard. This sent me barely into the grass right after this for a I guess the lap is invalid for the competition.

If you want to open that bit of grass up for fair game then I'm down with that It actually slowed me down..its not a good thing to do.

My optimal is down to a 54.5xx. The hardest part on the track is turn 2 and seems like it should be so easy but it makes or breaks a good lap and is so difficult to do properly.

Turn 2 you have to fly it in there on the chip in 2nd..then get on the gas early but still set your line up so you can get through turn 3 without lifting. If you have to lift for 3 the lap is dead.

I actually made it through the last turn flat once at speed but it was slower by a little. I clipped the inside of the curb right at the apex and it gave me the extra rotation to stay flat out. The best is to breath the gas right at the bottom of the hill on turn in. I think the combination of lifting + going down hill right there gives the front end a ton of extra grip. Its almost like you have to square it off though for the out lap and then make it wide and smooth for the hot lap. One is good for mph and the other is good for time.

This is fun Jeroen...this is the kind of thing I love to do We seem to be pretty evenly matched at most tracks too
S2 licensed
Quote from Jertje :Go break it! It'll give me an excuse to fire up the sim again and throw that car around

I already did my Pro race for this week, so now I'm just going to race whatever car I feel like at the moment - focusing on one car got me bored last season and I never went anywhere, so now I'll focus on every car =D

So break that time, the more times we have to take turns to break it, the merrier!

Oh you're on...I've already hit a few turns on off laps that sent my little +/- time down a couple tenths. I was just doing a few laps and got drug away from the computer...I will be back

I also have trouble avoiding doing huge nasty drifts all over lime rock. This car holds a slide easier than anything...even easier than Lfs lol.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jertje :Anyone else up for the challenge?

LM @ Road-courses. ... amp;start=0&tstart=30

I was going to yell at you for going faster than me but you're group A so nice lap
S2 licensed
cat herder said that they're hoping for night racing by next build iirc.

I've been out of town since saturday...I'm afraid to try the lotus again. I really had no complaints about how it drove with my setup except my wheel was really loud, but it felt fine and I couldn't hear it with headphones.

I hope its not worse like you guys say D:
S2 licensed
I've been at watkins all day...its so much fun. I do kinda wish we had the chicane on the back straight though. These things just run out of guts before you're even out of the esses.

I've gotten down to a 1:33.3 with 6/8 wings and quite a few other things. I'm having fun
S2 licensed
heh try mid 28's on a mostly default high df set by Ben Corronet (sp?)
S2 licensed
A very quick mazda time at Road Atlanta was 1:18 or 1:17

I ran a couple 1:18's with the lotus all over the place.

I had an optimal of like low 1:15. I'm sure there are 1:12's or maybe lower in it there. It is damn quick, but not a huge gap like I expected either.
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :Isn't that a blessing in disguise? Poor old spanks shells out for more content then he cant even use it . Do you think iRacing will ever get to the stage where you can practice off line with all of the content that you paid for. Not being able to access over priced content is just taking the pxxx.

I think that pic was spot on .

Who me? I don't have a problem...really

The first step is admitting it, and I'm not doing I don't have a problem right?

I got the jetta so I could get the 10% discount for 3 items. Also I think about half of my content is paid for with credits from them for subscribing.
S2 licensed
Turn it up

I was going to edit them together all nice and stuff..but I can't figure out vegas and the movie maker in windows 7 is a failure
S2 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :HD has to be widescreen I'm pretty sure, or you need to be able to slap bars on the sides of your video. If you can do that, then I think you want this:

Great thanks

I've got my two fraps vids that were recorded at 1920x1200..just needed to get them down to youtube size
S2 licensed
site is down for me too

but my sim is still open!

The windows 7 movie maker won't output anyhting higher than 640x480...any suggestions for making an hd youtube video?
S2 licensed
wow the lotus is crazy

It drives aweful in a good way

The sound is awesome, brought a grin to my face as soon as I heard it. Definitely 100% better than youtube quality

Its definitely going to need some throttle more stab and steer like the other cars have been. This thing fights back...

I'll have a video in a little bit.
S2 licensed
aaaaaaaa its back

Must download before everyone steals the bandwidth!
S2 licensed
Quote from StableX :I got to 41% of the update then it went down again. Not even got to buying anything!

lol I went to the store before updates.

Last time I updated everything and tried to buy stuff and then the updates were broken..seems it doesn't really matter what order you do it in lol
S2 licensed
I managed to buy the lotus, jetta and NHMP...and then it went down
S2 licensed