Probably already here. But if you're passing someone up the inside, you can avoid a switchback by REALLY slowing down when they start to turn back. Then you're in the space they'd use to cut back behind you and they have to slow down even more. As the Eurosport MotoGP commentators would say, "park it"
You have to transport petrol/diesel in a truck, electricity is already in our homes
250 miles (Tesla) vs 200 miles (PML Mini) isn't far off, especially considering you can increase that to 1000 miles with a tiny petrol generator (I know, I know, it's burning petrol. But it's still more efficient than a normal car)
The figures on the PML website haven't been updated recently, they're actually expecting 0-60 in 3.7sec. I don't care about top speed, I'd never drive a car that fast.
Lithium batteries also have a tendancy to explode if conditions aren't perfect, look at the Dell/Apple laptop recalls, flashlights exploding, planes being forced to land due to exploding cargo and so on. I'd rather avoid a technology that may make my car spontaneously combust (Tesla say they've avoided this problem, but I'll believe it when I see it)
I drive a BMW 1502, completely stock.
I'd still love to see an electric car in LFS, I've wanted diesels for years.
Anyone else got any experience with this game? The car selection looks awesome, it's got my car's big brother (BMW 2002 Turbo)! If it's any good, I might consider finding a 2nd hand PS2.
I'm all for cracked windows/mirrors/parts being torn off/fire. Games have had these for years, and it really adds to the immersion. However, the only fire I want to see is engine fires, GPL style.
How stupid of me! I completely forgot that distilling and distributing petrol does absolutely no environmental harm! The petrol comes straight out the ground and into my car!
The generation of the electricity for these vehicles isn't the problem, a power plant is far more efficient than a petrol or diesel engine. As Tristain said, the problem comes at the end of the car's life. Batteries can only take so many charge/discharge cycles, and when their end of life comes they have to be disposed of, which isn't easy.
The Tesla roadster is all well and good, but this beats it. It's made by a local company, 0-60 in 4sec, 150mph and a 200 mile range. The range can be increased to 1000 miles with the addition of a small generator to charge the batteries, which gives the equivalent of 80mpg. The only downside is that it would cost £200k to make another, but that might not be so bad compared to the Tesla roadster, which we still don't know the price of.
While we're comparing penis sizes (car weights), mine weighs 740kg.
From watching the BTCC today at Snetterton, there seems to be a similar issue with the kerbs there. The grass on the far side has worn down, leaving a height difference that kicks them onto two wheels if they hit it wrong.
What's stranger is when you make a sudden improvement WITHOUT any changes. I beat my PB by over a second yesterday, it was the first time in ages that I'd raced the FOX at BL. Sometimes taking a break is the best way to get faster. You come back and see the track with new eyes.
The cars do already do that slightly. To exaggerate the effect you can use something like LFSTweak or Mechanik to up the power, when you rev the engine you can make the car flip over with the movement!
Now you just sound like an elitist idiot. I love Macs, I'm replacing my Powerbook with a Macbook for uni, but I'd buy a Dell monitor over an Apple. They're the same screen, but with more ports and lower cost. If you check out Apple forums, you'll find most people recommend the Dells over Apples.
You can't use that as an example of (modern) BTCC. I used to love BTCC back then, I always supported the Volvo estates . But nowadays the racing is sub-par, they seem to be trying to get a wider audience into motorsport by filling it with crashes. "Zomg! Explosions! This is awesome!"
NO! I went there expecting to be able to drive the Mazda Zoom Zoom bit, but you have to be 21, which sucked. Watched someone royally **** up a gearchange though, they completely forgot the clutch, ouch.
Did anyone go into the area with the small stands/careers etc? There was a mini with 4 electric motors (one in each wheel), each one has the torque of 1.5 Land Rovers. 0-60 in 4.5sec. Range of up to 1000 miles (with optional generator).
TBH, I found it pretty boring. Looking at cars is only so much fun, I want to touch them and hear them.
The ORANGE Morgan was awesome. Getting free drinks in the Lexus VIP area was a bonus, too.