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S2 licensed
yes SO classic's first U turn is mostly disastrous if there's bad drivers around, I usually dont do those early brakings, would only make things worse, what I do is I run real wide (if I found the cars are really close behind me) allowing those guys pass me, if they're bad drivers, I could always pass them again at some safer corners I rather finish the race clean than putting myself at risk of involving in a crash, but of course, when you're around with good drivers, its always great fun to be able to push hard without worrying too much
S2 licensed
hmm, interesting topic, now that you've brought it up, I'm curious on how they communicate with each other in developing LFS too, would be interesting to know more :P
S2 licensed
good interview there, now we all can't wait for April to come, hehe
S2 licensed
Quote from guybrush : ... 4277824545689&q=senna

wow that is a really cool move there~

the old F1 racings are surely the best.
S2 licensed
Quote from Fonnybone :I've tried to make an app that does just this a while back using OutSim
but i also have kinda given up since it would give more 'points' for wiping
out than for clean drifts. It not impossible though.

interesting, what if the car doesn't wipe out in his entire run? in this case, how does the program react regarding to the drifting performance, is it any good (without wiping out)?
S2 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :
TIP: If someone does use your skin, you could always try this payback trick Lets say you uploaded a skin to LFSW called XFR_myskin.jpg. Sure people will download that skin and if you see someone using the skin and it has the same filename.... just go onto LFSW and reupload the skin.... BUT this time the skin will not be the nice and pretty one you cherish.... you would have to upload a skin that is ugly as hell, and has the writing "I STOLE THIS SKIN, AND I'M GOING TO STEAL YOURS" all over the car. Now you have everyone downloading that skin when he uses it, and they can laugh. (Of course, this doesn't prevent them from renaming the original skin and reuploading it to LFSW, but it will be funny when they are absolutely clueless to know what the 'other' skin looks like to people online)

wow, never thought of that before, very cool tip! I'll keep that in mind! Thanks!
S2 licensed
my main concern is, has anyone actually bought one of these yet?
S2 licensed
Quote from shim :i know a few ppl who drift in LFS who drift in comps IRL..

Drifting is a whole lot easier to get into compared to professional/formal racing, so there's no surprises there. I myself also have a few friends that drift IRL, in competition or grassroot events.

Anyways, there's this australian called TNDA who was once a regular LFS player as well, he is now racing regularly in his Impreza in one of those racing clubs, don't know if that counts.
S2 licensed
Quote from Carsten_DK :
I´ve heard all the arguments before, so there is no point in going on..

See you in another game...

S2 licensed
Quote from sgt.flippy :
I don't like people who smoke, people my age that smoke always look like they just do it to be cool, and to be a rebel, although it seems more and more people are coming to find smoking moronic.

same here, there's plenty of teenagers like that in my hometown (East Malaysia), there's just so many other things they could do to be cool instead of smoking, and of all the things, they chosed to smoke which is just a slower way of killing their own health. illepall
S2 licensed
Quote from B2B@300 :Hmn I wonder if that was young Leo pulling out the plug

most probably
S2 licensed
Quote from mikespeed95 :...... it would help cater to the drifter crowd. mainly the more steering angle/suspension tuning.

The more "realistic" steering angle is working fine and there are players that can drift with very high angles with the right setups, and not losing much speed as well.

There's already a big "drifter's crowd" in LFS, you should buy S2 where you get to see the real drifters with real drifting, not in demo.
S2 licensed
I don't know about you guys.

But I do FEAR of getting bumped, crashed in LFS.
S2 licensed
Congratulations Scawen and Geraldine~!

Leo is cute!
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :cfg.txt -> Car Shine -> lower to about 0.5 = realistic shinyness. Tweak til you find a value you like.

Thanks for the tip Tristan.

Now the texture looks great!
S2 licensed
Quote from Kegetys :
If there will be official mod support for LFS, it would also be great to have the best mods to be picked by the devs to be sort of "officially" supported. They could be added to be part of LFSworld and be promoted on the official website. These should have very strict requirements to make sure they integrate seamlessly with the official content in every way.


well thought out idea there.
S2 licensed
Quote from J.B. :I joined the day the first demo was discovered and announced at the West Racing forums. Here's the thread: ... =1&t=958&hl=&

wow, that's a very cool thread!

Amazing reading people's first impression on the very early stage of LFS
S2 licensed
Quote from george_tsiros :Bloody hell! Why would anyone want to go 200% FF? I do NOT think real cars have that much heavy steering...

holy cow... damn...

no power steering maybe?
S2 licensed
Oct 2003.

But I started playing few months earlier with Demo. Never really pay much attention to the full game until a guy called KamkoR pulled me into it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Greboth :THen coming out the second corner of the S if you straighten the wheel earlier than you should you can continue the drift onto the straight and then its jsut counter steering to flick back the other way than back again for that last corner, Hope that makes sense.

there's nothing wrong with your approach, but what DrftMstr is referring would be linking the drift from the second corner TO the last hairpin corner. Basically in one whole drift, if you're using the XRT there, clutch kick or E-brake may be applied depends on the situation.
S2 licensed
Quote from ruckus37 :Ok tristancliffe, because a dweeb like me has been chasing your lap times for many years, been chasing many of the top drivers, just trying to help new commers, thus the movement of this thred to the noobs section. tristancliffe, what are you about 17 now?

huh? what?

anyways, thanks for sharing the little info though. But many would've known the function if they pay some attention in the option/controls settings.
S2 licensed
one more tip though, there's this thing called the E-brake.

It can be a great tool in drifting, you can use it to initiate the drift, slow down your drift, extend your drift, and even adjust your drifting angles with it.

But don't rely on it too much either, it'll only hinder the progress of your overall skills.
S2 licensed
Interesting idea, maybe like what Toni have said, I can bring my team along for the help.
S2 licensed
Quote from faster111 :well half of my brain didnt develop befor i was born.they told my mum that i would never walk or talk. so i think i do pretty well.

if you can spell fine with some of the words, you can do it with the rest as well.

Just type slower, after you finished your sentence, read it through a few times for spelling checking.
S2 licensed
Quote from Primoz :Those flights are mainly caused by lag.

LOL that's a good one.