Sometimes trial and error works, it just takes ages
your next problem will probably be when your on lap 7 of 8 and it decides to drop the connection :P just make sure you adjust the power saving settings so the laptop wont "turn off hard disks" after so many mins.
Dave, if both PC and laptop run windows you would think it should be fairly simple, make sure both are on the same network group (MSHOME is standard) then go to network connections and enable ICS in the advance tab of the laptops internet connection, IIRC you have to be logged as administartor.
I think the network setup wizzard can also do this for you, but you might have to change the firewall settings also.
On your PC you might have to set the laptops network icon as a gateway so it knows where to connect to the internet.
takes a few restarts too IIRC its been a while since I did anything like this
Would it not be easyer to just borrow or buy a wireless card or USB dongle for your PC?
Maybe not but wouldn't people then be questioning why eric is not updating interiors, or why Scawen isn't working on a different feature? I think its pretty obvious why that kind of "twitter/tweet" communication will never happen, because it makes the Devs too accountable, and I think if it did happen we would end up getting "we are continuing to develop LFS" every time and we already know that
I think they just work at their own pace, head down so to speak, if they need help from the comunity they ask, like when the queue system was introduced Scawen asked for lots of people to join him in a test server, it was full in no time
The reason people keep bringing the work ethic thing into it, is because the whole no news thing is part of the way they work, news use to be posted more at the beginning of development when changes were moving at a faster pace, LFS has grown over a long time and yes updates will be smaller or longer apart.
Before this VW patch info in Dec last year, we would only be told news if it was definately gong to happen, maybe with the exception of a few things (LX8 etc) but after the uproar here in the forums all the constant "where is my VW shiroko" posts that we saw through this year, I think it became clear that giving news of an expected feature was counter productive to the devs and comunity, unless that feature was 100% complete or could be delivered.
I personally dont mind not getting communication here or at
News will come when it comes and I'm happy to wait until news comes.
When spectating if you enter pits you have a green button "join" this does not respond when the enter key is pressed, instead the yellow button is triggered "spectate"
When on track, if you now enter pits you have a yellow "spectate" and orange "OK" button when the enter key is pressed now the "OK" is triggered.
Its only a small inconsistancy and I only post it because I remember reading that if its green it should respond to enter key.
To get that "realistic feel" you really need to use a force feedback wheel the R220 is fairly low end but should be usable none the less, I would reccommend recalibrating your controller in LFS (options/controllers/ axis/ff then click recalibrate, push both pedals a few times and move wheel lock to lock.
Then click lock.
It might help if you can see your inputs (pedals and steering) better just to check you dont have spiking etc (options/display) yes to show pedals and steering gauge, this could highlight any potential issues with the controller.
If you get a chance to try a friends FF wheel something with full FF like a Logitech momo, or G25 wheel, you can really start to feel the road as you drive, it really helps.
When driving try using the 5 & 6 keys to adjust FOV so everything looks (the speed feeling) correct to you, and < & > to adjust FF on the fly if & when you get a FF wheel.
I think the demo user bashing really has to stop its just another negative thats not nice to see, there is a free demo, and people who use it should feel just as welcome here as everyone and I read posts not account status.
The developers will not give in to begging or pleas to give information, personally I think they have better things to do than feed information to a community like ours.
If your not happy with the sim or the spped its developed, thats cool, you have the right to say anything here you wish and thats cool too
However if you expect to change how the developers work is done, well thats somthing that no amount of complaining will ever do, as Tristian has said many many times the devs have chosen this way of working, have an excellent product that many enjoy as it is now.
I don't care how long it takes, I do know it will be continiously developed as long as Scawen wants too
If I "bump" someone, it means I've made a mistake, If someone bumps me from behind once, fair enough their mistake, if they continue to bump me on a straight peice of road I would come to the conclusion they were trying to wreck me, how could I possibly think someone impacting my car is doing it for my benifit alone?
If someone tries to bumpdraft me in a race, I consider it my right to hit the brakes hard and slow us both down.
