Hi all
I totally missed this thread until now
and it seems I am having a very similar problem.
My problem manifests itself identically to yours except most times I can join a server and spectate until the cows come home
However if I join to race, I can get anything from 5 to 10 mins before I lose connection, this happens 80% of the times I want to drive some LFS.
The other 20% I can connect and drive as normal without issue.
This has been going on for me since December
Things I have tried are;
Re-installing LFS, re-installing OS, reconfiguring router and updating routers firmware, swapping and changing cables, changing ADSL filter (Z blocker) I even took my BT telephone master socket off and re-terminated all the wires
Hardware we, d66n and I, have in common;
Intel cpu (but mines an older model)
The DG834GT << This is my main suspect and next item on my list to change.
I connect to the router via cable, but I do have the wireless enabled as my wife and 2 daughters all connect their laptops via wireless (yes I am surrounded by screaming females & not in the Tom Jones kinda way :schwitz
I've yet to disable the wireless in the router for an evening to test if this is the prob, but I value my life too much
hrmm, maybe a "atmospheric" issue will come up over the weekend?
we'll see.
ISP? This is another suspect, I am with Nildram, who unfortunatly were purchased by Tiscali a couple of years back
I have been told by my ISP's tech support chaps some different storys about "packet inspection" and "traffic shaping" so I'm not sure if its an ISP issue or not.
Just out of interest, is your ISP part of Tiscali? (it lets you know on most bandwith speed test sites) I am very interested to find out
Anyway I hope you can find some clue maybe in our similar issues and I will report back the results of swapping the router when I can get hold of one.
Just a thought my router does get a bit warm, and the kids often complain about slow internet, only to find they left the PS3 switched on, pumping out heat, that sits right next to the router in an often closed underTV cupboard, right next to our consumer unit, master BT point and electrical intake all in the same cupboard
Good luck.