evans, thanks for that link. I've never really attempted left foot braking either in real life or in LFS. I never realized the right foot was supposed to remain on the gas.
I always thought it was simply to minimize the transition from braking to acceleration. I never thought about keeping a turbo spooled up, etc.
I'm not sure if the AI cars use the default setup or not, but you can force them to use the same setup as you somewhere in the options. If the AI cars are running faster than you it should be easy to see where you're losing time. If you're running equal times then you're definitely losing speed somewhere as the AI usually takes it easy through chicanes and other places where humans usually go full throttle.
Taylor, nice job. Even if you only dropped a second off of your time, that would put you about midfield in the Road Sport Cup league. Pretty impressive
hyntty, I got your PM. You don't have to worry about your friend Taylor. I'll make sure he's nowhere near the top 10. I'll make it look like an accident by choosing the RAC, muwhahah! Just focus on getting that 1st place. I accept paypal for services rendered.
bah.. not sure why I said that. It was an awful race for me and I really had no chance of winning even if I didn't wreck and spin out 100 times. But I wasn't even planning on entering the race so I guess having an nightmare of a race is better than not racing at all... maybe..
I'm not sure what it's like in portugal, but here you can find a pretty decent used CRT fairly easily. I got a brand new (as in ~3-4 months old) 17" Dell CRT monitor for $15 USD at a garage sale last year.
I felt I could have won that race. I lost focus on the early laps as I was a bit upset after a T1 incident that put me into last place. At that point I just felt like leaving to be honest.
But for remaining 2/3rds of the race I think I was a good amount faster than the rest of the field all the way up to the final lap.
In that case, I don't think it would work at all. After all, with a single monitor we would see the blurry edges in our center of vision and it would just look fake.
As far as the variable FOV, well I kind of feel the same way. Unless you had a large enough display, it think it would just look really bizarre.
If you had an immersive display, like 3 or 5 monitors or a curved screen, wouldn't there be no need to fake the resolution degradation? After all, since the leftmost and rightmost parts of the immersive display are in your peripheral vision, they are already degraded!
haha. well I'm guilty of the fuel bit because I stopped attempting to do simple math after I got my college degree i didn't think people cared about that!
I had one in my last car. To be honest, I didn't like it. For a street car, it weighs down the seat belt (so you have to manually retract it), it sometimes would dig into me, and on summer days (in a convertible) it would heat up like crazy just like those good old metal seat belts.
Haha. Well I didn't mean I was against sharing sets... I just think it's more proper to ask for sets in a practice session or in the forums "before" the race is about to start.
I don't understand why manufacturers can't use properly bolstered seats in the first place. People who ride in my car always love how the seats "hold you in". When I explain to them that the seats don't hold you in for sh*t and I have the dents in the speaker panels to prove it they look at me all confused...
I think the big difference here is you were trying hard to get better. Some people just show up before the race and ask for sets! I don't mind sharing sets with people who are working hard for it. Still, with the exception of the last race, which I put alot of work into, I've been using default sets with little practice and have been running midpack?
Juls, I have not finished reading the article, but look at the end of the first section:
I'll have to read the rest of the article. But it appears they still need to take different "views" and stitch them together in order to generate the final image.
To be honest, atleast in this league it really doesn't matter if you're using a good setup. A good setup won't help you become a better driver, which is the real goal of the LFSBC. You can only become a better driver through practice.
In round 5, I qualified 9th out of 18 with an hour of practice on race day using the default race_s FOX setup. If I had practiced a full week on the default setup I would guess I might be able to drop my time a full second or so. That would have put me near the top in qualifying times...
The people usually asking for sets are those who show up right before the race is about to start with no practice! The right setup isn't magically going to allow them to run with the leaders....
I was actually thinking of doing that. I have two computers here. All I would have to do is install it on the other and watch the same replay on both machines.
Edit: That didn't work so well. I expected my work laptop to run LFS pretty bad since it's a pentium m 1.6ghz with onboard video. But I didn't think I would only get 10FPS at 640x480 16bit oh well.
Freetrack or TrackIr is not necessary if you have an immersive display. I've never used either, but even my 20.1" screens seem to be large enough to give you a fairly immersive environment. There's a review on the TrackIR on SimRacingTonight.com - look in the archives section. I don't recall which episode it was.
You seem to know much more about this then I do, so I'm not doubting you. Yeah the 3 views are inside, but with post processing, aren't you losing all the detail since you have to "stretch" some parts of the image? Now that I think about it, yes you must. If you render one view, lets say 1600x1200 and split it across three - you only have 1600 pixels of detail, except some areas are stretched to make it look correct, right?
I'm not familiar with DX9 at all, but one thing to note is LFS development doesn't move as fast as hardware development. I think the video cards of tomorrow will certainly would have no problem with this. They've had multiple viewports in flight sims for a long time, right? Also, it won't be long before we're flooded with Alienware style triple monitors with no borders!
Hi Vixer, when the left and center viewports are viewed on my 2 monitors with the left monitor angled 45 degrees the FOV looks very realistic. My eyes are centered on the center monitor and I have to turn my head to see the left monitor (I'm sitting a little more than a 1' away from my center monitor). It doesn't look correct when you zoom out is shown in your picture. Also, you may have misunderstood my post. My center monitor FOV is only 45 degrees. However, the improvement suggestion is to allow multiple viewports. Thus, the left and right monitors have a FOV of 45 degrees as well bringing the total combined FOV to 135. This is different than what we currently have: 1 viewport with 135 degree FOV. See shotglass's post (#74) to see what it would look like with 1 viewport. Remember, humans can see ~180 degrees. Since 3 monitors can't provide a full wrap around 180 view, I think 135 is a fairly reasonable FOV.
As far as those graphical glitches, ask the devs! You can see this yourself. Load up a track with FBM, set your FOV to 45 degrees and rotate the camera about the vertical axis -45 or +45 degrees.
As far as skidmarks what do you mean? We already have skidmarks in the game.
I only used Photoshop's Transform - Perspective so you guys can see that when the monitors are angled towards the user at 45 degrees everything lines up nicely.
There doesn't appear to be any need to distort the left and right views at all. If you have 3 monitors you can try it out yourself. In the photo I took, those are just raw screenshots from LFS with no modification.
Here's 3 raw screenshots (no modifications) that I applied to three 4:3 polygons in a 3D modeler. The left and right rectangles were angled pricely 45 degrees towards the user.