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Open Endurance Cup Two - Rules
S3 licensed

For season two, there are a few changes.

The minimum number of drivers for a team is reduced to 1, the maximum number increased to 5. The class structure is changed to GT1 (FXR, FZR 20kg, XRR), GT2 (FXR 24%, FZR 21%, XRR 25%) and NGT (XFR, UFR 15kg).
The qualifying is a 9 day long session, where the fastest time for a team counts. Only teams with at least one scored laptime are allowed to participate. The deadline for changes is now 30minutes before the start of the race and the race is now started by a rolling start by the rules. The race distance is reduced to 3 hours.
Along the two cup clasifications for driver and teams overall, the class classification for teams willl also be released

The complete season two rules will soon be available on
Last edited by TFalke55, .
S3 licensed
Last edited by TFalke55, .
Open Endurance Cup on Social Media
S3 licensed
Hello everyone,

Check out the official social media web sites of the Open Endurance Cupto always know when what happens.
Last edited by TFalke55, . Reason : Updated Social Media Pages
Open Endurance Cup Two - Schedule
S3 licensed
Hello everyone,

let's risk a second season. The format will be modified (*cough* more mainstream *cough*) but details will be released soon. So lets first release the race dates in this second season.

6 Mar 2016 - 3 hours of Rockingham ISSC
3 Apr 2016 - 250 Miles of Blackwood Grand Prix reversed
1 May 2016 - 3 hours of South City Town Course reversed
29 May 2016 - 3 hours of Westhill International
26 Jun 2016 - 3 hours of Kyoto International reversed

All races will start at 17:00 UTC respectively 16:00 UTC. Qualifying will most likely see a week of open track from Saturday to Saturday prior to the race.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Thanks to the new 'input when window is inactive' feature, only in LFS can you now control up to 40 cars at once! 40 for the price of 1! And that's worth it! Na-na

I tried 9 and it was getting quite laggy at times, but it works Big grin

yey! offline multiplayer! Big grin Who needs Mario Kart when he can get this!
S3 licensed
What are the dates for the actual events? I understand the Qualifier is from January 1st to 8th 2016.
S3 licensed
Same for me Big grin
S3 licensed
Apart from the question how a piece of software can be alive, yes there are events, mostly European based (Saturday there is an 8 hour race e.g. and events are kept track in the league calender or on Facebook (#LeagueUpdate)) and some public servers, but indeed activity has drastically decreased in comparison to five years ago.
S3 licensed
Fantastic! Smile
S3 licensed
Well Timo, I made some mistakes noone can deny. Plus blaming LFS on stuff wich actually have been known before is too easy. Anyways, I think I can take away some things from it and look into improving them for the future Wink
And I can also agree with troy pretty easily.
S3 licensed
Sadly only four teams have confirmed and so I have to cancel the round. I still want to thank you.

I will evaluate changes and the chance for an OEC two.

Anyways I hope to see many of you at the CityLiga Christmas Special in two weeks.

Best regards
OEC One Debriefing
S3 licensed
Please state here your thoughts about the series, what went wrong, what is good, where to improve.
S3 licensed
Sunday is Raceday
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :I think the same amount as on a regular track.

Quote from Eclipsed :I would bet on server settings (carsmax=40),but I can't guarantee that though,as I have little experience in this case.

Yeah, that's why I asked, because I also just have little experience.
Quote from Gutholz :Do you really mean the autocross mode? (point-to-point layouts, with time penalty for hitting pylons)

Then the answer is: Only one car can start at a time. More cars can be on track at the same time, but drivers have to wait few seconds with joining. (otherwise message: "The start is blocked.")
Autocross uses the startlocation placed with "S" key, not the new grid can only be one "S"-start. The largest such "rallye" I saw was ~20 cars, but probally more work too. The limiting factor is more that you have to leave bit time between cars, so that the pylons can reset and cars do not catch up to each other.

Yes I actually thought of the autocross mode with not necessarily point-to-point driving but with everyone getting on track individually.
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :40

Put 40 Start points and 40 pit start points and also allow 40 racers to be joined in server with /maxguests=40 and carsmax=40

even with 40 start points, you can only use 20 if you do not add all 40 pit start points

EDIT: without custom grid start points, the max is 20 and start grid will be default

EDIT: Shift-U - Edit AutoX - control on top right - pick the object(s)

Ok, that sounds good Smile thank you
Question regarding Autocross mode
S3 licensed

what is the maximum amount of drivers who can be on track simultaniously during an event in the autocross mode? Does anyone know?

