If you've heard an M1 hacking it in real life, you won't need me to tell you how "thor the god of thunder gargling with a mouthful of red-lining m3s in a thunderstorm in a megaphone" that sounds
I've got some concerns about the BMW FB02...
no-wonder its only got 140hp, the engines are sealed and the only people who are allowed to go near them to service them are the same people who thought this monstrosity was a good idea :
I was looking through some very early posts trying to answer a question, and found this thread, it's so old I couldn't help but nudge it from last to first place!
Half the fun of writing lists is crossing things off.
I'd cross off anything that is not RWD; plus anything that is not petrol; plus anything that is not naturally aspirated; plus anything that is 4 cylinders (we've got enough of those).
Generally speaking, I organise something to look-forward to later that week, like Karting, then try and find someone who isn't doing much to have dinner/drinks/film with.
Until the engine model is complete, and the turbo model (and concequently the sound... wicked) I don't think the engines would make as much of a difference as we'd like. I do agree though, I'm bored of 4 cylinders and untill the turbo is properly modelled, not sooo interested in turbo-chargers. Every hat wearing bean-can exhaust cheese eating surrender monkey-wagon is barreling around with a 4 cyl rasping away - saxo, clio, fiesta, corsa, 106... That's part of the reason I bought an I6. I was bored of the Astra (4 cyl 8v) and the Mazda (4cly 16v).
As far as concept cars go, look at the veyron W-16 quad-turbo... that's gotta be interesting to drive! I can't think of any car we've got at the moment with that weight, drivetrain and amazing fuel consumption!
Same goes for muscle cars - 5.7 litre NA V8, brilliant engine, sounds amazing. I think we'd need 4 speed automatic gearboxes (not just a computer operating a manual) though to make it authentic. EDIT SCRAP THAT 3 speed automatics or 4 speed manuals. (there you go captain america :P) If you wanted to add a class to compete with that I'd say you'd have to go for one of the supercharged german jobbies. "Massive power and no weight vs. modern suspension, but more weight"
I know these are not "race" cars as such, but, that does not mean they wouldn't be amazingly fun to drive.
I also think multi-class racing is a bit over-rated. While it was really important to balance the GTR & Turbo classes (because they really were designed to run as classes), I feel trying to make everything fit into a class kind of silly, many of the best actual racing I've watched is when the cars are all the same. Clio cup is a good watch, for example, and a lot of fun to drive, despite the naffness of WWD (wrong wheel drive).
I'm not sure I want anything to fit in with existing new classes, I'd like a new kind of driving experience, originally more reventon than f40, they're both very different.
I don't consider the MRT a car, it's more like a segway.
The RAC was built by students... being a student myself, I know 90% of the work was done in the 1% of time leading up to the release... hence skipping the front arb :P
The BF1 is as good as formula1 - enough said there.
I meant licenses from companies with a legal team big enough to enforce the need for one, and that aren't FIA tampered.