Some concessions need to be made for hardware limitations. Currently there's only 1 pieces hardware out there that can properly simulate a proper H-pattern gearbox and it's expensive, no sim support and doesn't look like anyone has really bought it. The software is basically "canned" to unlock the gates when clutch is depressed or if the revs from the sim are at a certain position. Not really realistic either.
This has been a discussion over on the iRacing forums and one of the devs has been pretty active about it as well as explaining that it _could_ be possible with the data that iRacing has, but hardware would need to advance first. And to make up for the lack of peoples hardware, the gearbox simulation has a further abstraction on top to deal with the simplified hardware that people have
Right now the closest to "simulating" a gearbox are some shifters that interface with the pedals (mechanically) and lock the gear gate until the clutch is depressed but that's not something a game is aware of either.
In theory, on PS3 Linux (in the JB mode that enabled full hardware), you could have (slowly) emulated LFS with something like BOCHS, but Sony removed PS3 Linux once it was jailbroken (and got sued for it) but never restored it.
The GPT-4 description isn't too wrong. It's basically an intentional delay where LFS does nothing to allow other processes to do something. Less of an issue on modern multicore systems as there's 2-32 "cores" (cores + hyperthreaded cores) available to carry out tasks.
Huh that gave me an interesting idea. Have people locally generate their own AI for a mod and then join an MP race and race their generated AI paths. It'd be interesting to see how "identical" they'd be or if there'd be differences.
I have it installed and I guess it works for AC (in the rare times I use AC). I use iRacing's native LFE as it is entirely derived from physics rather than telemetry like the ButtKicker one is.
HaptiConnect isn't something required to use ButtKicker, it's just a first party centralized app for sim integration => effects generated from telemetry => bass effects being output to the correct device.
LFS could implement its own bass effects and allow you to output it to a 2nd audio device (like iRacing does) and you still don't need HaptiConnect or SimHub to generate those effects.
No. Forever ago the training AI (which were slow) was replaced with a new AI system. We can see with the mods that it is able to quickly iterate an optimal race path in a short period (30-40 seconds)
Sorry yeah, it's 1 patch. But at this current point it seems like Scawen's more or less "done" with the day/night stuff and has transitioned his efforts to finishing the physics
The AI in the game aren't very intelligent and have little awareness of other cars. You'll have to drive considering that fact and take preventative measures from them hitting you.
Interestingly generations of the FBMW that we have does have autocut for upshifts. The one that LFS simulates just has a less technological gearbox in it.
The transmission is a sequential but doesn't have auto cut. You need to lift off the throttle to shift up. One thing you could do is basically hold the upshift paddle and then lift off the throttle to engage the next gear.
Downshifts should be easier as the gearbox will be under less load but you can't downshift too fast either.