Not sure why people delight in telling me im not a mod, I couldnt do the job of the mods, and have no want within me to be one.
However, I am a member of this community, like it or lump it, and I shall post wherever and whatever, you know, just like everyone else does?
I could very well keep my advice to myself, but you could keep your posts to yourself also. So, basically, you aint gonna change anything, why should I?
You can begin wherever the hell you want to ant. I asked a question because you posted something which without any background made no sense other than to be seen as a negative contribution to a thread for the sake of being negative.
Finally, you've got some great ideas all of your own Ant, dont be a sheep like so many others and follow blindly into the fire. You can take that as advice if you wish, but I dont feel within any better or higher place than yourself to be offering advice, im just offering a reply to your post