Lister, have you had the front part of the BT socket off and connected the router (via microfilter) directly to the "test socket" on the back part of the master socket? (EDIT:: Whooops, was typing as you posted )
Have you tried another microfilter?
next step would be to try with another router, however, IIRC I was told by an engeneer a while back that for the first week-10days your ADSL conn will be more unstable as the line goes through an automatic testing/setup period where different speeds and niose/error correction profiles are tested, to give the most stable line (I'm not 100% sure thats true tho ).
Have you tried shift+F8 ingame (network debug)? just to get an idea how bad it is when you do connect to a server.
Do you have another PC or laptop you could try LFS on, even on demo only.
I had a similar condition that looked like ISP/Conn prob, but after os reinstall the problem dissapeared.
There are good and bad forum users here, as in every forum, the former know who the latter are, and the latter just dont care, or don't realise what fools they look like most of the time with the childish stupid banter.
Other forums I belong to have much stricter rules and alot of the stuff that goes on here would not be tolerated.
Personally I try to ignore the fools and keep positive and helpfull to newcomers, as its all good for lfs in the long run.
Its interesting how pessimistic a view some people take on this subject, and equally I suppose how optimistic others have been, I think only a few people here actually know how much or little work is involved to create a tyre physics model, that is realistic enough and different enough to others that have come before.
Reminds me of the old saying, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" but that would make for an awfully boring forum
I think disconnects, however random, are just that, random, now I do also think that quality of ISP also makes a difference, as does LAN and WAN traffic.
If it were possible to target someone for DC within the game I'm sure we would see it alot more at top level events such as MOE GTAL, as some teams will go to great lenghts to get an advantage over the competition.
While I respect your opinion, how can you possibly know? can you see into the future?
I hear iracing is getting a little better than it used to be, some of us don't want to take out a second mortgage to play it.
LFS still stands as "one of the best" racing simulators out there even now before this next update, plus the fact that its so simple and easy to install and set up, not like some of the others.
@ scawen, its a shame that every post you make is disected and twisted by the masses, but I suppose it shows how many people feel passionate about your project
What I fail to understand fully is the people who keep saying "lfs is dead" and "other sims are better" why are they still hanging around posting it over and over again for?
This could have been handled much better using the PM function, However Demo forum users do not have access to this feature
It is not written into the rules that anyone is restricted to one account, I am sure it used to be, but looks like the agreement has been changed sometime in the last 7 years, as I cannot find anything relating to multiple accounts anymore.
Should we not have recieved an e-mail letting us know the agreement had been changed? so we could have read and agreed to the new one?
You have to be very carefull to keep your SR up, a good tip is to keep up race speed after the finish, or pit after crossing the finish, this will minimise any yellows you cause for people still finishing the race.
Also its very good practice to keep an eye on your mirrors in the brake zones when in heavy traffic, if it looks like someone is coming up behind too fast and it looks like they may hit you, to avoid the driver clipping you, use common sense and put your car (safely) in a position so you don't get hit from behind.
FWD is far from boring if there is someone of similar experiance and speed , you can have some great battles in it, and on some tracks it's a little faster than XRG
IMO this is just another thread trying to make out the LFS Devs should do more, very well worded for a non native english speaker tho
Also people thinking that "do it this way" or "do it that way" will change anything the devs do is just silly, they do what they will, when they want! and theres nothing wrong with that.
"mistakes in LFS development" and "lfs will never match iracing" are just very silly statements also.
If your very rich then go to iracing you might be able to afford all the content but don't come here and try to fix lfs with one post.
An easy fix is to recalibrate the pedals ingame, but use the lock feature and set the travel to less that 100% when you calibrate.
For example with the gas, you would only push it down to say 80 -90% full then release, then after you "lock" it in LFS, the game will see any position beyond where you set it as 100%, with the brake you will need to hold it down about half way before pressing "recalibrate" then just don't let it release all the way before pressing lock.
Remember to turn wheel lock to lock also, before you press lock.
I also think the fastest starts are when releasing clutch and simultainisly flooring gas as lights change green, not holding gas down then releasing clutch, but I use clutch pedal.
As for left foot braking, Its totally personal preference, some fast drivers do and some don't, some drivers use both left and right foot braking during the same lap, as some corners need a shift and some don't
Its interesting that on some tracks/turns you can keep the car more stable when slowing by a small amount by keeping the gas on hard and dabbing some brake at the same time, than using the release/reapply gas technique.
In a real life car its not reccomended to LFB, if you are used to using that foot for just the clutch, then you will get a big shock (and maybe lose control) the first time you try it, but some drivers do LFB all the time, I know a woman who drives an auto Merc and she uses left foot stop, right foot go
What a stupid suggestion to post in the beginners section of this official LFS forum, you should be ashamed of yourself.
darksmile, this game is much more fun if you play it as a racing simulator, while some children like to destroy things (read drift/cruise/destructDerby) there are plenty of us who enjoy racing hard and fair, and not making contact with other drivers.
Stick to the demo if you like the way you are playing, by all means upgrade to S2, but don't expect to be allowed to come on S2 servers and drive the same way, from most serious servers you would recieve a ban rather quickly.
IMO far too many people play LFS with skype, Mesenger, Browsers, P2P, and with other users on their LAN downloading stuff, Its no wonder the servers are more laggy than ever.
What OS are you peeps using?
I have had "LFS exe has stopped working" message on a very laggy server, but only in windows 7.
Try turning off anything else that uses the internet and just run LFS alone, do you still get the problem?