A few months (maybe years) back the "I've been banned" thread had more than a few peeps saying a ban was unfair, some of the posts got a little heated, and some admins from RR, IMO, were seen to be harsh to the extreem in some situations.
Some forums members including myself asked to be banned from the RR servers, more in response to the posts, than for any incedents on thier servers
( I dont think Ive ever been on an RR server, ? maybe once long ago) but impressions stick somtimes.
To be fair the RR admins seem to me to act in a much more responcible way since I've come back to LFS this year, as do the FM admins Ive read posting of late also.
Sometimes first imperessions on forums, where words can be interpreted diferently to how they are intended , are proved wrong in the long run.
LFS and its long standing teams have been around for years now, and admins come and go.