thats more isi/rfactor games that have the dodgey mods than does nr2k3, as it doesnt really have that many. the pwf ones were done very well (trans am is my fav) but thats about it, GTP was never finished really.
expect nr2k3 to drop in price after iracing releases their new game though
I was an admin on there, we had a really tight community on there of racers, those were neat days, now these communities are so large it seems a little less..personal I suppose
I'm still a diehard nascar 2003 player, mostly road course racing though. I own/run a site dedicated to track making for it and thats what really keeps me interested, I really enjoy that part.
Race went pretty well, couple broken brackets on the splitter, and i'd like to see the decklid with the wing secured a bit better, but the racing was the same, but you could race semi trucks around bristol and it would be the same :P real test will be at pheonix/dover
The drivers said it drafted more stabely (actual drafting) and handling wise they are only a tenth or two off the old pace a bristol (which isnt a good testing bed) and well ugly, it'll take some getting used to.
The whole grid hating it? nah, its main focus is saftey, no driver wants to be less safe eh?
although i am pretty darn tired of hearing about it, cant wait till everyone is just over it lol
Dodge struggled their first year too...even after CTS success...
*also don't forget, nascar makes the manufactures run a completly differnt block/head package for cup than truck, so its not like they could just throw a bigger carb on it and go to town, they are now building another completly new engine package*
my guess is because they realize this is the best sim out there currently, and want to have the best platform to mod off of, to an outsider its probably very confusing this whole no modding thing
sequential shifters, with the momoblack i have always done up for downshift down for upshift, it just seems to come natural to me, and i swear thats how i saw it done in wrc..yet in our saab its just the opposite, and the same with most street "manumatics"
i just wish more people in the sim community respected it, i dont think its very well understood judging by peoples reaction to it outside of the lfs community
I know the car files are open to use in any game, but are the track surface DDS files open? I'd like to use a couple of them on a nascar 2003 track i'm making, they did such a fine job of getting textures, and I've pretty much used all the ones available in that game lol.
man do I every wish we could track editing in lfs, i enjoy it for nr2k3 so much its pretty much the only reason I still play it
i question that, everyone seems to say martin loves to race, he always says he loves to race and he seems to mean it...why else would he be doing a part time season?