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S2 licensed
More to the point, why would a demo user who's not driven a single mile in lfs look up P V L's stats, come on to the forum and post about it, and all on the same day he joined? It's just not normal behavior. Most genuinely new people take a while to find lfsw, take a while longer to work out how it all operates, take even longer still to find out who P V L is and that he exists.
S2 licensed
This just reminds me of a game I got free with the old original play station called wipeout, I think I only played it once, maybe twice. I've got to agree, it looks very generic.

Nice to see you are still developing though Becky (I clicked your signature link) and its looking more epic than ever, keep up the good work!
S2 licensed
Quote from GjeNgiX :LOL... i remember ppl like you did this to FM Failure too "lol he did it on oval bla bla bla..." now to this guy... sad just sad.

Correct, FM Failure did do a lot of it on the oval, but at least we recognize he didn't do it in his sleep
S2 licensed
Quote from GjeNgiX :why so much hate...?

It's very mutual, when someone show's hate and a lack of respect for others, they end up hated.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :This is madness haha! It's... well can someone make a clever explenation just how long that distance is? Like from planet earth to moon, or around the world 30 times or whatnot

Reaching 2ft from your chair to your pedal with a brick and achieving 1,000,000 miles is approx 40.255 times around the world

Eclipsed, you just beat me, well played! :cool:
S2 licensed
Yes, quite, Grats FM Failure, you really deserve it!
Cheating does not deserve a grats imo.
S2 licensed
I think you missed the point, posting a screenshot of this thread on that facebook page is trolling, stop saying your not trolling, because that very action is undeniably a trolling.

Secondly, even if added to a group by someone else, no S2 user is interested in drifting around a cracked server with a bunch of demo users, let alone ones with horrific vob's.

Finally, making this thread when you should be using the contact form on the lfs main page is publicly naming and shaming, something which isn't permitted on this forum and again constitutes trolling,

You've also just let every demo user on this forums know that A) lfs can be cracked, B) a good place to find out about the crack and C) where to get addresses of cracked servers.

Now be a sensible lad and use this link instead :
S2 licensed
Quote from siralva1 :since I posted the screen shot of this into the group.

That kind of defines trolling. Why would an S2 user be in that group? /logic
S2 licensed
Here's an old pack of textures including sky, road, reflection and interior files. It was put together a long time ago by a guy called bobo.

I was thinking it could aid you in making an updated pack, or at the least give you something to look through for inspiration. I certainly give a high opinion of fernbay's rally-track textures.

I believe some of the pack is outdated and no longer works, for example, I'm sure the red and white barrier files in the current version of lfs (since armco was added?) has a different name.

Anywho, thanks for the update, keep up the good work!
S2 licensed is your subnet mask is your loopback

You need to go to the pc hosting lfs and open your network connection properties and find your IP address, it'll probably start 192.168

You can also find it by running CMD and typing ipconfig.

Wifi probably isn't the best idea for running a game host.
S2 licensed
Same as just about everyone else has said, great work.

Do you plan to make any others? I've carefully kept the revolution pack, I think I'll keep this in the same safe place.
S2 licensed
Quote from MUZA2014 :who ever helps will get 12 lfs drift layouts

:jawdrop: 12 drift layouts?

Wish I could help, all I've ever wanted is 12 drift layouts!
S2 licensed
But if we looked at the numbers since your first ban on the 31st of December...

04/01/2014 [RC] PVL (p v l)
05/01/2014 ^a‹[RC] Shark (sharkoon)
05/01/2014 [RC] PVL (p v l)
05/01/2014 [Officer] Bird (edge3147)
31/12/2013 [RC] PVL (p v l)
05/01/2014 [RC] PVL (p v l)

... it equates to 2/3 of the bans?

Just saying...
S2 licensed
Quote from Chriship :May not be the solution, their website says.

Well pointed out, it'd be like complaining to beaver about beaver. Best solution is checking out one of the other hosts. I can recommend TC, as long as you read their rules first.

Good luck, and happy driving!
S2 licensed
I feel your pain, I was kicked from RC for using the chat feature thats included with lfs, the one where you press 'T' to activate it, and yes, by the same person you're complaining about. You have two choices, first is to contact RC's owner (not sure who that is) or the second is to simply not return. If the server is that bad, I'm sure their numbers will drop.

