If you think it is good at taking your social life away, then YES! If you think it is good for enjoying everynight racing, then YES! If you think it is good at how real it simulates the real thing, then YES! But if you think it is good at taking corners at 200 kph or at tuzing your car, then a big NO!
what we need is a clone of the HalfLife TV... game-server > spectator-server > hundreds of spectators... this way the game-server's load is raised like only one spectator was connected...
well don't write it off that fast... I was also anti-oval, but after I tried, I was nicely surprised... But for me its only for fun... not for racing..
I can only agree that it takes time for a league to get more people... I started the Czech national league 2 years back with 11 racers. Time went by, their numbers increased and the last league had 75 racers singned in (68 participated at least once)...
So heads up, keep up the good work and people will come...
well i can imagine driving alone on the keyboard, but what i can't imagine is racing... how do you handle if someone hits your rear wheel or when you find yourself having to drive across curbs, etc. or you find yourself in any other unexpected situation, that requires quick and precise steering input?
I know it's not a prob with mouse/wheel, because you can steer as fast you manage, but with keyboard you are limited to what you have set in options...
well in my opinion in S2 there are basically 3 types of racing:
1. leagues - you practice one track/car combo for the next event... usually there are more such people (practicing for the league), so you get to race the combo online... (not every evening, but pretty often (depends on league))
2. random public - you just pick a populated server and off you go... you race with someone practicing for another league or random people that have joined
3. everlast public - there are a few combos, that can be found I'd say every evening, server almost always populated... for example AS National - GTR class, KY Oval - FO8, Blackwood - FOX, SouthCity Classic - FOX, UF1...
This is where I would like to be able to change the thread name... It was mentioned before > leave the demo as it is, only merge S1/S2...
(moderator contacted...)
I dunno, the thread starter can change the name in the czech lfs forum and in over 2 years of existence I have never seen this behaviour that you are afraid of...
Well sometimes things come up that deserve the thread name to be changed... Like my thread with removing the demo/s1/s2 separation, which after some debate I would like to be changed only to removing the s1/s2 separation... this is not a change to be made in 5 minutes...
wheels view a "hack"? It does not make you faster, I know that Jet_ cze does use the cockpit view (seen him drive with my own eyes) and he has some WRs (FZ GTR @ AS National for example)...
So it really does not matter which view you use... It's only about getting used to it...
Title says it all... the combo that works when online (ctrl + shift) does not work when viewing replays saved by others (it works only when you save the replay)...
I run a league where we managed to get everyone to use their real names (with a few real looking pseudonyms) to make the league look more like the real thing and now when watching a replay I can't see the racer's LFS nicks, when I need to know who it is...