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S3 licensed
Take a look into the directory you installed the cmx viewer into. There should be a data folder and in that a skins folder. You have to copy the skin files into it and then should be able to pick skins to view on the body of the car.
S3 licensed
The driver, who sets the qualifying time for his team, must drive at least one lap.
S3 licensed
Hey everyone!

The signups for the fourth Open Endurance Cup are open. You can sign up via Live for Speed Racing Leagues. You'll be asked the following information:
Team Name
Starting Number (11-99, 01-10 for reserved)

Entry 1
LFS User Name
In-Game Name
Entry 2
LFS User Name
In-Game Name
Entry 3
LFS User Name
In-Game Name
Entry 4
LFS User Name
In-Game Name
Entry 5
LFS User Name
In-Game Name

Entry 1-5 are the possible driver nominations. You only have to enter the information for Entry 1 to file a valid entry application. I sort out eventual starting number clashes et cetera and will approve the entry once the clashes are resolved.

You can always edit your entry to add or remove drivers. Please note: It is not possible in the system to remove the driver who signed-up. Therefore it is not directly possible to switch to a different entry later in the season if you were the one signing the team up. In these cases, please notify me, so we can sort this out, like in previous seasons.

Entries: 37
01 - Last Lap Motorsports
02 - eXtrem Racing
03 - Race Green Autosports
04 - [TC] Racing
05 - HoR-GRT
06 - reserved (Heroes of Racing & Riddick)
07 - reserved (eXtrem Racing)

08 - TehoGp-GenR
09 - Green Flame Racing
10 - reserved (Mango Racing)
11 - Regen Motorsports
13 - Grafiik's
14 - World Class Lions
15 - FordRallyeSport Team
17 - Launch Racing
19 - Latvian Army racing team
20 - Night Fury racing [NFR]
22 - [6S] Racing
24 - Launch Racing
25 - Last Lap Motorsports
33 - Guglhupf Racing Team
34 - PLT-FSR
44 - War Faction
46 - Fast And Crazy SimSports
47 - Master Race car
54 - LightsOut
55 - Launch Racing
57 - EKR
61 - JG Chassisworks
69 - KtkR
77 - S-Racing
87 - Genuine Racing withdrawn
88 - Launch Racing
91 - Procrastination Motorsports
93 - Outrun Motorsports Blue
94 - LappenParty Ferpormance
96 - acex Motorsport
99 - LightsOut Black
TBA - Groundkiller
Last edited by TFalke55, . Reason : Update
Open Endurance Cup Server
S3 licensed
Server: Open Endurance Cup
Password: **********
Last edited by TFalke55, .
Open Endurance Cup Four - Driver looks for Team/Team looks for Driver
S3 licensed
This thread shall serve any driver or team who/which looks for another driver, especially for those who cannot or do not want to drive the races on their own.
S3 licensed
Quote from dekojester :I've got the Open Endurance Cup server up now; with Airio running. It's using the restrictions from last year, I know Thilo is analyzing data to see if any tweaks can be made. There's no password on the server, you'll find it under the same name as the league, it's on version 0.6T.

thank you very much Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from Excellent15 :GT2- one car all sessions or can swap between them every event?

can be swapped between the events. You won't be able to switch cars between Qualifying and Race though.
S3 licensed
Quote from ImudilaSkyline :what cars?

Sry, could've put that bit of information in that post as well:

GT2, working on the balancing.

Sign-ups to start on Sunday 16th December, 16:30 UTC.
S3 licensed
Schedule finalised
Open Endurance Cup Four - Skins
S3 licensed
Here is the place for you to post your skins.

Quote : All skins for a car must contain the provided, required elements. The number board featuring the team's starting number shall be placed on each side of the car and on the hood/bonnet. A correct skin in the race session will be awarded with one bonus point.

EDIT (13 Jan 2019): To clarify the placement of the starting number on the hood/bonnet. That area does not include the roof.

