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S3 licensed
Except the starion is a dsm, fwd based chronic understeer car, and the xr is a rwd chronic oversteer car..odd indeed
S3 licensed
Indeed the all cars open thing is annoying, but they are starting to fade out, ive been finding the FOX servers at the SO tracks are quitefun latley

And hello my fellow S13'er
S3 licensed
Quote from bludbs :Well, I am ussualy playing with drift cars. This time though I chose the XR GTR since it was in the menu anyway. I go to this server because there's always plenty of people and I get good connection. I saw someone else playin in similar vehicle and so I tried it. Mind you though, I have this license for about a week so far. Now I try to connect to other server. And it's laggy. This isn't what I though of LFS when I bought this license! Is ban good forever then or is it temporary? If it is infinite, then why so many few servers to play here? Why not make the ban good for a week? Since it wasn't a written warning anyway rather was more like a mass gang bang. Someone posted ban me, then other chipped in, another dummy without a reason thought it might be a good idea to do what others do without knowing the reason why, and it everyone else galloped like in frenzy buying some overhyped stocks on the bubble bursting market. And here I am now. This isn't what I see when I log on to and see 192 racers online. ??? Where are the other servers then? I get about 20 at max. And most of them have either 5 or less people.
I want my money back! This is clearly not what I would reccomend. In fact I think I will try to take it to the admins then.

Are you using filters on your multiplayer search? i never have a problem finding a server, normaly mid day there is at least 30 active servers if not many more Obviously somthing is up because a lack of places to race has never really been a problem in lfs as long as i can remember, even in the later S1 days when it was pretty slow?? Although one thing you must remember as a north american is that late eveneing to us is like mid morning in europe, where a very very large precentage of LFS racer live, so around this time at night is pretty slow...but from about 10am-6pm is prime time. (there are 70 active racers currently and quite a few full servers)
Last edited by DodgeRacer, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Vendetta :My friends would think im losers if they knew how well i know some of the tracks off hand..

Dont worry, they already do...

oh im j/k :P

Yeah, im much the same way, I imagine with a little effort I could write out or explain every track in lfs in great detail, but yet if you ask me an algebra problem...wheew...goodnight :-p
S3 licensed
1. YES, pleeaAsee
2. good idea, that could be fun
3. I have thought that from day 1 of autocross!
4. That could be complicated to code, but maybe S3?

If nothing else at least #1 or #3 would be great
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Wow, I am excited now, because that tap can TURN!!!

Tristan - ok I get you now, you mean just like the well known heating of the seized thing, cooling it instead. I had thought you were talking about the other slightly risky "ice plug" idea that can be used instead of a tap. BUT... no need, as enough repeat applications of WD40 and just some gentle tapping a few times, has done the job.

Here's a picture of how the tap looks down the hole, and another of my tap turning tool, seeing as some of you seem to like my tools LOL - it's a simple groove in the end to grab the tap, and a hole at the other end for the handle... this would be strong enough to break off the tap completely, but i used it gently to apply a bit more torque than i could with my hand down the hole.

And it started to move! Just an eighth of a turn at first, but i've been going back to it, re-oiling, turning in and out a bit further each time, and i'm up to 1 and a half turns now... no rush, hopefully it will eventually turn enough to cut off the water supply!

My only question is why are you taping that poor kitty cat?!

J/k :P but thats a creative tap there man, want to come tap out some bumper supports for my car??
S3 licensed
Personaly I would enjoy a longer version of West Hill, I think the currently layout is superb, but I wish there was at least one longer variant or one shorter variant, and with hopefully a very very long straight leading to a very tight hairpin, because we dont have much of that with any of the tracks, aston comes close but its more of a curve than a hairpin, i made tracks for nascar 2003 and that type of situation almost always made for good racing
S3 licensed
nürburgring is the most kick ass track in the world, i would LOVE to take a car around that place, If it was in LFS my head would explode, (if not from that, from the 30min laps in the uf1)

btw, top gear is awsome
S3 licensed
I used to be heavy into nascar 2003 in the S1 days, but once s2 came out its pretty much just been that...
S3 licensed
Quote from ButterTyres :Same two camps as always in these dicussions - the ones who say there is a problem with the physics and the ones who dont.

I'm gonna sit in the middle just so that there are 3 camps

Your LFS alias gives this thread enough irony hahahaha.
S3 licensed
This is why people that dont enjoy sim racing games, shouldnt review sim racing games. *shakes head...

