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S3 licensed
Another great one from this Duo!! Wow!
S3 licensed
Not sure I like the sound of that. Id rather have a set date, something to work to or around etc.. Anyway, rules, tracks etc?
S3 licensed
Any definative news on how this series will run? or have I gone blind?

S3 licensed
Interested too!
S3 licensed
Thanks for the replies. Ill just give up.
[Request] Tool for League Administrators
S3 licensed
Hello Programmers of the LFS World!

This is a request, (so shoot me).

Would It be possible for such a tool to be developed to do the following:
  • Detect when a yellow flag is thrown
  • Detect which car caused the flag
  • Detect the names of the drivers who receive the flag
  • Detect the speed of the cars following the yellow flag*
  • Produce an output in human readable formats
*Either those cars that receive the yellow flag, or of all cars in that sector of the track..

Basically, a tool that could give a league administrator some information about drivers slowing for yellow flags or not..

Im not a freeloader, im prepared to work on this myself, I really havent a clue with most things programming wise, and this seemed like the best thing to do for information first to see if this is possible?

If so, is there anyone willing to give it a go, and to possibly teach a noob too?

Thanks all. Seasons Greatings too.
S3 licensed
Quote from Serpentine :Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Franky - congrats on the 1 year anniversary.:superman:

:superman: Serp... now dont go overboard
S3 licensed
Quote from anbiddulph :im hosting an 11 slot server, will it be up-graded to a 16 slot?

If you are a customer of then it will be upgraded to a 16 slot server at the end of December.
S3 licensed
Are you trying to kill us all franky? with deals like those, it wont be long! Congratulations to Franky500 and 500Servers for completing a year of business. I have been proud to provide server support for 500servers for a few months now, and will continue to do so till im told im too lazy or not needed.
S3 licensed
lol.. thanks for making me giggle!
Announcing the CRC's 2006 Christmas Cracker Series
S3 licensed
Announcing the CRC's Christmas Cracker Series 2006.

To bring a Christmas Feel to the Clean Racers Club, id like to take this oppertunity to announce the 2006 Christmas Season Events!!

There are actual prizes this year.. So, get into the spirit of christmas..

For two weeks, from Monday 11th December till Friday 22nd December, the CRC will run two Complete Racing Series, and some other events too.

The Christmas Cracker is for all, your free to drop in or out of the series, as in you dont have to attend all events, but obviously, for the best chance of winning etc...

The Christmas Mini League 2 is a real event, run (usually) by gag, this UF1 series is normally popular, and I know it would be nice to have a full grid this christmas. That series runs on the two tuesdays and thursdays over the two weeks mentioned above.

For more information about the CRC Christmas Mini League 2, click here.
To enter the CRC Christmas Mini League 2, click here.
For Current Entries, click here.

Wrapped (with sparkily bows) around the Christmas Mini League 2, is the other events. Welcoming the return of the CRC MultiCup...Season Two.. (Season One was never really finished, but that doesnt seem to stop us), so, presenting..

The CRC MultiCup Season Two..

This time around this is a very quick-fire series, with almost no time for practice, this is basically turn-up-at-the-sever, few-laps-practice-and-into-the-racing!!

Over the last few days, there has been a thread called Strange Thread, in this thread, people were asked to submit off the top of their head, a selection of six cars, not including the FZ5, UF1 or XFR. (Although some cant count and others still include the XFR), we got back some sample data, and from that the cars of the CRC MultiCup Season Two were picked.

The Tracks for the races have been picked, but you wont know about them till the day of the race .

The races will be focused upon the FUN element of racing, and community spirit of HELPING each other. There will be TWO 20 Lap races on each track, with each car.

So thats TWO Race, Per CAR, Per SESSION.

Both Races include a pitstop. The first race, the grid is random, and the second race, the grid is reversed.

8:30PM the server will be private for Practice
9:00PM Race One will Start

Ten Minutes after the end or Race One, Race Two will Start.

Races in this series will be on:

Monday 11th December 2006
Wednesday 13th December 2006
Friday 15th December 2006

Saturday 16th December 2006*

Monday 18th December 2006
Wednesday 20th December 2006
Friday 22nd December 2006

*Saturday is a special day of Arcade based competitions, on the CRC Forums Website, which anyone who is registered can enter. These arcade games can give you bonus points towards your series total.

Please see the CRC Calendar for the full listing of Dates for the CRC's Christmas Events 2006.

The CRC tries to keep ALL events to under two hours in total, but will not be held responsible for events which overrun. Entries are at everyone's own personal risk, you choose to enter or not.