You'll find the numberboards attatched below (

Starting numbers 1 to 10 are reserved for the top 10 teams of the last season.
Entries: 37
01 - Last Lap Motorsports
02 - eXtrem Racing
03 - Race Green Autosports
04 - [TC] Racing
05 - HoR-GRT
06 - reserved (Heroes of Racing & Riddick)
07 - reserved (eXtrem Racing)

08 - TehoGp-GenR
09 - Green Flame Racing
10 - reserved (Mango Racing)
11 - Regen Motorsports
13 - Grafiik's
14 - World Class Lions
15 - FordRallyeSport Team
17 - Launch Racing
19 - Latvian Army racing team
20 - Night Fury racing [NFR]
22 - [6S] Racing
24 - Launch Racing
25 - Last Lap Motorsports
33 - Guglhupf Racing Team
34 - PLT-FSR
44 - War Faction
46 - Fast And Crazy SimSports
47 - Master Race car
54 - LightsOut
55 - Launch Racing
57 - EKR
61 - JG Chassisworks
69 - KtkR
77 - S-Racing
87 - Genuine Racing withdrawn
88 - Launch Racing
91 - Procrastination Motorsports
93 - Outrun Motorsports Blue
94 - LappenParty Ferpormance
96 - acex Motorsport
99 - LightsOut Black
TBA - Groundkiller
Last edited by TFalke55, . Reason : Update
S3 licensed
Quote from TFalke55 :The problem are not the tire physics for the car. It simply was decided to hold back the release of the Scirocco until the new tire physics are finished and releasable. It is many moons since discussing these topics with Dom, but if I remember correctly there is one physics engine for all cars, unlike iRacing e.g. where every car has pretty much its own.
There also exists a version, I believe, where the VWS was drivable, but it was restricted to some fairs/events, just like Rockingham was before release.

Quote from JohnT2005 :i dont see why the vws physics are so difficult, because the FBM/BF1 are both real cars yet the tire physics are fine, and it took the team a lot quicker to do those than the vw.

It is not about the physics for just the Scirocco, it is about new physics for all cars.
S3 licensed
Quote from JohnT2005 :bmw M6= german car 2

No... the event this thread refers to actually was the reason for the release of the Swiss car we have in LFS Wink Intel probably didn't want to spend so much money on a sim racing competiton to have the real BMW Sauber F1.06 as prize. Maybe in a different universe Intel did not switch to rFactor for the next time and the LFS community there has that all winged-up F1.08 Big grin that would have been a nightmare for skin design.
S3 licensed
Quote from JohnT2005 :since the tire physics are so difficult on the German car, why dont they just copy some of the tire physics of another sim with the car, then just make improvements where they need to be made.

Quote from DataFi :IF i remember right the VW is waiting for the new tire physics.

The problem are not the tire physics for the car. It simply was decided to hold back the release of the Scirocco until the new tire physics are finished and releasable. It is many moons since discussing these topics with Dom, but if I remember correctly there is one physics engine for all cars, unlike iRacing e.g. where every car has pretty much its own.
There also exists a version, I believe, where the VWS was drivable, but it was restricted to some fairs/events, just like Rockingham was before release.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :S3 is not a version,S3 (like S1 and S2) is licence level that determines accessible content.
LFS current version is 0.6T.

Yes and no. While the license limits the accessible content, the S once stood for "Stage". So S1 was the first stage of development, S2 was the second stage and S3 is the current stage. One could argue that this correlates with the version. Shrug But while S2 felt very different to S1 at release, S3 feels more a continuation of S2.
S3 licensed
Quote from JohnT2005 :i think it would be a good idea to do another endurance race.

That's something for the league subsection.
Quote from JohnT2005 :only i recon it would be a good idea for LFS to make a one off update for one track with a few of the gtr cars with a time cycle(so it turns dark), weather system, and the lights do something. plus that might even develop the game further and one day they add this to all cars and tracks and release it as an official update.

That's something for the improvement suggestion subsection.

Anyways that's really some major update you are suggesting there, even if it is restricted to one track. Just a bit speculative one could understand the improvements of the lighting system published in the progress reports to be enabling a day-night-cycle in the future. But before a weather system comes into existence a dynamic track system should be in place to emulate different grip levels on different parts on the tarmac imho.
S3 licensed
Thanks Rony for another great season! It was awesome to drive again! I'm quite happy how it all went for me (well, exept for the South City round).

I'm looking foreward for the 2019 edition: 4th 2015, 20th 2016, 18th 2017 and now 16th 2018 in V8RL/VERL so far. Big grin
S3 licensed
Quote from MTnRunnr :A one class league makes the cars equal, why complicate things trying to equalize the cars.