Good luck, hope you find some help, or a server more suitable.
S2 licensed
It looks probable, but don't hold me to it, in all honesty, its a hard diagnosis to give over a forum so I wouldn't expect any firm answers from anyone. Personally, before replacing it, I would try removing it and re-fitting it as this has solved problems for myself before.
S2 licensed

foreach (clsConnection C in Connections) {
         if (
Conn.IsCadet == 1) {
FoundCadet true;
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^1-^7 Please wait for awhile your Call is Accepted!"MSO.UCID0);
C.PoliceUsername Conn.Username;
Conn.PoliceUsername 1;
         } else { 
// This would result in spam?
InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^1»^7 Connection" C.UniqueID " is not a cadet."MSO.UCID0);


Nice, but do you want to tell the connection user by user, who is not a cadet?

EDIT: forget that, I see why you suggest it
S2 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :People earn the 1/3 of that over here.

I can believe that, I know a Hungarian, he owns an Audi 80, he is considered wealthy! Long time no see Töki
S2 licensed
Quote from Yuri Laszlo :If I'm paid to produce something that's gonna be sold for 40 dollars every 20 minutes, for six hours, six days a week, I could be paid $170.000/year and my employers still would keep the company profitable, just less profitable than its owner feel its right for their pockets.

And if you worked in a bank, that would be 1.4mil bonus to the boss of the bank, rather than shared a little more evenly between those who really earn it! It is true, the front line worker earns the money, the corporation decides the wage based on what someone can live on rather than the profit they make. There is not a lot of incentive for the front line worker to try for more profits.

Quote from Scrabby : Even if i'd sell the M3.

You would need double the minimum wage to own a M3 here...
S2 licensed
Quote from Yuri Laszlo :It's the workers who pay their own wage. Economy 101 -

Damn, I agree your good!
S2 licensed
^ has a keyboard and loves silly forum games... just like me
S2 licensed
Quote from bmwe30m3 :codehound, the way I see it is, that if minimum wage was lowered, then MAYBE the school dropouts will get a job, but that also means that people who are getting minimum wage, and are not doing that good, will get their wage probably lowered, since they are allowed to get less wage now.

This is exactly what happened when the minimum wage came into force in the UK, you could shop around for a better wage and as with any man, may the best one win.

Now there are hundreds of jobs all saying 'meets national minimum wage' which means there is no incentive to be with a better, more profitable company, any job will do.

Minimum wage could be counteracted with a maximum wage so that the minimum could be increased. Thankfully I am not on minimum wage, but having done the maths, I would if on minimum wage be about £12 worse off per week than someone unemployed, so in reality, the minimum wage is too low to give the incentive to work. I am better off without a job than on minimum wage.
S2 licensed
The tax rate in the UK depends on how much you earn, so I have based this on the average person, earning less than £32,000 a year

Tax in Latvia:

An individual's business and salary income is taxable, as at 2011, at the rate of 25%.
The tax rate for An individual's capital gain is 15%.
The standard rate of VAT in Latvia is 22%

Tax in the UK:

An individual's business and salary income is taxable, as at 2011, at the rate of 20%.
The tax rate for An individual's capital gain is 23%. (between 18 and 28%)
The standard rate of VAT in UK is 20%

Our tax is a little lower, but not so much that you would notice. But the amount people 'make on the side' in the UK is far far less than the two thirds you describe as in Latvia, it probably averages out to £100 next to your 600 - 1000... 'Cash in hand' work simply isn't as available here as easily, so back handed income isn't an option for many.

Just a small observation, if you paid tax on two thirds of your income, the tax rate would not need to be so high? Maybe its your own corruption that's hitting your pocked more than your government?

The figures side by side look fairly even to me.
S2 licensed
Quote from :
Image removed due to size, I am refering to this.

Interesting graph, in 1991/92 you can see house prices drop a little, this was about the period we were coming out of our last recession, I remember a local bar that went out of business which was ironically called 'recession 92' ... seeing it stabilize coming out of 2008ish it's following a drop yet the recession fails to lift and will do for many years to come...

Seems people are using minimum wage to judge the financial state of a country when there is so much more to consider. Our minimum wage is stinking low when you consider land value, cost of fuel and that we're taxed twice by the time we spend it, the grass looks greener until you look at the bigger picture. The whole world is in the middle of a financial crisis and there is no running away from the problem!

Just to elaborate on being taxed twice, if I earn £10, I will (if working full time) be taxed about £3 before I take that home which leaves me £7, if I then spend that £7 I will be taxed for spending it at about £1.40, so in the end my £10 is only really worth £5.60, our minimum wage is something around £6.20p/h, but after ALL taxes are paid, its about £3.20. It may look nice and rosy here, but that's only without looking at the bigger picture.