We should buy this person (motors tv reviewr) a copy of r factor and let em be :P
S3 licensed
I hear all these people complainin about gas prices, welp, suck it up guys cause those people that got nailed by the hurricane got it a lot worse than us, we can make money, they cant make everything they lost reapear. (not meant as an attack on anyone, just a..realization of sorts)
S3 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :I just checked and it cost $42.63 exactly. So I was a few bucks off going from memory, but rFactor is still cheaper. And keep in mind that S2 is only alpha (more expensive, but it's not "released" software) and is only two-thirds done, as everyone is keen on pointing out. So, by the time S3 is out, buying the full LFS will be much more expensive than the full version of rFactor.

That would be because you paid for S1 and S2 at the same time, if you had s1 already it would have only been 22$ for S2, which is hugely cheaper than most games with an expansion pack (in example sim city, its normaly 40$ for the base, then say another 20$ for the addon pack, whereas lfs is 20$ for the "base" and 20$ for the "addon", so yes, r factor is cheaper, but you are only paying for 1 game, in essance you paid for lfs plus an addon pack. I hope this make sense.
S3 licensed
I agree, the ISI games definatly have the atmosphere just about perfect (other than the fake car sounds) but when it comes to physics, im just not feeling it, i can feel what im doing in lfs car, but in r factor its like, im just kinda along for the ride, there is no sensation of acually driving the car (grip, suspension movement, body roll ect), lfs and papy games spoiled me on that i suppose, but if games dont have that now its just no fun for me then (see GT4, i loved gt games till i started playing lfs) (and yes i have played the full game)
Last edited by DodgeRacer, .
S3 licensed
Collective soul- she gathers rain
S3 licensed
Quote from Fiiu :Well, how much does this HANS and seatbelts affect gameplay in LFS? I know, it looks nice to have those but I'd prefer the devs to first fix the physics etc. and if there's some time (or Scawen wants some R&R from physics) then the eye-candy features are added?

Basicly all the "improvments forum" is, is small talk amongst each other haha, after everything is said and done the devs are goin to work on what they already know they need/want to do, its not that they dont THINK of stuff like this, its just that they have priorities. So improvement forum equates to a wishing well :P
S3 licensed
Well hello there my S13 bruthuh yours is certainly a hell of a lot nicer than mine, wish we got the ca18
S3 licensed
I think it is a very good idea, and personaly i think it would mesh very well with the style of racing that LFS offers

I made an edit of the MR5 back in the s1 days with less power, but there wasnt enough tweakability with it to make it like a kart..
S3 licensed
Sure, the saftey devides have their downsides, but when you weigh all of the dangers, i think it leans a bit to the wearing saftey devices than not, especially in a closed cockpit car. One thing that bothers me about modern racers is their refusal to wear fire resistant underwear while racing, with all those saftey devices, it takes a while to get out of the car, would you reather be a little uncomfortable or die in an oven..but now im just getting entirely off topic.

The drivers should at least have seatbelts and neck foam (donut that goes under the helmet to help straighten neck, but than again, nobody really notices the driver so i would say thats a "clean up" ""s3" type of thing to do.
S3 licensed
In reality if that little oval on FE was open it would suit a small oval layout well, its like martinsville with a hill
S3 licensed
Well, thing is, and i hate to get off topic but... it costs you the exact same to buy S2 and then addon S3 as it does to just buy S3, S2 is still by far, in my mind, the most realistic game i've ever experianced, its so in depth and it only gets better, seems silly to starve yourself of this kickarseness for another year or two :P
S3 licensed
In america its more of the wave or the head nod occasionaly the light flash, never hazzards, but moslty the single finger salute :-p

What we need, is the raising of the hand like in gpl could mean thanks, could mean $%#@ @$$@!!!!!!!
S3 licensed
Once kimi is in that ferrari (granted if F1 is still among us at the time), it'll be micheal all over again.
S3 licensed
highly likely that its lag
S3 licensed
Quote from steve :Try this, go down a straight stretch in a RWD car, turn the wheel full lock left or right so the car is understeering, you tell me if it the steering go's light in the force feedback.

... you cant physicaly turn the wheel fast enough to completly break traction instantly, chance are it would result in a spin, rather than the desired effect, now in FWD car you MIGHT be able to do it but it would still be rather difficult