The problem is that within all "classes" there are vast differences in the performance over the course of a stint and a race distance.
Take for example the Desire of Patience races organised by BurnoutCrew where there classically was no ballancing. It was fair in that sense as everyone knew the inherent differences between the cars, so those teams fighting for the win chose the fastest car of a class, and those who wanted the experience of an endurance race chose the car they liked the most, but ended the race at the tail end of the standings. But they organised much longer races (12h and 24h), so it was a big reward just to finish.
This "equalizing" shall enable all drivers to take their favorite car but still being able to compete for position, hence why there is ballance of performance in real life GT and TC racing these days.
S3 licensed
Quote from Tenishia :will be any track choose voting ?

I havn't planned it, but you can state your wishes here, sothat I know of them.Cool

Quote from michal 1279 :Can I attend as a standalone driver? Feel free to exclude me from official results, but I'd like to test my endurance in a big way Smile

Yes, you can drive the races all by yourself. Thumbs up And no, I won't remove you from the results.
S3 licensed
I received this question via PN:
Quote :
How long is each race?

I'm thinking about either 450km races or 3h races. If it is distance based, that should translate to 2h30min.
S3 licensed
Quote from jkat :I would do it as one class series as apparently the interest towards endurance racing within lfs is not too high. To have some level of attraction also to possible newcomers I would suggest to go with GT2 or GT9(GTM) class and tailor the handicaps track by track to gain best possible equalisation between cars.

Tailor made handicaps are problematic per se, as there has to be a robust model for all three cars for a race distance and applicable to different tracks. Once you ask racers for their opinion there always is a bias to their favorite car.
A few weeks back, before I decided to bring the series back, I had the idea to use the pure GTR cars with mandatory pit stop times balancing the cars to one level, using the hotlap WR as start parameter per car per track to set up the model. Especially on the popular combos you can regard the WRs as a good benchmark.

EDIT: I try to think of something for tailor made restictions.
Quote from jkat :Also I would prefer a bit earlier start of the race, around 15-16 CE(S)T, that would give possibility my son also to race, at least the first stint of the race. Of course that would not be in favour for people from continents of America.

I keep that bit of information in my head.
Quote from Mikus1212 :Add xrg

S3 licensed

So... I decided to take the middle four dates of the ones I listed, so:

13th Jan 19 - Round 1
10th Feb 19 - Round 2
10th Mar 19 - Round 3
7th Apr 19 - Round 4

All Rounds will be 3 hour races, starting in the evenig CE(S)T (18:00 - 19:00 CE(S)T), sothat the races are finished by 22:00 CE(S)T). The combos are yet to be decided. I partly want to pick the tracks once we know the car classes. In the past season we ran GT1/GT2 the spring before there was GT1/GT2/NGT. I think three classes are too many for the moment, so I am considering a two class solution, GT1/GT2 or GT2/NGT. However, since it has been two years, what do you think?
Last edited by TFalke55, .
S3 licensed
Quote from cougar8 :Would love this, since LFS Kinda died I haven't don't anything with it but would love to come back for a league like this again! Would it be multiple drivers per car or could it be separate drivers? Also what times are you thinking. I work every Saturday so just trying to think ahead for maybe booking off work

All dates I previously posted should be Sundays, especially since they suit me best.
S3 licensed
It's been nearly two years since the last Open Endurance Cup. I intend to bring it back, starting in December or January with a four or five race season with races on (16th Dec 18,) 13th Jan 19, 10th Feb 19, 10th Mar 19, 7th Apr 19, 5th May 19. More information shall follow soon. If you have any ideas or wishes for OEC IV, state them here.
S3 licensed
The race was exhausting.
Quote from Botswanan Salama :This round was tough. No straights to rest and reset mentally...

I think the longest real straight might have been the start/finish-straight... Anyways this caused a lot of concentration errors on my end. I was lucky that my first one did not take Niko out (I hated the flatspots I had after this) and that my biggest mistake came close to the end, so I did not loose any position. However with my decision not to pit, I must have confused the drivers around me. My car bottomed out in lefthanders but felt ok in righthanders hence drivers behind me seemed to be unsure weather to pass me or not. Sorry to Soini & Co for this.

I had to shower afterwards, but it was fun to race again and a Top 10 result was unexpected. Overall I'm happy with this round.

Also big kudos to everyone on track around me! Wheather I was in a battle for position, lapping someone or being lapped by someone everyone left room to survive and seemed to be very fair, even when I was not too smart with the spot I tried to defend/let the leaders through. Smile

Congrats to the podium. Wink

Last edited by TFalke55, .
S3 licensed
I hate those saussage curbs. Ya right