Slightly OT: Another tactic Iv'e seen is when you go for a pass, get inside,side by side at apex, then the car on the outside does not give enough room for you to complete the pass, instead they turn into you on exit, I mean who exits a turn and stays on the inside of the track? anyone know what I mean?
Skymera, I would suggest running LFS with your system at stock speeds, I have very similar HW to you and @ 1920X1200 full quality, get over 300fps almost constantly without vsync, maybe the overclocks are causing something? its worth a try just to rule it out.
Do you have alot of other programs or processes runnning, when you play LFS?
Does this happen on singleplayer or hotlap mode, as well as multiplayer mode?
Good luck
PS. whats your minimum sleep value set to? (options misc)
If you press F during a replay (forces view)you can see the downforce acting on the car as it speeds up.
Im pretty sure it does effects suspension and ride hight etc.
The bumpdrafting issue is not just in the cars with downforce tho
Vsync just allows the graphics card to send complete frames to the monitor when the monitor needs it (in sync with monitor refresh rate) as opposed to drawing more frames than needed.
Without Vertical sync it is possible that when a frame is sent to the display, it actually sends a mix of 2 frames as the cards frame buffer is partway through being updated when the frame is sent.
In short it can reduce "tearing" in fastmoving graphics and will clamp FPS to screen refresh rate.
To the OP, have you installed any texture packs or anything? or are you having this issue on the standard Z version?
are all your drivers (especially gfx and mobo chipset drivers) up to date?
do you have any other games you can get fps info from? just as a comparison
while most in this thread seem to consider bumpdrafting as not cheating, I think its unfair and un-sporting in LFS pickup racing, as the OP has said for the Aiero servers, fastest laps and sectors are no longer valid once bumpdrafting is taken into consideration.
I can understand in a team v team race it could be considered a valid tactic, as long as it dosn't break any specific leagues rules, but when racing in an open pack the only stratagy IMO should be to overtake not to push push push, often the only way some drivers further back in the pack can catch the leaders is when the leaders are battling for position, if they just bumpdraft all the time the others would never get a chance.
Thats just how I see it, I've rarely seen gentleman racers do it, I've never seen it irl with the exception of Nascar (that BTCC youtube link posted by lizardfolk isn't bumpdrafting), and if you had a long enough straight in LFS what would you expect the bumpdraft top speed to be? infinate?
Yeah, some of the logitech KBs have that F-Lock key, usually top left somewhere some have little "F" light that lights up when in F mode, I bet thats the problem somewhere you can set F-lock to enable on boot but default is off, every restart yo uhave to press the little button again
Cougar have you tried all the cars? as Dan has said alot is dependant on setup, the RB4 is great fun, and some would say the most like a "rally car" to drive.
I remember Bob making a realistic setup pack, might be worth a try? EDIT: out of date pack here see bobs sig.
On topic...... with full AA and AF @1920 x 1200 even the standard LFS looks great, the hi res packs give a little more too, the best thing was when hi res skin downloads came in, really improve the close driving experiance for me at least
It could be that your account has been suspended after that post in October, If you are the original Klingon & purchased the licence in March08 I'm sure a nicely worded e-mail to the Dev team from your LFS regestered e-mail account explaining that you didn't sell your account, and asking for forgivness , may sort your problem,
However if you purchased the licence from another user(post October08), there is not alot you can do, except take it on the chin, lesson learnt, start again, regester yourself at, and buy a new licence with your own details.
Sounds like a good idea Dan
We already have the /find command, I would have thought without too much programming time, a system could be made to look for your "buddys" when you click multiplayer, maybe auto buddy list update (from LFSWorld) or manual where you have to input all your friends usernames, the former would be nice
I've thought about that "splitting the forum" idea Gener_Al mentioned, but I think whatever measures you take people will circumvent them, increasing the need for more policing in the long run, itws worth noting that the state of the forum and the state of online activity dont reflect each other IMO, there is still good racing online once you find the right bunch of like minded players but to the new to LFS player I think this forum has become a very dark place compared to what it was when it began, after the good old RSC days lol