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S2 licensed
I think the sounds are great, they provided me with greater feedback then ever, and wow does the LX6 sounded awesome!

I voted for the 2nd option, it's definitely going at the right direction.
S2 licensed
I'm faster with it, and the feeling is much more satisfying as well.

Broke some of my PBs for the past few days.

Only on the road cars though.
S2 licensed
Road cars for me: XRT and FZ50

I enjoyed the most pushing both of these two cars, and they're both very pleasureable while sliding sideways.
S2 licensed
Seems like U36 is sounding great from most of the post so far, I just downloaded at the last second before I've gone to work (LFS still on!), can't wait till I get home tonight to test it out!
S2 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :Very very nice....but....does it make you go faster? Honestly, do you think this has helped you develop your racing skills, or was this done more for immersion?

Isn't it obvious? ---> Immersion definitely.

When you're that comfortable in such a rig plus all the cool gadgets/tools to guide/assist in your gaming experience, to be faster is definitely a breeze with the right amount of practise, and you'd had more fun than others do because of the added immersion.
S2 licensed



Home Sweet Home!
S2 licensed
I would place the shifter further back (somewhere around my forearms) though, hehe.

Anyways, insane rig you have there, simply insane.
S2 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :Gentlemen, start your engines! For those that haven't noticed, a starting engine sound has now been added. Try it out by shutting down the engine with I and restarting it.

LOL sweet never noticed that!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from der_jackal :What that technique does is just pushes the pistons in the caliper lightly forward, seats the pads to give maximum coverage and ensures the whole braking system is primed to work as they need it.

Good explanation there, now I FINALLY understand what that move is for... been watching Best Motoring videos for years and always see those Japanese tapping the brakes slightly before reaching the braking zone, never found out what it is simply cause I have no idea what to type in Google
S2 licensed

S2 licensed
Wow Scawen, reading your last few posts, makes me appreciates the new sound even more, even though I personally think they sounded bit worse than before LOL!!

Seriously Scawen, I trust you!! Keep up the good work, I'll be looking forward for the next update!!

*back to LFS*
S2 licensed
Quote from axus :Download U32. Once you have it installed, run it and go to Multiplayer -> List of Games. You will be notified of a patch and be asked if you want to download it. This will update LFS automatically. You will never have to manually download a patch again.

Thank you very much axus.

update: Ok I've just downloaded U32 and upgraded to U33 using the new autoupdater feature.

Now with the new sounds, I have one question:
Is the dumpvalve/blowoff sound from the turbo cars been taken out?

I was testing out the new sounds using the XRT, I can hear the "hissing" sound while revving up, but when I let go of the throttle, I don't hear the dumpvalve sound anymore, is that normal?
Last edited by StanleyCarter, .
S2 licensed
erm... I don't get it, where is U33? I've checked the first page and there's only U32.
S2 licensed
Ah... but that wheel has a decent Ebrake level!! LOL!

G25 should've include an Ebrake too
S2 licensed
wow..if you think Momo is tough, wait till you try DFP/G25 with 720 turning radius.. oh plus manual clutching and H shifting. haha!
S2 licensed
Quote from Nard :ok, when a dev says tomorrow, he means a week. If he means a week, he means a month.

Soon means "anywhere from tomorrow to next year, but stop bothering me".

Doesn't this sound like the OTHER big mystery of men?

LFS clearly is like a woman. never are we able to grasp the meaning of their words.

Haha splendid!
S2 licensed
Quote from obsolete_power :LFS is gone, it's as lifeless as a Dodo and it has been for a long time now! Content and depth are at an all-time LOW and besides the online "experience" this game hardly has anything else. I have moved on to much better and games with much more depth than LFS. I do not care, nor do I accept the fact that there are only 3 developers. They cannot keep up with the demand so they should get more people to work on it. This game has been released for 4 years now and we are still in the alpha stage of the second "major" release. Oh yeah and the nonesense about the developers having "lives" and one gives a turd! They have started something, they have asked for money, so now it is time that we ask something of them! This is their job and I DO NOT CARE what lives they WANT to have. Their job is to sit on their asses and program! It isn't like this is a side project or something!! They get almost 100% of the profits and they should be satisfied by that! This game started out as something truly great and cutting edge but that was like back in 2003 - 2004, they haven't kept up with the rest of the world! LFS still has mediocre graphics and sound, and although the physics are pretty good, I have played games that have much better modeling...I am truly sorry but you have officially lost me as a customer and I do not see myself returning until they get their acts together and release something fresh!!! The right and smart thing to do would be to release something MAJOR before Christmas this year or they will really pay the price. With all this being said, it is a damn shame that it had to come to this!!


say what?


bye bye then.
S2 licensed
well, as stated earlier, checking the ping numbers on the server list before you join is a good indication on whether you'd lag in that particular server....

For me, anything below 300 is acceptable. Europe servers has the worse lag for us Malaysians though, it's a pity since there's just so many good drivers in Europe :S
S2 licensed
well we can always dream one day that'd be zero lag no matter where you are, what a wonderful moment that would be....
S2 licensed
Quote from Jertje :To be honest, this thread has made me a bit curious about the next installment of GT. It will be released for the most powerful console out there, which ''has the processing power of a supercomputer'' (Sony ;D)
If the PS2 posed certain limitations on a physical level, they should be no problem for the PS3, right?

IMO PD is definitely capable of creating an extremely good SIM racing game, but that's rarely the case for the console market due to many aspects.

Just imagine if PD has the mentality just like Scavier... I mean, seriously... They could really come up with something out of this world... it'll be like...WHOA!!
S2 licensed
Good one, if there's any racing game on console (PS2) that has physics close enough to real life, that'd be Enthusia, it just feels right the first time I played it, with a wheel of course.
Last edited by StanleyCarter, .
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :The stiffness is okay, if you have a proper seating position. For normal chair use they are too "steep" which causes extra stress on the foot. Also you should use your whole leg to press down the pedal - not just the heel resting at the base and the toes pressing, that's insane. If you actually put on shoes it gets much easier to press, and heel-toeing won't hurt anymore either.

ya you're right, now that I realised I WERE using mostly my toes for pressing, which is not the case while driving in any real cars.

I made a simple test just now, by either sitting lower or by placing the pedals higher (more tilted as well) than it should be, it actually feels a lot better, and the brakes pressure feels great.

Guess its time to for some table modding...
S2 licensed
Quote from Kajojek(PL) :Well, I set up my wheel to 720 degrees so the wheel acts just like in the game. Its kind of annoying when you have to keep your wheel slightly to the left to go in a straight line :/ And about the pedals, yes I got used to them already so they arew not a problem anymore.

I had the same problem last night, doesn't help even if you recalibrate in game or Logitech Profiler.

You have to restart your PC, replug your power cables, after the initial recalibrate, it should be back to center again.

Mine was fixed just like that.
S2 licensed
I also think its too stiff, and trying to full brake while heel-toeing using bare foot.... HURTS!!

I don't have any soft covered shoes (don't feel like spending anything more), can't really drive with basketball shoes either lol!
S2 licensed
It's worth it, although I felt extremely bad for spending that kinda money which I've painfully earned for the past 3 months.