Ok, I've decided to give rFactor a try, and with the SCC mod it offers just what I wanted... Prototypes and Limerock.
Here's my problem: No matter what FFB settings i choose (both Real Feel and the default FFB) it becomes nearly impossible to make any steering corrections. Once the rear end steps out at all, that's it, I'm spinning out. For example, in LFS @ SO6, every once in a while I get into the chicane too hot and the rear steps out a little. Most of you have probably experienced that... We all know one quick correction of the wheel will bring the rear right back in. Feels just like IRL. Same thing with trail braking.
In rFactor, I can set it up so everything feels great, good wheel resistance, good sensitivity, feedback, etc., until the time comes to catch the rear end... then it just doesn't work. Full lock won't even prolong the slide, I just spin immediatley. Any sort of trail braking also sends me spinning right away (yes I have messed with bias to no avail) Let it be noted that when FFB is turned off completely I can magically catch slides again... the only way I can use FFB and make steering corrections is when there is virtually no resistance on the wheel, which feels horrible....
So, in hopes that someone else has experienced this I'll post up my current rFactor FFB and wheel settings and maybe someone can point me to a solution....
Momo Black
Profiler Settings:
Overall 95%
Spring effect 0%
Damper effect 0%
Enable centering spring checked, 0%
Wheel sensitivity 80%
In Game:
FFB strength 80%
Effects: Full
Speed Sensitivity: 20%
X Axis (wheel) sensitivity: 40%
X Axis deadzone: 0%
all digital rates at 0%
That's about it. Thanks for reading.