A belated happy birthday NDR!
I apologise for the bump but I had chime in. Karting today with Wilko reminded me about all this, good times! Hope everyone's doing well
Thanks so much to everyone in and around NDR, whether they were adminning, racing, crashing, commentating, arguing or eating dinner. Thanks for providing some top-notch leagues, then taking me on board - and sorry for not sticking around! Those few months were great fun though, I'd love to get involved again some day. It's a pity LFS has stagnated as NDR has got better and better. We'll get back to the glory days at some point.
So here's to another 5 years! And remember these words of wisdom: Drafting works like a potato.
E: Ooh, I'll have to pop on to this mad crazy DEATH RALLY server that's all the rage these days.