Series Prizes for 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place and runner up will be dispatched in Mid Jan 2007.


Race Clean and be kind to ALL others on the track
Have Fun

Post Questions here

How to Enter

For entry to the Christmas Cracker, the CRC needs some details from you, if you could Register on the CRC Forums, that would make things easier, but if you dont want to, thats why we need your email address, so we can send you the server passwords.

Enter the CRC Christmas Cracker here (Doesnt include Mini League Entry)
Enter the CRC Christmas Mini League 2 here (Doesnt include Cracker Entry)

Further Details to follow.
S3 licensed
Happy birthday to Scawen, but not forgetting these either:

David Wilson
zipper (cze)
Metal HeaDshot

And those who have chosen not to have their birthday shown.

Another Wierd responce to a thread from me, but then, im sure no less is expected by forum whores.
S3 licensed
Agree with Becky there mostly, Its a good league, but I believe there are better out there. Others just need to be given the chance to exist. Ive never entered the OWRL, but I know pleantly who have. Seems to be a good series to drop into and out of.. If thats what your after.
S3 licensed
Quote from OldBloke :If you're happy to have a limit of 8 connections then I would seriously suggest that you use Ventrilo instead of TeamSpeak.

It has superior sound and benefits from having DirectInput allowing the setting of the push-to-talk key (better than voice-activated) directly from your controller without having to use a profiler.

Not quite

Teamspeak 2 allows DirectInput and the setting of a ptt key, which is only better than voice-activation if the user wants it this way. Attatching that button to a key is really easy too now, as Jakg says.

If you want ease of use and something thats cheaper, choose TeamSpeak 2.
S3 licensed
No Official Channel, just like no official Servers... But there is if you create one, by hosting yourself on your local machine, or buy from a server company...
S3 licensed
What is your Favourite Combos?
Aston Club, XFR
South City, XFR | F08
Aston Club Rev, F08
KY Long Rev, F08
Blackwood GP, FOX

What combo's do you hate?
Big GTR's dont race them much. Aston, anything other than Aston Club I dislike, and HATE Aston North.

How many laps?
5 laps is perfect for quick-fire races
7-10 for more of a feature

Must pit? Y/N
Under 10 laps, no, over optional, dont mind

Lapper? Y/N
Yes, but no drifting scores or tables, RCM are cool tho*

Is Swaring aloud?
No, not at all.

*There are other Server mods out there, discover them like we have.
S3 licensed
Pit speed limiter.. in cars that have it.. could be useful, but I dont think thats what you mean.
S3 licensed
CRC Runs regular series of Banger Racing, and theres nothing on at the moment, so Im up for it.. Please let me wreck you!
S3 licensed
Guess its good that your eyes are not part of Redline then eh Pickard!

Two different team names.. Team Redline Racing and Team Redline.. Whats wrong with that, and who is perfect enough to be able to say it? No one here, thats for sure.
S3 licensed
er.. no, why is there music in a sim anyway? I do believe ive heard LFS music for about 30 seconds, the very first time i installed in and figured out how to turn it off.
S3 licensed
Quote from TypeRCivic :True but i'm not limiting my search, i just have no clue how to search for teams. i've applied at r4r but nothing so far

Im sure a reply will be on its way soon.

[O.T] Me Shleepy now.. [/O.T]
S3 licensed
Quote from TypeRCivic :I want to join a more advanced team, with members who have been a part of the team since the begging, and if theres something wrong with that then i dont know what to say.

Yes, id love to find a team thats been there since the begging too. I think if you search around and research a little you will find that most if not all teams have a serious element to them, wording such as "advanced team" tends to imply that others are not seen as seriously as any others, but we get the point you was aiming for. However, as the Z monster said earlier, dont limit yourself to the "advanced teams" as you may simply not be good enough for them at this time.
S3 licensed
They are coming, they really are, ive seen them in development, and I would take a guess at the end of November, early December.. But dont quote me.. Im just the support guy!
S3 licensed
[noobs] isnt a "half-baked" team.. its not a noob team, its CALLED [noobs] Have you tried the search function, I hear its like a wierd kinda function, see what you do is click it, yes with the mouse or pointer, and you type what you want, and guess what, if there are matches, it puts em up on the screen, right there, so you can see em..

Its amazing.
S3 licensed
Totally agree Gunn, but imo I guess the open source type development of such a system made as an addon might leave some things open to change, faster than something thats built into the dedi. However, a system that works server side would be very interesting...

Vcom has the right idea, and that is incredibly powerful, im still discovering things about it.