Best regards
S3 licensed
looks pretty good. It reminds me a bit of what dave does for the cityliga streams.
S3 licensed
inofficial tesults:
1. #62

1. #48 eXtrem Racing - 23 laps
2. #05 World Class Lions - + 6.54

1. #52 TC Racing - 21 laps *
([TC-R] Connor 21 laps, [TC-R] Elmo + 1 lap)

EDIT: We were not the only series of this type hit by such difficulties.
Quote from Spirit of VLN on Facebook :Race #3 at Bathurst (and season 3) was cancelled due to lack of interest from the teams and drivers

Last edited by TFalke55, .
S3 licensed
Only four teams were represented by drivers at the end of the qualifying practice session. Together with the present drivers we agreed on a compromise: A reduction of the race length to 1 hour with half points scored and a lift on all limitations considering a minimum or maximum race distance are enforced.
S3 licensed
If you two'd drive it'd be far more interesting.

EDIT: In case you forgot: just under 20 minutes are left in OEC qual
S3 licensed
PMs are sent, Server is passworded. Sign-ups are open and can be casted until the start of qualifying at 13:45 UTC.

If I missed anyone, or new sign-ups come in, please post here. PMs will be sent out prior to qualifying.
S3 licensed
Server set to the current combo and unpassworded
Round 3 [Nov 8, 2015] - Aston Historic
S3 licensed
Round 3 :: November 8th, 2015

Track: Aston Historic [AS4]

Qualifying 13:45 UTC: 60 minutes timed [no limitations]
Race 15:00 UTC: 6 hours timed

We now have the situation that the designed season finale becomes the middle race of the season after a very long break. At this place my appologies for the inconvenience at the last round. This time I'll be around for the race. Passwords will be sent probably on Friday afternoon. This combo is again based on the recent CityLiga combo, so if you have practiced for it, you can convert it to experience for an endurance event.

With the start of the qualifying session, all Car/Class choices must have been posted. Late changes to the team's car and/or class are penalised with a drive-through penalty at the start of the race.
During qualifying one driver of each team is allowed to drive as many laps as they desire. Jumping to the pits via Shift+P/S is permitted at any time they wish to do so.
Since all classes are on track simutaniously, all cars have the same right to drive a fast lap at any time. Please take into your strategy, that you might run up to a car from a slower category on a fast lap.

The race starts with a standing start a rolling start. The GTR class will be started by the LFS lights, while the five other classes will recieve a chat notification, one at a time (NGT, LX6, RFC, LX4 and TBO), aproximately every 5 seconds, starting their respective races. The grid will be lined-up by classes: GTR, NGT, LX6, RFC, LX4 and TBO. When the pace car enters pitlane, the GTR leader controls the speed. Overtaking is allowed when the Green Flag massage appears. The start will be automatically reviewed. Jump starts will be penelised with a drive-through penalty, either by LFS or by admin.
For a driver change, the entering driver should only join the server on the current driver's in-lap and the outgoing driver should leave the server leave the server within one lap. The driver who did the qualifying laps must drive at least one lap in the race.

Additional Information
In all sessions it is the slower car's task to drive a foreseeable line and it is the faster car's task to pass the slower car safely. Do not force a pass at unappropriate places! Please read the information on how to deal with traffic:
When leaving the pit lane, you must pay attention to the yellow pit exit blendline!
Everyone is asked to respect the rules on chatting: During all sessions, chat is always automatically closed unless the race administrator opens it. There is no such thing as "perm".
S3 licensed
did you change somemthing immediately before starting lfs, for example plug in/out a monitor? I've had this a couple of times for that reason. A restart of LFS or rebooting the system helped in those moments.
League shown with different dates in Racing Calender and Season Details
S3 licensed
The Absolute Beginners Racing S2 League Season 22 is shown to me in the racing calender with dates starting in November. When I go to the Season details, the months are suddenly not November but December. However, when I go over the dates with the cursor to show me the UTC time, it also shows me November again.