I share similar reservations as Dan, things seem disorganized and info slow to get out, or difficult to find, also I think the forced view and limited payment options, and the fact that this is being run by europeans (no offence intended) for the UK is troubling many potential competitors.
If this was intended for the UK market, wouldn't it feel more comfortable to pay in £s, and to have an english site with full info posted well before the start of the league.
I was very interested when I 1st heard about this thing and asked many questions in the other thread, most were ignored, thats when my interest was lost, that and the awfull website (red/white with QT activeX trying to invade my PC)
problems arn't dealtwith when admins say they will be, Dan was told his old team tag would be removed from the tracker 5 days ago, still hasn't happened, feels like this is just an extension of the international league to try to gain extra funds, but it looks to me like the international league is well run and not enough time or manpower left over to properly organise the UK nationals.
also I hear "UKTC presents" making it sound like its a UK run event, then I hear CTRA are also involved then theres E-Sports, (I understand UKCT are admining and CTRA are for extended appeals?, are not the CTRA staff also UKCT staff? I just don't get it.
I dont want to sound all negative its a good concept and I wish Jo and everyone the best of luck.