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S2 licensed
lol nice... bet you didn't get yours delivered to your door for under $500 AU though :P

anyway, sorry for OT
S2 licensed
hey jason... your sig is wrong :P it's 1680x1050 I just got myself an acer 22"
S2 licensed
horizontal scale by 75% on the sides will do the trick. Same applies for just about anywhere on cars that are stretched.
S2 licensed
we're well into the days of multitasking, so what is wrong with running an mp3 player in the background? If WMP is too heavy, try something else like winamp lite or something.
S2 licensed
eh... lock?
S2 licensed
nice skin, but that is the 3rd time I've seen the exact same skin! Why do people keep reinventing the wheel here?
S2 licensed
sorry man, I like your skin! I just got distracted by teaz-r's JPS skin

one small criticism though is the white around the fanta logo... try find something higher res and play around with the magic wand tool (different tolerances) to remove the white completely. Apart from that it looks good
S2 licensed
i know, the last 3 skins I made I didn't spend long on either... I'm usually too eager to show it off to spend more than 3 hours on them.

The fxo skin above I did in a few hours but I put in on WIP because I felt it needed more. The lx4 redbull skin was done even quicker... I just don't call them quickies because it feels like more effort than it actually was :P
S2 licensed
people who dismiss other's problems are just plain arrogant.
S2 licensed
Stop calling your awesome skins "quickies"! You're making us all look bad :P Good job!
S2 licensed
excellent job, thanks very much joroen!!
FXO - Red Bull Drift Team
S2 licensed
I've decide to release this skin finally, I've been sitting on it for a couple of weeks. Hope you enjoy...

It's a replica of NZ drifter Rhys Millen's Red Bull Pontiac.

And yes, I'll do an FXR version soon, which should suit it better.
S2 licensed
hey guys, could someone please render my Red Bull LX4?

Whatever looks best... infront of a redbull wall would look sick but not necessary
S2 licensed
That is a fantastic skin! I'm not into bikes but I see many ninjas riding about and you've translated it to the lx6 perfectly!
S2 licensed
I've removed the sig, sorry if it offended. I just happened to agree with the quote a lot, though I see now that it was a bit derogatory even to scawen. As far as the t-shirts go, not for me but good luck all the same.
S2 licensed
am I the only one who thinks that line is a bit lame?
S2 licensed
Oh yeah, it doesn't occur in single player btw

and it's Nero Home, the latest package deal that does a whole lot more than just burn disks (don't ya hate that? good apps always become cluttered)
S2 licensed
computer stats have everything to do with it - because not everyone is having these problems.

it's an age old prediciment with PCs "but it was working fine before". The thing is, with so many aspects on PCs that are changing (spyware makes this even worse), we can never point the finger at one thing. The fact that my issue went away after I killed that process really rings alarm bells... the more info we give scawen the better I'd say.

I'll do a dxdiag when I get home...
S2 licensed
I've had exactly the same stutter which made LFS unplayable, this started when I installed TEST PATCH 30.

I noticed the hdd light would flash furiously when the stutter occured, so I thought it was a prob with my hdd. Eventually I found that it was a rogue process that was running all the time... The process is called NMBigMonitor and it comes from the Nero Home 7 premium application. Ending task on the process would stop the stuttering every time without fail. I've since removed Nero completely from my system and I no longer have any problem.

I'm guessing there's something in the new sound system that has a tendency to conflict with other processes, as I doubt everyone else experiencing these problems are using Nero Home 7.

My specs are:

Asus A8V-E Deluxe motherboard
Athlon A64 3500+ socket 939 cpu
2gb Corsair DDR
Audigy 2 PCI
Powercolor radeon X850XT PCI-E 256mb gfx card
WD Caviar 320gb SATAII hard disk running in SATA1 mode.
Antec 480W NeoPower PSU

Running Windows XP, fully updated. Latest drivers for everything.
Now running Patch V, problem occured test patch 30 through to patch V.
Using Nod32 AV, problem persisted without it running.
using Windows Firewall, no connection issues.
Approx 13mbit ADSL2+ connection, model of router I can't recall off the top of my head. The router is configured so that my PC is on the DMZ, all ports handled through Windows Firewall.
Using AVG I found no spyware (fairly new install of windows, and the Nero process isn't considered malicious).

I recommend we all post our specs, both for Scawen and so we can see if there's common factor here.

ps: We just won the 5th test of the Ashes, that's 5-0 to Australia
S2 licensed
That's exactly how mine used to stutter before I killed that process for good. You look like you have a decent FPS as well. I would get 100fps, then that stutter occurs for a couple of seconds and then it's smooth again. My fraps FPS readout would not lower during the stutter however; it stays around 100.

I'd put money on it being something to do with the new sound system... perhaps we should post our specs on the tech assist or test patch forum?
S2 licensed
oh god it took me weeks to get that song out of my mind when I first saw that toon. Then they made a 2nd one...
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
guys I'm NOT talking about bandwidth problems here... I have a 13mbit line and I'm not stupid enough to not tell the difference between net lag and when my machine freezes. It's not a net problem. The big warps we're seeing is when the pc freezes for some reason or other, which basically stops everything including tcp packets being sent/recieved. Judging by the explanations people have written it sounds EXACTLY like what I have. I may be wrong on the loading part, but it is most certainly caused by a process doing *something* with the hard disk. Perhaps it's freezing up the ide channel or something? Whatever it is, it's caused by certain processes. Some people need to realise that closing all your unneeded apps isn't enough, most malicious or intrusive processes are always running in the background and you need to kill them manually. The process I had trouble with was a file indexing service that was obviously probing my hdd at very inappropriate times. Perhaps the new LFS patch has introduced something that makes it more vulnerable to things like this? I believe it started for me with test patch 30.

Please don't dismiss what I'm saying here, it's not just a placebo effect. This process was the cause of what many people are complaining about.
S2 licensed
welcome mate
S2 licensed
Quote from DrDNA :Yep, I started experiencing this a month or two ago. Everything will be running smoothly and then I'll get up to several seconds of stuttering, where my fps will drop to around 5 and I have to do my best to keep the car on the road. It doesn't happen very often, but it does seem to occur mostly around the pit area, although I've experienced it elsewhere.

I've also noticed some crazy warping as well. The lights will go green and the car in front of me stays completely stationary, making me swerve as though I need to avoid him, but a second or so later he's right where he should be. I also question every single incident in front of me, such as someone losing control and spinning, because often they'll warp back onto the track driving normally. It's annoying, yes, but luckily doesn't happen often enough to ruin the online experience, at least IMO.

It sounds like you have a process running that is hogging the HDD, like explained above. The reason I'm sure of this is because you say it happens aorund the pit area. Places like blackwood have moer objects around the pit area that require the HDD to be accessed, so if the HDD is already struggling with something else you will get stutters.

It is NOT a graphics issue, if you use a program like fraps like I do, you will notice your FPS is still high... the stutters are merely LFS waiting on the hard drive to catch up. To confirm this, next time you get stutters watch your HDD light on your case and I bet it goes crazy every time LFS starts pausing.