when you say "teeny bit of slip" to get past some corners, do you mean to get past corners where the turning ratio can't get you through? i don't think there are tracks like that in LFS...
right on! so there is an "animation lag" this is when your brain sends signals to your hands.
i watched a documentary about speed called SPEED hosted by Jeremy Clarkson.
it turns out that everyone has the same reaction or "lag" but athletes are just so well trained that they move their body into position before they need to. they observe tale-tail signs of the mark and is prepared for it, that's why it seems like they have sharp reactions.
to tie it back to the point, we do have an "animation lag" where we reach for the shifter and move it, but we know when to do it so we have our hand on the shifter at the end of a straight, preparing to down shift.
so there is no point in adding an additional animation on top of our actions... if you want to have it be realistic enough that you can learn to race/drive stick on LFS... just get a wheel with an H shifter
i looked in this type of thread because tweaks allow for engine mods, which i then i can put real engines in the LFS cars...
btw, the only reason i am still a demo user is because i am extremely "asian"(this means "cheap"[due to stereotyping] in America)... and i don't want to spend 50 dollars on a game before making sure it's what i am looking for, which is the most realistic driving game that i can get... i am still going to try netKar Pro and Richard Burns Rally, my computer at the moment can't handle it....
but, i am just not sure about what is the most realistic in terms of traction modeling, damages(not aesthetic, suspension, clutch, tire, and brake damage), driving modeling(correct modeling of a manual transmission), and tune-ability(engine upgrades, suspension mods, steering rack, and gearbox)
and btw, ciph, i have trouble understanding ur sig...
i thought the only reason that people play LFS is because of realism... or am i wrong?
i learned with the ebrake, and i am just used to pedal initiation, i think it's more "pro" and i don't like touching the ebrake much
and also, when people mock drifters, it typically goes like this...
"hey, oh, yeah! handbrake turns all day long, man!"
while he or she mimes pulling on the ebrake...
^yeeeeeeah... ok, that's cool, what ever you say good for you!
and another point is that i find it better to NOT take your hand off the steering wheel as you are about to enter a turn, just my 2 cents. and i just think that it's more conventional to initiate with the pedals.
and it's too stereotypical that people drift with ebrakes
you know that's the most dangerous thing i could think of at the time right? that was to taunt people, because i am pissed at people saying cars under 200 bhp is soooo dangerous
i just use the rally cross setup with closer gear ratios, slightly raised suspension and road tires... it's really good to whip around in! extremely tail happy! and it gives excellent front tire grip!