i have nothing against competition as it is in fair lanes. but with the 360 in the servers name, this is wrong! i just want to make it clear, that LFSCAR has nothing to do with those servers.
i just want to inform everybody, that the server called [360-R] Nascar Racing
They are trying to steal the good reputation of lfscar and the 360° cup. This is close to stealing and if LFSCAR is getting more of those posts i got from drivers who were unsatisfied about those servers and blaming me for it by mistake i will make this legal! At the moment i am not sure who is running it (but i have a clue). if these servers are not renamed within the next weeks i can hand over this to some authority.
I put too much time and money into lfscar and the 360° cup series to let it steal by any 12 year olds.
LFSCAR is running on the server called "[FM]360° Event!" for almost a year now. At the moment it runs under PATCH "W17" so people on Patch "W" BE WARNED!!! every other server that has 360 in it IS A FAKE and NOT RUN BY ME OR LFSCAR OR FRAGMASTER.NET
LFSCAR is running its stuff on a server called: "[FM]360° Event!". This server runs under patch W17. i was on that server almost the whole evening. and i've not kicked, banned or seen you there.
so probably you've been on another server. if so, i would be glad if you could delete your post or correct it.
Edit: I've just seen you were on a server called: "[360-R] Nascar Racing"
THIS SERVER HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LFSCAR. They are just a bunch of 12 year old children trying to abuse our good name and reputation.
however i think it should be a layer above. so leagues actually use their own marshals and rulesets. whenever a driver thinks, the decisions of the leagues marshal was wrong, he can call the LFSMC for help, which will be something like high court which can overrule the leagues marshal.
as an league admin. i think getting help in stewarding races is always a +1
as it is now, lfscar will
- review all incidents which led to a Caution-Phase and the actions under caution
- review all incidents which were brought in post-race by a driver via the Report-thread
ok guys, i know i've asked this 4 or 5 times by now. but i never got an answer to it:
How many cars are possible on Autocross AU1? is it still 16 like in the older patches or are there more now? i hope i can get an answer before the 14th of may, as we will have an event on that date. and i did not manage to motivate enough people to join a autocross server to find it out myself.
after thinking about this issue for some days now. i came to the conclusion, we will do a warm up event with a 50 laper on the oval and a sprint race on one of the speedway layouts on 14th of may and start the season on 28th of may with the kyoto -130 under patch X. if patch X won't be out by that time (i think it will as it is announced by then) we will start the season with the latest available test-patch.
Yesterday we had a discussion in ventrillo about open up LFSCAR for FXR. as it is quite popular at the moment on the W17 server.
my thoughts on that:
FXR will be 7/10 slower on the oval layouts, although if you are skilled you can stay in draft with the XRR and be the same speed. the problem with the speed difference shows in the qualifying. where all FXR would be at the end of the field. (this will effect 5 events).
on the speedway and sprint layouts i think the fxr is the better choice due to its better acceleration. however i think the difference is not that big. Also on the hairpin track and the 3.6 knockout i think the FXR is in the advantage (this will effect 4 events)
i am not sure about Aston. probably they are pretty equal there.
the rules would be like: the car has to be selected prior of the season. there is no change allowed during the season.
what do you think? bzw. i've changed the schedule a bit.
stcc system is already a part of LFS. everyone who wants to race there is free to do so. every league who wants to use the requirement of a e.g. silver license for inscription can do as well.
i don't see the point to have it on ALL servers. the stcc servers are mainly for circuit racing. a high license on circuit will tell you nothing about drag, oval, drift, banger, cruise skills. however it will tell you something about the racing behavior of that person and of course it will teach you general racing manners and rules.
i am not sure if all of you remember, there was a point system in lfs included which was deleted after patch S??? because it was pointless.
i even think, expanding the system to all servers will downgrade the quality of the license itself because you can just setup a server and exploit the system by doing your own races and pushing people. e.g. setup that server take your team on the road and race against each other. sooner or later you will find out how to get the most points in the least time and then the system will be pointless again.
the stcc system is a great thing like it is now. it adds a lot of competition and quality to lfs. why decrease the quality by increase the amount of servers?
The servers you should practice are either the FM Oval servers (Oval Junkies, Oval Starters. which are running with patch W17 (so you might not see them when you run an older version). One of the servers we have a lot of races with FXR on the oval. but if you master the BF1 on the oval with some good laptimes on the main server, i think you are ready enough (although gtr is more fun *g*)
the other way is to race on the STCC servers and earn at least a silver license. this is not related to oval racing although it teaches and improves racing sense in general.
P.S: J.B. something is wrong with your lfs-world account. you are listed as Demo Racer.
You don't need a microphone at all. (the less talk on voicechet the better). voice-chat is mainly for your information during the race about caution flags, wrecks and passing rules during a caution. and of course for pre-race information.
one method i think is kind of good to practice overtaking on oval reverse is using the AI.
they drive pretty egoistic but on a very good line (you will see that they can reach your times after about 30 to 40 laps on the oval with your setup). (just fill them up with fuel and let them race 50 laps race)
then you can practice overtaking blocking cars. they won't move out of the ideal line, so you can practice where to get draft and where the best spots to overtake are. you won't be able to practice the best spots where to give room though.
i think the most time lies in the exit of T1 (T3 on the normal oval). best spots to overtake with a drafting partner is probably T2. i also think the kink on the finish straight (some call it T4) is also different then on normal oval.
T3 (T1 on normal oval) is kind of wicked to overtake especially on the exit if you are the one who gives room. on the outside.
as the date for the X-version release is delayed to 18th of may i am a bit stuck now as all fm servers run with patch W17 and i don't have patch W installed at all. i thought X is going to be released like it was said before on 11th of may.
so what do you think.
we run the first event on:
1) Patch W (problem: server and i don't have the admin rights for race-controll on other servers)
2) Patch the FM servers are running on 14th of may (probably W18)
3) delay all events by two weeks so we can start the series with a complete patch (the advantage is also we can have more inscriptions and more time for training and testing the layouts prior of the season and also some time to feel into the new patch. so the date for the first event is actually the date of the second event in the schedule. we can have a test-event with some shorter test races on 14th of may. with several layouts just for fun on patch W17.
i can't delay Race 1 by one week because of some family business.
i think i will upload all the layouts for the season during this week. however i still have problems with the higherlane event. but thats event 9 so there might be a change with that track after testing it.
we did some practice for the first event today. looks like Oval Reverse is kind of a bitch with these cars. so practice the line first, then practice drafting. its pretty difficult.
i am not sure if this a bug or intended but i managed to get ai drivers on the autocross pad. they ref up but after the lights get green, they don't move and there is a msg: "Ai driver: no route" for every AI car.
i will now try to reproduce it and post a screenshot.
okay this is the way:
go to single player, select any track except autocross. Add some ai drivers. change track to autocross and start the race.