I love it!
After finishing my term paper last night I joined up on a blackwood proper direction race with the new BMW. There were 20+ people in the server at all times. I have never been much of a regular racer in LFS. I made myself very familiar with the fox on as-club...and have had great races doing that, but its just the tip of the iceberg.
I've played LFS for a year now with my g25, and have done about 25% racing, and 75%


I don't care if its racing or not...and its not racing AT ALL, its fun as hell with the lfs engine. Regardless of if you like drifting or not, the car control is impressive...its like the ballet, its boring as hell to watch, but I guess they're having fun doing it

? Its just because I can go in and drift for 10 minutes before class or something, whereas its somewhat a hassle to find a server on a track that I know, with enough people in it, with a low enough ping, that isn't in the middle of a race etc..
Anyways, back on topic, I had some of the best racing I've ever had last night. The BMW is very intuitive, and a blast to drive. My arms were getting tired holding onto the wheel so tight! That thing handles just like my kart used to

to go fast you gotta float it through the corners, if all the tires have grip you're goin too slow

The racing line is a huge help, and I love how its just a baseline...not the WR lap for the track. You can go into your own server, go 5 laps with the racing line...figure out where your braking points will be and be more competitive much more quickly.
I'm somewhat confused about throttle blip though on downshift. I was trying to do it...autoclutch off, and afaik you don't depress the clutch when you blip the gas...but all I was managing to do was extend my braking distance. I was able to downshift with no throttle blip with no negative side effects. I was getting lap times that rivaled top 5 placers in the race, and finished decently a couple races...so I don't think I was doing anything too wrong.
Also, I don't really notice a difference in the viewpoint from the cars, any better description of what it is? Thanks
great job devs, i'm a part of a very popular mod for hl2 as an animator...and the forums can get very annoying. You guys are very disciplined, and take criticism very well. I've never seen you guys blow a gasket like our team has once or twice...Keep up the great work, you're very admirable. I would love to make a car game some day, but I fear I would always be comparing it to LFS and wind up doing something a bit easier