To all:
This reminds me of a story I once read.
One of the characters started collecting rocks. He would pick up one rock at the end of each day. Each rock represented the day he collected it. He wanted something tangible to show for each day he was alive from the moment he started collecting. He felt like he was accomplishing something as his pile became bigger and bigger.
After some time he had thousands of rocks that stood for each day he had been alive. He looked at his pile of rocks. After staring for a moment he suddenly felt his feeling of accomplishment vanish from within him and a flood of anxiety engulfed him. There was nothing he could do with his pile of rocks. He realized he had no real accomplishments to show of, only a pile that represented how much time he had spent collecting rocks.
I don't care for collecting rocks. As I would expect, not many other people like collecting rocks. And don't care to see any of the rocks you have collected(not even some). If any of you want to collect rocks then by all means you can go do it without the help of LFS.
If programing rocks on LFS takes time from the devs to accomplish something else, then, IMO, its not worth the effort to make rocks for LFS.
So, on to my point. If you really want to collect rocks in LFS then create your own rocks. Write down a list and cross them off as you complete them. You could also create your own server with a rock collecting insim to keep track of your, and your friend's, rocks.
I'd say continuing to play LFS is an accomplishment in its self. You surpassed the learning curve to play. Most of the people that I have tried to get on to sim racing, that liked racing beforehand, could not, and would not strive to continue. Instead, they admitted they would rahter stick to their arcade racing games because they are easer, because LFS was too difficult.