The difference is that Rockingham was modelled by Eric (within his workflow), based on the TLS data gathered from APR Services, who only delivered the point cloud.
I did some research. Sadly Rhineland-Palatinate does not provide an digital elevation model for free. For this context the only usefull free products of the state department of surveying and geoinformation are the digital orthophotos. Each pixel is georeferenced in ETRS/UTM32 and 40cm by 40cm sized, so you coud use it to trimm the xy-geometry.
EDIT: I removed the link as I realised you need to be registerd and egliable to use the data to download it. The other way would be using the WMS, but that is quite a pain, as the geoportal already was...
Considering the method, 6,5% off is astonishingly good.
I'm aware of the laserscans for AC and iR. The difference is that for a laserscan you need to cooperate from the beginning with the company, so all necessery negotiations will already have completed when the surveyers are contracted for the scan. Here we have someone dedicated to complete the project all by himself with the slight hope that the developers of the game being able and willing to include it to the game. This also makes it different to rF, where the users add the tracks etc themselves while dedicated people provide the data. I believe from this difference consequences could derive and all the legal stuff would need to be solved before a drivable version could be released.
I'd love to drive the track again in a game I like. But I have some concerns on legal problems. I don't know what trademarks and copyrights belong to the Nürburgring 1927 GmbH & Co. KG. The likeness of the track could be one of those things.
You said the geometry of the track comes from an SVG and that it would be a perfect match on Google Earth? How did you check that exactly, if I'm allowed to ask. I can immagine that the SVG might be a basis for the axis of the road just with a constant width given to it. Also the SVG might be drawn from a map with unknown heritage (What map projection was used?). since it is also generalised I would think it was a miracle if it fit perfectly.
You said the elevation is taken from that map you attached. I don't know how far Rhineland-Palatinate (the German federal state the Nürburgring belongs to) is in terms of the open data initiative as part of INSPIRE*, but maybe they have already released a digital elevation model (usually ASCII-Files with xyz-coordinates in (x&y in ETRS/UTM32 and z in DHHN16**) based on airborne laserscanning in 1m resolution in a 1m times 1m grid. That would probably help the accuracy of the elevation and geometry a lot since the graph of the diagramm probably is generalised too much.
*Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Coucil, **German hights reference system
so I thought about some things for the third installment of NWL. Among others the starting times concerned me, since the times should make it possible for a broad majority of license holders. I know many of them are inactive, but this still ist the best possible guess.
This lead me to the following start time: UTC-8 (e.g. West-USA, West-Canada) Sat, 12:00
UTC-4 (e.g. Brazil): Sat, 16:00
UTC (e.g. United Kingdom, Portugal): Sat, 20:00 UTC+1 (e.g. Germany, France, Norway): Sat, 21:00
UTC+2 (e.g. Finland, Turkey): Sat, 22:00
UTC+3 (e.g. West-Russia, Saudi-Arabia): Sat, 23:00
UTC+10 (e.g. Japan, Korea, East-Australia): Sun, 06:00
UTC+12 (e.g. New Zealand): Sun, 08:00
The Barley Juice Team Challenge 2017 is a five round long competition for teams. It is the spiritual successor of the Team Challenge by Zone30.
18.10.2017 18:00 UTC: XRT @ BL1 - 33 laps
01.11.2017 19:00 UTC: UFR @ WE1r - 28 laps
15.11.2017 19:00 UTC: LX4 @ SO6 - 38 laps
29.11.2017 19:00 UTC: FOX @ AS2 - 45 laps
13.12.2017 19:00 UTC: FXR @ FE3 - 38 laps
Time table:
xx:00 UTC - 15 minute qualifying session
xx:20 UTC - approx. 45 minute race
In every race a mandatory pitstop has to be served by every competitor.
Please, act according the Rules of Clean Racing. The organisers reserve the rights to punish competitors and/or teams after the event for violations of these basic rules.
The top three finishers of a team score points. The winner receives 40 points, the runner-up 39 points, while a fourtieth placed driver receives 1 point. To score points, at least 50% of the winner's race distance must be completed.
To sign up, reply to this post using the following form:
Before I forget, you need to provide infrastructure: A server for the league to take place, a (basic) ruleset.
EDIT: You also need to promote your league so people know it is happening. Social media is a place you can get people from (twitter, facebook, youtube)
Well, basically if you want to create a league, you go into the LFS Racing/Leagues & Events section and start a new thread where you present your league, ideally with a detailed calendar. Next you hope that people (sign-up and) show up. Additionally you can add your league to the LFS calendar by going to and click on the "Add your league" button.