since the end of the season is near, I'd like you to answer my questions and state your opinion on the recent edition of Open Endurance Cup. You don't necesserily have to publically adress your points of view: You can simply fill out the survey form I created.
Qualifying is underway! Please note - at the start of the session Airio could not be cleared (I'm not sure why it wouldn't work). This will probably mean, that a further reset of lap time data is needed. Anyways your times driven since the start of the qualifying session will count!
First things first: Kyoto International reversed (K31r) is NOT Kyoto National reversed (KY2r). It is rather the combination of Kyoto Grand Prix rev. and Kyoto National rev. so keep that in mind.
Qualifying will run from 18 June 2016 15:30UTC until Sun, 26 June 2016 15:30UTC. Drivers can drive as many laps as they wish to. A team needs at least one timed lap to be allowed to start the race. E.g. it is enough that one driver of the team sets a lap. If more then one driver of a team sets a lap time, the faster time will be taken for the starting line-up. The end of the qualifying also marks the deadline for changes to the team's line-up, class or car.
The qualifying password will be published here, so teams, that sign-up can directly do qualifying, even when noone's sending them a password. Please always drive with your correct name format on the server, so it is easier to do the qualifying results.
server: Open Endurance Cup
password (with the start of the qualifying): FkIyNoAtLo